J.E. Dyer ☘️ Profile picture
Retired Naval officer deconstructing the shibboleths of modern left-progressivism. Standing athwart history yelling Bring it! POTUS 47's Irish Whisperer.
10 subscribers
Jul 3, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Now hear this.
A new episode of "Let's Catch Up and Get Inside the OODA Loop."
1. Yes, we know someone besides Biden is running his presidency. We've known that would be the case from the 2020 campaign season starting in 2019.
That's uninteresting. Old news.
2. We have a good place to start on who IS running the Biden presidency. Look at the slate of mega-donors to radical-Left politics (Democracy Alliance actually holds meetings, but there's a usual-suspects list), and at the "cabal" (TWNM) that rig-fortified...
May 15, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
On the arms shipment Biden is now advancing, there's the point by @razingarizona . 👇
There's also the nature of the arms to be shipped.
The effect of it is to boost (though not all that significantly) Israel’s ability to wage a ground fight. Everything in the list is...
1/x ...a munitions package for infantry ops.
The air-delivered bombs are still withheld. That’s what matters.
Israel doesn’t want to shift the fighting profile to more intensive ground ops with less air prep, interdiction, and air support. IDF on the ground is...
Feb 14, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Three pings on the new documentation of CIA soliciting 5 Eyes spying on Trump.
Putting this one first b/c it's the least discussed, but very important.
Ping 1. Intentionally or not, new info could function as a limited hangout to minimize blowback on actors OTHER than CIA.
Tweeted this last night. Remember, Brennan/CIA were evidently NOT the whole source & origin of Russiagate. We already know that. Don't be swayed by new info into thinking something different.
Feb 14, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Here's your coincidence.
9 March 2016 was the day the FBI went ballistic over discovery of the contractors' access to raw 702-query material at the Wash Field Office.
The discovery was by NSA. Lisa Page notified Peter Strzok about it in her famous text msg.
[Link next]
1/9 Wrote about it here.
Scroll to "March comes in like a lion" for developed timeline.
Wrote this in Jun 2018 but it wasn't the first time.
Oct 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread on US Navy movements into Eastern Med.
Prepared the two maps in 🧵 for another forum, but think they're well illustrative of points made in latest article.
Point up front: missile launch from Houthis shows precisely that we have failed...
…eoptimisticconservative.wordpress.com/2023/10/17/the… ...to DETER #Iran.
A few missiles are one thing. We can be complacent that intercept relatively close to #Israel works OK.
But what only US can provide is DETERRENCE, & major USN assets are now out of position to do that, apparently by design.
Sep 11, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Short 🧵 on #Iranian #Hezbollah airfield in S #Lebanon.
See IDF image graphic below showing latest progress. Construction advanced; appears complete or virtually complete.
Refer to this graphic for comparison with other imagery in thread.
1/8 They’ve been building this quickly.
This is what the area looked like a few months ago (date uncertain) in 2023 (captured from Google satellite imagery).
I’ve annotated the image with the changes observable between when it was captured and...
2/8 Image
Mar 22, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Date when Gal Luft told DOJ about this alleged mole is very interesting (28-28 Mar 2019).
That exact timeframe was when John Solomon was reporting on new info fm Ukrainian sources about Hunter & Burisma - at same time Giuliani was probing related issues (affecting 2016...
1/6 ...election) for Trump.
So DOJ knew about mole & China links at same time Hunter Ukraine links were coming out & Trump had investigator who was bound to uncover them.
Definitely adds context to Dems' utter determination to impeach Trump over Ukraine using...
Mar 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Oh bro.
"Following a meeting in Tehran on Saturday, [IAEA head Grossi] said during a joint press conference with Mohammed Eslami, the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, that 'I think any attack, any military attack on a nuclear...
jns.org/netanyahu-blas… ...facility is outlaw[ed]—is out of the normative structures that we all abide by.'”
Good reminder of why incessant references today to "rules based internatl order" are heard w/cynicism. Those invoking them just make them up as they go along.
Under UN Charter...
Feb 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
It's true that a president whose nation is under invasion would ordinarily be more diplomatic about the natl politics of by far his biggest donor.
One of the things that give the whole Ukraine situation a consistently "off" ring.
Central problem:
The Biden admin is Zelensky's chief excuse & touchstone on this point. The admin isn't listening to its own people, or making a convincing case - for *its specific actions*, as opposed to a case for supporting Ukraine.
Zelensky's not wrong on big strokes. This IS about...
Jul 24, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Ding ding ding ding DING.
"FBI uncovered...[info on] Chinese-made Huawei equipment atop cell towers near US military bases in the rural Midwest...capable of capturing and disrupting highly restricted Defense Department communications"
Now put Huawei eqp atop...
1/7 ...170-ft wind turbines, ready to function whenever a turbine group is idle.
That's the missing piece I've been looking for in CCP dedication to buying US land for wind farms. Tall structures, ready excuse for mode of operation.
REALLY rudimentary map presentations follow.
Jul 1, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
No disrespect to Herman, a justly admired analyst, but it's too limiting to see US maritime superiority in Middle East as being "about" keeping O&G shipping lanes open.
Almost everyone has same narrow & off-tgt view.
Keeping waterways open is of course important. And not...
