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Trying to throw my arms around the world. West Wing & Dog Lover. Kimchi & Collard Greens. She/Her/Hers.
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Mar 14, 2022 35 tweets 13 min read
Remember when "ADOPTIONS" was code for something else, MSM?

Maybe we should start figuring out what "WINDMILLS" really means. 🧵

cc @ninaandtito @SaysDana
@ThomasS4217 @MsMariaT @Stephaniefishm4 @LincolnsBible

nytimes.com/2017/07/10/wor… 1/Windmills play a starring role in George Orwell's Animal Farm.
Dec 9, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Thread/Bias: @RepRaskin's question, "Who is the attorney & who is the client covered by the attorney-client privilege here?" sliced through former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark's bias and finally 'woke' him up to the fact that Trump was never his client. The fed government was. 1/ During his deposition, Clark's attorney gave the @January6thCmte staff a 12-page letter objecting to almost every question on the grounds that Trump was entitled to confidential legal advice - what Clark's attorney called a "sacred trust." 2/
Jul 31, 2021 18 tweets 6 min read
ICYMI/Thread: Sezgin Baran Korkmaz, a Turkish businessman was arrested in Austria on June 19, 2021. This arrest followed the unsealment of a superseding indictment returned in April 28th by a federal grand jury.

cc @ninaandtito @SaysDana
justice.gov/opa/pr/turkish… Korkmaz laundered over $133 million in fraud proceeds through bank accounts that he controlled in Turkey and Luxembourg.

He's charged with one count of conspiring to commit money laundering, 10 counts of wire fraud, and one count of obstruction of an official proceeding.
Jul 25, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
"The women experienced memory loss during their time with Raymond and had no knowledge of the photographs, videos, or physical contact. Internet history recovered from Raymond’s devices revealed searches for unconscious women..."

justice.gov/opa/pr/former-… Raymond pleaded guilty to sexual abuse and admitted to the abusive sexual contact of numerous women, as well as photographing and recording dozens of nude and partially nude women without their consent during his career as a U.S. government employee.

He did this for 14 years.
Apr 7, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
1/In 2010, Gen. McChrystal was abruptly fired by Pres. Obama after Rolling Stone published an article that revealed disparaging comments made by McChrystal & his team about then-VP Biden and his stance on the counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan.

rollingstone.com/politics/polit… 2/According to the 2010 Rolling Stone article, McChrystal's then-Chief of Staff was a guy named Charlie Flynn.

Four years after firing his boss, Pres. Obama fired another close acquaintance of Charlie's: His older brother, Michael Flynn.

Feb 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This is not good news for former House sergeant-at-arms Irving. Either he lied under oath or his clock on his cellphone is an hour behind. Capitol PD have phone records that have the first call to him from Sund at 12:58 pm - not 2 pm, as was testified.

yahoo.com/news/acting-ca… Sund's phone records show he reached out to House sergeant-at-arms Irving at 12:58 pm. Sund then spoke to Senate sergeant-at-arms Stenger to make the same request at 1:05 pm. Sund repeated his request to Irving at 1:28 pm, 1:34 pm, 1:39 pm & 1:45 pm.
Jan 16, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Be still, my soul. A "financial Batman."

cc @ninaandtito @SaysDana
@Stephaniefishm4 @MsMariaT

"David Cohen, tapped to be deputy director to President-elect Biden’s choice of Bill Burns to run the CIA, used to enjoy being known as President Barack Obama’s 'financial Batman.'" As Ass't Sec of Treasury for Terrorism & Financial Intelligence from 2009 to 2015, Cohen REVELED in plunging DEEP into the subterranean passages of international money laundering, shining a harsh light on militant networks lurking there & discovering & emptying their war chests.
Jan 13, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
DUE PROCESS 101/Thread:

Due process is guaranteed under the Fifth & Fourteenth Amendment. If a citizen will be affected by a government decision, it must give advance notice of what the government plans to do & how its action may deprive them of life, liberty, or property. With that definition in mind, let's break down yesterday's @TheJusticeDept presser.

"The FBI has a long memory and a broad reach."

"Agents from our local field offices will be knocking at your door if we find out that you were part of the criminal activity at the Capitol."

Mar 31, 2020 21 tweets 6 min read
Tale of Two #COVID19 Cases

It started last Fri with my friend - who we will call Bert. He's an anesthesiologist in Virginia & had intubated a patient the previous Mon. Upon entering the hospital, patient had NOT been tested. So Bert was NOT allowed to wear an N95 mask. 2/The patient was ultimately given a test. 4 DAYS later, the results came back POSITIVE.

So now 4 DAYS LATER, Bert gets the call from his employer with this news. No need to get the test, they said. Wait to see if you have any symptoms, they said. And keep coming in to work.
Mar 25, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
PSA: This was published March 20th. Its mathematical modeling predicted 800 U.S. deaths by March 26th.

