Creator of 1.4MM Member Grass Roots Political Action Group & Host of Political Talk Radio Show Speak Out America Now with Peter J. Dawson.
Apr 18, 2021 • 7 tweets • 7 min read
@FoxNews@CNN@ChrisCuomo Let m e help @ChrisCuomo w facts:
2019 - 10 unarmed Blacks killed by Police(6 while assaulting Officer) & 19 whites
-89.5% of Blacks murdered by Blacks
-Black males represent 6% of population & commit 44% of US murders.
- Blacks 13% of pop but commit 50% of all violent crimes
1/4@FoxNews@CNN@ChrisCuomo - 1,627 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty past 10 years
- One death every 54 hours or 163 per year
- 135 law enforcement officers killed in 2019.
- Police 18½x more likely to be killed by black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by Police
IMO We eventually learn #COVID19 & Mortality rates were significantly overstated for political & economic reason.
- Per CDC only 6% of deaths solely due to Covid
- 94% had comorbidities which may have been a primary cause of death
- 1000's added that never tested positive