Connection Doctor, Empathy Guru Profile picture
Chuck Pezeshki, Distinguished Prof. - helping all of us develop and evolve. We won't make it without the wisdom of an aware crowd. Conquistador of the Useless.
Jul 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Out here in our own little Twitter bubble, I think we forget that there's a profound lack of complexity in the thinking of most of the folks not here with us. Case in point -- a comment on my Peace in Ukraine op-ed in our local paper..

Here's the piece.… Image For those interested in memetics, note the poor translational paradigmatic mapping going on. FWIW, I thought of you, @MattPirkowski !

And this was the smarter comment... (2)
May 4, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
More than that -- it tells something about our current state, and its direction from a v-Meme perspective.

Let me explain. (1) One of the most profound things Don Beck, one of the pioneers in Spiral Dynamics said, was that the best leaders are always one v-Meme click up from the society they function in. (2)
Apr 17, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
One of the most pathologically interesting things about people discussing educational change is that they're always discussing topics to change - not the creation of people to execute that change.

It's the rocket/rocket factory complexity problem the Man of the Hour talks about. For those unfamiliar, Musk, in his various interviews (looked for one but couldn't find it) discusses not just the challenge of building a single rocket -- but designing a factory to build rockets. Trans-paradigmatically, this is the crux of educational change. @chrismanfrank
Dec 28, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
One thing I've repeated over and over about the 'experts' on Twitter that have given this disastrous COVID policy is that 'they' didn't think of these things (like bad outcomes) because they simply didn't think of these things. (1) And they DON'T think of these things (or are reinforced in how they think) unless outside forces become so powerful that they can't ignore them. They're simply thoughts that aren't in their box. (2)
Aug 13, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Lots of my Awesome Twitter Pals are reeling at the AAP slides. They are beyond awful.

But hope is a thing with feathers. Here's a quick example. (1)
@bergerbell @angrybklynmom @vlal42 When I wrote this piece about how we got so polarized, I was alternately stunned at how I had figured out really a pretty big secret of the noosphere -- connectivity had led to polarity, and geography didn't matter. (2)…
Jun 5, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
A trip down Memory Lane -- when my sons were in the International Volkschule in the Seventh District, Vienna.

I attended with my younger son, Conor for five weeks, as a classroom helper. They welcomed me. @angrybklynmom @vlal42 @karenvaites @bergerbell Image The Austrians are serious about public school, and school equality. Everyone must go to school. Religion is also taught in school. But it MUST be certified and a high quality program. Conor signed up for Catholicism.

Nigerian, Austrian and Bosnian children (IIRC!) Image
Jan 31, 2020 34 tweets 6 min read
A thread for all new professors, struggling to generate material to fill those 50 minute lecture slots. #AcademicChatter

Who I am? A university prof, teaching (w grad school) for 36 years, and a pioneer in problem-based learning in engineering education. (1) When I started teaching, I assumed that I was supposed to fill the hour between the bells with material, which students, of course, were supposed to understand, and then work problems.

I quickly found out they didn't understand. (2)
Nov 28, 2019 31 tweets 7 min read
Education through the ages -- a thread

I've been an educator now for over 36 years, mostly at the college level (1) Most of my formal education experience has been in mathematical and engineering physics, and design.

I have also spent a LOT of time doing outdoor education, and have learned many cross-genre educational techniques -- namely the value of experience and understanding emotion. (2)