1/10 ...just to Asian importers of O&G.
But there's a more fundamental reason to do it, & a reason only the world's premier maritime power will be motivated & able to do it.
Waters of MidEast are a belt of chokepoints & narrow bodies, which are easily dominated by surrounding...
Jun 29, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The Russian oligarch with the marijuana business is technically a Russian oligarch (Andrey Muraviev) who got American-born Boris Jordan, Exec Chair of Curaleaf, to make a donation on his (Muraviev's) behalf.
Jordan founded Renaissance Capital in mid-1990s - the co that... 1/8 ...paid Bill Clinton $500K for a speech in 2010 (when RenCap had ownership stake in Uranium One).
DOJ traced $230m in tax-fraud funds exposed by Sergey Magnitsky to RenCap account in UK.
RenCap & Ren Insurance, insurer of suspect vsl Arctic Sea (2009), also under same parent. 2/8
Jun 13, 2022 46 tweets 8 min read
An excellent summary of analysis about the origins of the “deep state,” done by sundance at CTH, can be found at this link.
On this topic the substance of CTH’s analysis & mine has largely overlapped. But my focus…
1/46 …has generally been broader, other than in my areas of expertise (intel, natsec org & policy, & military analysis). Those I tend to approach w/narrower focus & in depth.
CTH’s treatment prompted me to revisit a similarly conceived article I posted in 2019. It overviewed…
Jun 1, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
On shooting death of Al Jazeera journalist #ShireenAbuAkleh, in Jenin (W Bank) 11 May 2022, best analysis by far comes from @elderofziyon.
He used much of work done by Bellingcat open-source journo group, but discovered...
...they’d overlooked key on-scene video.
His analysis incorporates the overlooked video from that morning, which shows a Pal militant group was in vicinity of Abu Akleh at time of shooting, & closer than position of IDF convoy some 200 meters due south of her.
May 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Bit more to it than that, but US leadership is lacking. It's not something Milley can change.
Turkey closed the Black Sea to Bosphorus passage for warships at end of Feb.
As administrator of Montreux Convention, Turkey can do that.
1/4 It's uncharted territory in some ways. It's why US hasn't had an Aegis missile defense ship on station in Black Sea since Feb.
That means we have big holes in NATO missile defense vs Iranian & Russian IRBMs.
As for grain exports from Ukraine, Turkey's negotiating...
May 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The EU, not NATO, looks to beef up Moldova's defenses.
A lot to unpack, too much for a tweet, but this is not evidence of NATO unity or primary relevance.
An alliance that doesn't think it can deter an aggressor if alliance appears to be overtly involved in ...1/4 ...3rd party defense is on life support, whether that's acknowledged or not.
In early 1990s, massive breach of status quo in Balkans was result of net-positive intl security development: collapse of USSR & Warsaw Pact. It wasn't what NATO was created to invoke Art V over.
May 2, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
After Saturday's superb Lee Smith podcast (link in QT thread below), re-upping a few earlier articles, some with timeline analysis, on Durham revelations.
Purpose is to help clarify that, although Durham has to focus on what's relevant to an indictable case, that case...
1/9 ...isn't all we know.
Taken together, what we know tells us that Russiagate/Spygate was a comprehensive enterprise, of which Hillary & the dossier were a big hinge, but not the earliest moves.
Durham's speaking indictment & follow-on filings have illuminated that.
Apr 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Re the excellent Callin going in @LeeSmithDC podcast: Elias is a "huge fish" b/c he knows who's behind all of this.
It's not Hillary. It's bigger than Obama. It's not "The FBI."
Elias knows who it is.
callin.com/live/durham-on… @LeeSmithDC Elias wasn't running it. He knows who was.
Good point about FIFA case involving all same players: this looks like a shadow war that's been going on for at least a decade.
Given Elias' biggest source of election interference funding, there's at least one place we HAVE to look.
Apr 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Seriously: sitting admin has set up a "Disinfo Board" & placed a serial falsehood-monger in charge of it.
Admin gaslights us repeatedly about ppl's top concerns: inflation/economy & border security.
It endorses/reinforces blue state measures to cancel ppl over medical... 1/5 ...choices.
Admin exceeds exec authority to impose policy shifts w/out due process thru Congress.
It left Amcits & allies in Afghanistan, got ppl killed in botched pullout, & lied about it entire time.
POTUS obviously impaired. We don't know who's making decisions.
POTUS'... 2/5
Apr 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
We don't know exactly where she was hit, but last position on her from sat imagery 12 Apr 2022 put her a touch north of 50 FM curve S. of Odessa..
Tweet is here from @rinzyrinz_

1/4 Mapped out here (red star is CG-121 Moskva on 12 Apr):
Apr 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't think this is just generic warning either.
If I read Durham right, he's not just sounding an alarm about what COULD be done w/this data.
He's establishing that Alfa-gate group (a) did misuse one slice of IP/DNS data, as basis for (b) case we haven't seen all of yet...1/4 ...that same group, using GA Tech participation in DARPA proj, was engaged in something bigger.
DARPA proj solicited in Apr 2016 was awarded AFTER 2016 election. Hence timing of DARPA-related arrangements: Dec 2016 into 2017.
Possibly Sussmann visit to Agency-2 not so much...2/4