How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App are facing in #LdnOnt *all* of these things, not just as trickle-down or domino effects, but SIMULTANEOUSLY across multiple scenarios for people seeking shelter, temporary, transitional, or permanent household, across classes and other intersectional identities. I walk Downtown & the core — I do it a lot — I see vacant space all over. As a former business owner, born entrepreneur & community connector, I can’t stop scouting opportunities, and I see spaces owned by all manner of landlords. These are all steps from Market Tower. 2/n pushback is not about the info in the report -- it's unassailable -- but about the role of such committees, and I'm astonished again. I wonder if maybe I don't understand what community advisory committees are s'posed to be doing at all. 'Cause this is what I thought.... 2/n, obviously people on bikes are pretty much regular people even if they are BIKE RIDING PINKOS and, although they should get tax breaks for riding a bike some of the time (I mean it, they should), they don't. They pay taxes & pay for roads even if they only use a sliver. 2/n