We hit that today - one day early.

finance.yahoo.com/news/hell-comi… "Do you see start to see the gravity of the situation?"
Mar 23, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Dear Dr. Anthony Fauci,

Thank you for this much needed interview with ScienceInsider that was both informative and provided a much needed laugh break.
sciencemag.org/news/2020/03/i… "EVER" would be the correct answer.
Mar 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
PSA: My mother-in-law passed away last night due to complications related to cancer. She was 77, in a hospice facility & we were prepared for her passing.

But not being able to hold a funeral & the challenges of crying while wearing a mask we were not prepared for.
#OurNewNormal This is the SURREAL discussion we had to have that led to the decision of not holding a funeral service:

1) If its 10 or less people, how do you select which ones?

2) Most of her friends who would insist on coming are 75+.

3) How do you enforce no hugging in times of mourning?
Mar 13, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
1/ WaPo: The coronavirus can be shed by people even BEFORE they develop symptoms. That pre-symptomatic transmission has helped it become a STEALTH contagion, spreading through communities before they know what hit them.

washingtonpost.com/health/coronav… 2/Some coronavirus can potentially remain viable — capable of infecting a person — for up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel.
Jan 30, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Dershowitz keeps arguing presidential impeachments will become the norm if Senate votes to remove.

NOPE. If Senate votes no, there will be NO future impeachments because POTUS will officially be able to do WHATEVER they want, REGARDLESS of political party.

Its called PRECEDENT. Hey @SenateGOP, Dershowitz's argument only works as long as a Democrat never wins the White House.

But what happens then? Are you going to be fine with President Biden asking China to help him get re- elected in 2024 because its in the best interest of the American people?
Dec 24, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
PSA on home DNA Kits: 3 years ago, 23andMe updated my DNA results & informed me that I was 25% Japanese w/a grandparent who'd been 100% Japanese. For a Korean-born individual, that has significant ramifications.

For those that don't know Korean history, look up Comfort Women. Then this year, 23andMe updated my results again. This time, I'm no longer 25% Japanese. Now I'm only 4% Japanese which is typical for most ethnic Koreans.

WTF? If we can't even trust their "results" we certainly shouldn't be trusting their commitment to not sell our data.
Dec 19, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Breaking: Goldman and the Justice Depart have largely agreed on a fine of just under $2 billion to settle allegations that the Wall Street firm ignored red flags while billions of dollars were looted from its client, 1MDB.
wsj.com/articles/goldm… The bank and U.S. officials have discussed a deal in which a Goldman subsidiary in Asia—not the parent company—would plead guilty to violating U.S. bribery laws, some of the people said.
Dec 17, 2019 10 tweets 5 min read
What would backtaxes be on $100 Billion?


"While accumulating this wealth, Ensign [the church's investment arm] has not directly funded any religious, educational or charitable activities in 22 years, the complaint said."

washingtonpost.com/investigations… Well, hello there, Ensign Peak Advisors. Fancy seeing you there in the #ParadisePapers.
Dec 4, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
In what one former official described as “heated meetings” with McKinsey consultants, agency staff members questioned whether saving pennies on food and medical care for detainees justified the potential human cost.
nytimes.com/2019/12/03/us/… The consulting team became so driven to save money that consultants sometimes ignored — and even complained to agency managers about — ICE workers who said that McKinsey’s cost-cutting proposals risked jeopardizing the health & safety of migrants.
Dec 4, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Riddle Me This/Thread:

The Republicans could invoke the 25th Amendment RIGHT NOW - requiring only the majority of the cabinet & the VP for removal.

Yet, they don't. Why? The Republicans could make a "President Pence" happen over night.

Yet, they don't. Why?

Nov 30, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
Ultimate expose on how two powerful secret keepers - aka highpowered attorneys - got honeytrapped into their own web of borderline extortion, attempts to sway an election & using their clients for their own gain.

cc @ninaandtito @SaysDana

nytimes.com/2019/11/30/bus… "Kessler’s tale was enough to hook the two lawyers, the famed litigator David Boies and his friend John Stanley Pottinger. If Kessler was authentic, his videos would arm them with immense leverage over some very important people."
Nov 23, 2019 19 tweets 4 min read
.@GOPLeader, remember this?

"The McCarthy conversation came shortly after both McCarthy & Ryan had been briefed by the Ukrainian prime minister, Volodymyr Groysman, about Russian attempts to undermine democratic institutions in eastern Europe..."

theguardian.com/us-news/2017/m… June 2016: The last time @HouseGOP members of Congress sounded like Americans/THREAD:

Rodgers: How are things going in Ukraine?

Ryan: Well, the Russians are bombing them 30-40 shells a day & the people. Crimea is gone.