How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App first reasoning is simple. If Hindi is made as compulsory third language then students have to learn three languages of three different scripts and grammar. If they fail in Hindi, it is a huge burden on aspiring and emerging communities. 2/n he returned to India he was denied rental home for violating caste norms. He died at a young age they had denied him rightful sendoff and many boycotted the funeral too. After he was celebrated across the world, viola they owned him up 2/n claims that Hindi promotes multilingualism. It is other way out. As scholars like Alok Rai and linguists like G.N.Devy had shown it kills multilingualism in places where it dominates. Check this important piece by @Roshanjnu :… 2/n begins with article of @sugunadiwakar :… and goes on to quote by selective picking. How inviting women who re living alone, widows, sex workers for self respect movement is against women? It is an act that moves beyond patronising reformist politics 2/n The social justice as well as affirmative action had been attempted to be implemented across various diverse sections of society. It in many ways had ensured the mobilization through common identity possible. As well as it ensures religion isn't deciding factor 2/4