Peter Corless 🌎☮ 💛🇺🇸🇮🇪🇺🇦🌻💉 Profile picture
Director of Technical Advocacy, @ScyllaDB. Agent of the Deep State. My politics are my own.
Nov 23, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Russia has taken over 4.8 million Ukrainians into Russia, including 714,000 children. Many were forced at gunpoint, tricked or coerced. Mass deportations are a crime against humanity. Forcible transfer of children is defined as genocide as per Rome Statute. Image This represents an increase of about one million people taken from Ukraine since the end September. Russia claims them as voluntary "refugees" but puts people through "filtration camps" which are renowned for torture, rape, disappeances and degredation.… Image
Apr 27, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
.@ICRC @Refugees @hrw @amnesty @TheICMP ~1 million now. All Ukrainians taken to Russia needs to be located & aided to leave.

Stop forced deportations!

Filtration = Detentions or death!

Stop coersion to accept Russian citizenship!

Rushed adoptions = Genocide!

*Please share!* "Well, millions were taken to the west. Russia is just help—"

Let me stop you right there. This is *not* the same as refugees being taken to western countries.

In Russia, UNHCR [@Refugees] have no access to *any* of them. @UNICEF can't access the children.
Apr 21, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
.@DHOUorg Community: my apologies. I am unable to start the Twitter space for this evening. We'll postpone our meeting til Saturday.

However I did prepare slides, and if people want to see them you can find them here:… #Ukraine's population displacement is now over 12 million: 5M refugees and 7.1M IDPs. [Though IDP data has not been updated by @UNmigration since 05 Apr.]

It would be nearly the equivalent of moving the population of New England to Canada and New York State.
Apr 19, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
While everyone was focusing on the aesthetics of the subject, for me I zoomed in one one particular aspect of the photo. The shoulder patch. There's a story behind it. 🧵 Image It's the unit patch of the Ukrainian Hospitallers Medical Battalion, part of the Ukrainian reserves. Unit was founded in 2014 by Yana Zinkevych [not pictured in this photo] due to the fighting in the Donbas. Also known as the "Hospitallers of the Dniepr."…
Apr 3, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
If there are Russian and Ukrainian speaking individuals who have access to @telegram and @vkontakte who can help further this investigation, I would like to swiftly follow up on what is happening to 400,000 - 500,000 Ukrainians removed to Russia. Where is Russia taking them? Other information I am seeking:

Jun 2, 2020 12 tweets 8 min read
@davidgura @AC360 Getting an Episcopalian Bishop outraged is rare. The Episcopal Church's history, its very culture, is of the Via Media — the middle way. This is akin to hearing your grandmother curse for the first time. @davidgura @AC360 Some background: The Episcopal Church specifically broke away from the Church of England (CoE) after the American Revolution. The Episcopal Church renounced King George and disallowed any secular head of state as its leader.
May 29, 2020 19 tweets 3 min read
Folks, by the time you wake up to read this, Trump will have discovered that overnight Twitter slapped a warning on another Tweet of his. I want to explain the Tweet to you The warning: "This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible."
Oct 10, 2019 10 tweets 13 min read
@ric_cole @Akil_N_Awan @aliciakearns @SOJTFOIR @NAM_London For those not familiar with the Iraqi coup or Allied counteroffensive:… @ric_cole @Akil_N_Awan @aliciakearns @SOJTFOIR @NAM_London At the time, Syria was Vichy & was supplying arms directly to this nascent Nazi ally. The Luftwaffe was deploying aircraft. It threatened to bring down the entire Middle East. Had this not been contained Egypt and Palestine could have fallen. The war could have been lost.
Apr 2, 2019 6 tweets 6 min read
@TruthBananas @PierceAH66 @notcapnamerica South Bend evictions 3x national average. City imposes fines on landlords, who then toss tenants, which actually benefits landlords (they then raise rents and gentrify neighborhoods).… @TruthBananas @PierceAH66 @notcapnamerica In another example, a landlord provided no heat. Tenants contacted city. City, through Child Protective Services, demanded the *family move.* Buttigieg pledged to make things more fair to tenants only this year -- just prior to announcing candidacy.…
Feb 23, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
@brianefallon If you are a kid in America reading this: watch out for so-called adults trying to use fear & misinformation to drive their pet agendas. YES. Climate change is real. NO. You won't all be dead in 10 years. The axe grinding by the adults and way they exploit the kids is shameful. @brianefallon 1. Read Dianne's draft resolution.
2. Resolutions are non-binding and unfunded. Just a "Sense of the Senate." An axiom for policy, upon which future legislation can be laid.
3. Far more thought has to go in on getting any effective legislation passed.…
Sep 21, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
We are rapidly heading towards a modern American version of the Counter-Reformation, with cuius regio eius religio. If your state governor is evangelical, they are making a theocratic state. Otherwise a liberal governor a secular state. I cannot emphasize how dangerous this is. We are not as far off from "official state religions" as you would think. While the 1st Amendment's establishment clause might preclude a national religion, zealots are and will increasingly press for municipal, county and state recognition of Christianity as supreme.