Sarah Leach ☮️ Profile picture
Journalist Alum: @HollandSentinel @MLive @CMU Co-founder of 3 kids Sapiophile Cat-obsessed Dad joke expert Nonsense rejector
Dec 4, 2023 51 tweets 5 min read
Good morning, Xamily! We are again in 14th Circuit Court for the continuation of the Adeline Hambley lawsuit. We are just getting set up in the press box and action will start momentarily. This is the latest:…
Jul 25, 2023 98 tweets 15 min read
Good evening, ladies and germs! I am covering the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners on this lovely summer night. Be sure to check back at @HollandSentinel tomorrow for a story on all the action that took place today. (@SentinelMitch is taking a well-deserved vacation!) @HollandSentinel @SentinelMitch @WOODTV Passes unanimously.
May 23, 2023 340 tweets >60 min read
We're live, fam, at the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting tonight. I'll be your tweetcast host as the eyes in the sky, as @HollandSentinel's @SentinelMitch is on scene for what is expected to be a long, exhaustive meeting. @HollandSentinel @SentinelMitch We are starting with public comment and there are 100+ signed up. I'll tweet #s as best I can and city of residence.
Apr 11, 2023 72 tweets 59 min read
We're back at the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting today. I'll be your live tweet host and @SentinelMitch will be writing up a summary of today's events. Here's hoping it's less than 4 hours this time! @SentinelMitch First up is public comment. I'll just be listing the municipalities where people live.