PeaceFanfics⁷ Profile picture
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Chrissi Park Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
JK is the RA in JM's new dorm. JM is a good student and doesn't break the rules...but he's been roomed together with a roomate who is determined to break every rule.

Somehow whenever his roomate does something, it's always JM left holding the bag, looking like the guilty party.+ He can't get JK to believe him that he's not the one who is breaking the rules. He can't blame him for not believing him though, when all evidence points to the contrary.

It's nearly four months into their little battle when in a fit of anger, JK asks with JM backed against the+
Sep 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
A!JK is a movie star filming on location and staying in a hotel for the foreseeable future while working on his current project.

There he meets O!JM, who the hotel assigns as his personal concierge during his long stay, hoping to get on his good side and boost their own + reputation.

At first his requests are simple, food, drinks, and other amenities. However, when JK goes into pre-rut, he finds himself continually requesting little things, just to see the omega.

JM is being slowly driven insane by his movie star guest, who had started as an +
Sep 18, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Sent off from his homeland at a young age by his parents, prince A!JK disappears to a far off land that's nothing like the refined palace he's called home all his life.

He now has to learn something of martial ability and command. He travels to a kingdom known for creating + the best soldiers and commanders the world over.

He doesn't fit in with the other boys and girls, who clearly think of him as nothing more than a soft-handed spoiled noble.

His only consolation is his correspondence with his lifelong friend JM.

When he'd left, neither of them+
Aug 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
My notifs and DM's have been so flooded with messages that I can't respond to each one. I'm making this thread to answer the most commonly asked of them! I hope this answers all of you guy's questions.

1. My works will not be put back up as fanfiction again.

2. I truly do + appreciate your enthusiasm and love for my stories, but I will not send them to anyone at this time.

3. I will finish Sweet Kitten and The Bachelor Auction as originals as well as my other remaining ongoing stories.

4. Cutting The Braid is the next one I am preparing for+
Jun 20, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
O!JM is an environmental researcher studying the effects of climate change on the reefs. One of the largest in the world is just off the coast of the country of Bangtan, so that is where he goes to study.

He's got 1,000's of hours of scuba diving experience under his belt, but + when a catastrophic failure happens with his equipment, he's still over a hundred feet down and rapidly running out of breath, even as he tries to swim for the surface he knows he's going to run out.

Just as the thinks he's about to pass out, he feels hands grab him and a +
Jun 20, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
O!JM has been holding back feelings for A!NJ for years. NJ is a rapper/producer and JM is a singer/songwriter. They have worked together many times and are a legendary duo.

Little does he know that NJ shares those feelings. But when the Alphas rut is nearing he finds it more + and more difficult to be around the Omega that he wants. They both have performances together and he can't avoid him for long.

JM can barely keep his wolf under control with the immense pre rut pheromones that are pouring off NJ like a shimmering heatwave... And in a moment of +
Jun 19, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
YG never saw the risks of his chosen career as a boxer. So what if he gets hurt sometimes? So what if he ruins his knees and shoulders? So what? It's his body and he can do what he wants.

He dismisses his boyfriend HS's concerns about him, insisting that he's just being + overprotective and paranoid. YG has been boxing for half his life, he's completely fine and he doesn't need to be babied.

HS knows that his boyfriend is not as okay as he likes to pretend. He's seen the toll that boxing has taken on his lover's body, but YG just won't listen to+
Jun 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
To world famous model O!TH, his dog is like his child. YT is more than a pet, he's a member of his family.

He trusts no one more than his precious baby, who he takes with him everywhere. Everyone thinks his pup hates all Alphas, because every time one manages to approach TH + the dog growls at them.

Everyone knows that if YT doesn't like you, TH will never give you the time of day. It's frustrating to say the least, when the Omega himself is one of the most sought after Omegas in the world, and not even the richest, most powerful, or handsomest men +
Jun 11, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
JM and JK are both graffiti artists, and they become rivals after JK accidentally tags over one of JM's murals. They start this whole back and forth, dissing each other through their works and hating on each other, but don't know who the other person is IRL.

Cut to Jimin + meeting JK at a rave, and they hit it off immediately. They end up back at JK's place and it's dark and they have sex and it's the best sex either of them have ever had. They have the best chemistry, but when JM wakes up, he looks at the wall and sees it's a mural by none other +
Jun 10, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
In a world where magical creatures are a part of society, human/creature relationships have a certain stigma around them even if they aren't illegal anymore.

No one bats an eye at the common human/vampire combos or human/werewolf. Those were already fantasies before the world + became aware of the truth of their existence. Artist JK's boyfriend is something a bit more... unorthodox.

Every human who wants to have a relationship with a magical creature has to register with the National Magic Department for a license. (colloquially known as a +
Sep 10, 2020 124 tweets 48 min read

Quite A Willing Peach

A!JK is a famous rapper, O!JM is a porn star. When JK's phone is hacked, it's revealed to the world that JK subscribes and pays for JM's onlyfans subscription. Image Kookmin AU

Commissioned by @afrochingoo

-18+ ONLY

A HUGE thank you to my bestie @jungburbujas for helping me by making all the pics! You're my goddess.
Apr 28, 2020 121 tweets 39 min read

No King At All

When Alpha rapper JJK claps back at an interview from singer Jiwoo who says he refuses to perform oral sex on his Omega, the tweet goes viral. When he offers his services to Park Jimin, Jiwoo's new ex, things get a bit out of hand. Image This AU is based on the epic clapback the Smash Mouth did at DJ Khaled. Image