@PiaGlenn Profile picture
singer/actor/dancer/writer Broadway, Off-Broadway, Nat'l Tours, TV Advocate/Ambassador: @SafePlace4Youth IG: @Pia_Glenn Be love!
Oct 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Really interesting (in a good way!) listening to the @LAnotsopod ep on Seasonal Affective Disorder. I've suffered profoundly from it since long before learning of it's name and cringey acronym, and their far different POV, plus research, was great listen.stitcher.com/yvap/?af_dp=st… I'm biased because I already heart them hard, but I also especially appreciate the addendum Dr. Scott added around 24 mins in. I think it exemplifies the balance of the Drs being psych professionals and also best buds, and managing the corresponding shifts on tone well 💞
Oct 13, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
nah I've stuck with the Great British Baking Show through many trials and tribulations, but "Mexican Week" might be the end of the road for me Matt and Noel, the terrible hosts of The Great British bakin We've already talked about the show going downhill at the speed of light, and then they did that atrocious thing of folding public outcry at the steadily declining quality into their brand. "The hosts you love to hate are back..." etc.

Which is hideous
Oct 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
social media means that $80 million and a year's worth of work by a legion of talented artists can be decimated with 5 words and a 40 second clip and this might be the one occasion where it's fully deserved For anyone who needs it spelled out,David O.Russell,abuser who (among MANY other things) unashamedly declared on record that he did all the groping his trans neice said he'd done to her but didn't regard it as a big deal,has been lauded as an artist for far too long& he can choke
Jul 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Amidst all the Funny Girl drama and the ugliness, it's pretty cool that understudy Julie Benko is getting so much positive attention and support, and I want her put into protective custody as soon as Lea Michele enters the building My first job on Broadway was understudy to the lead. I was maid of honor in her wedding

You don't have to live the trope, you can be human
Jul 11, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
the new yeezys look like a Great British Baking Show challenge gone terribly wrong, like lemon tarts that were meant to look like sneakers suddenly collapsed in the middle and they just brought this to the judging table and cried "Well I'm going home anyway, might as well do a fun spiky design with the saffron ganache and pipe on some laces"
Jul 30, 2021 34 tweets 13 min read
Yes @nbcsnl @nbc is on hiatus, but doesn't Michael Che have an @HBO deal too? It'd be a great time to act on all the big talk of listening to Black women, and drop that talent-free wastrel who constantly maligns us. We have receipts for years but this latest stunt is inexcusable. Michael Che is not even one of those comics who make a business of joking about the unjoke-able. He is simply bereft of talent. Lots of people who are devoid of skill have successful careers, but he's crossed too many lines at this point and there's no excuse. He was a mistake.
Jul 29, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
The ScarJo fracas puts me in the mind of the phrase "unsympathetic victim." Hate it had to be her, but she and her team absolutely have a case. The streamers are making money hand over fist and the type of release for a film is definitely a contractual stipulation I'm not calling her, specifically, a "victim" here. And I would love to see all wealth redistributed! But "how much money does she need" does not address the fact that the industry has changed and people have a right to make sure they're compensated as contractually agreed upon
Jul 28, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The gall to bring up Kerri Strug's Olympics performance on her badly injured ankle and saying THAT'S strength but Simone is weak. Kerri's coach had 2 episodes of SVU based on him, and as a visual aid, here she is "winning" right into the hands of one of history's worst pedophiles ...and Simone is a survivor too, of course.

Yes Kerri IS strong. And a champion. And...she deserved better. When we know better, we can do better, treat people better, and give ppl the tools and the space to treat themselves better. Yes, athletes too
Jul 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't glorify jobs in the public eye, because (nearly) everyone reports to someone, and the context is different but there are often parallels with non-entertainment/sports jobs

But what we won't do when discussing Simone Biles is say "well if EYE didn't finish my job..."

NO I'm the queen of analogies and I can't think of anything that compares to (what I know of) Simone Biles' experiences and tribulations. Either uplift her humanity or shut up. Ain't no parallels here except the bars she's stepping away from
Oct 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
hi can someone please direct me to the space where ppl are discussing The Social Dilemma through the lens of already having applied basic critical thinking to things we (many of us?) already knew? I apologize for sounding like an asshole but yo we're experiencing this differently I promise you my propensity toward intellectual snobbery is something that I've been working to eradicate for years; and I'm aware it was implanted by certain family members and teachers at a very young age...and then cemented by certain adult experiences.

I hate it & I fight it
Dec 19, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
I don't usually read movie reviews until after I've seen the movie, if at all. But there's something so delicious about reading an artfully written piece by a skilled reviewer who truly hated the movie Oh Mother Mary they showed up and showed OUT for Cats last night. What brilliant turns of phrase! Here, in no particular order, are some of my faves:

-CATS is the worst thing to happen to cats since dogs

-Rebel Wilson's repeated 'fat jokes' [??? 🤮]

-Musical feline death cult
Jan 10, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
The Lady Gaga apology is disappointing. I like the action of removing the song from streaming, and I'm in her corner as far as the Oscar race, but if she was going to wait that long to make a public statement, it could've been so much stronger And when I say "wait this long," I'm not referring to the past two weeks-ish. I'm talking years. There are plenty of rope-a-dopes who can claim ignorance of R's allegations until very recently and I'd believe them. She is not one.
Jan 3, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm terrible at honoring myself. Just plain awful lol. The work it takes to undo my upbringing and early experiences is tough, but I'm making bigger strides 🙏

And more aware than ever of how often I hear my mother's admonishing voice in my head saying "self praise is no praise" Like, I've done some pretty dope stuff in my life. I'm good with who I am as a person and also working toward greater growth. I've been very hung up on the fact that my biggest career highs happened before I joined social media & I carry a weird shame when I mention them #onhere
Dec 16, 2018 20 tweets 4 min read
And now, a few words on this Cardi & Offset sitch while I sit in the sun and body this fro-yo, because making the difficult decision to prioritize your joy over becoming collateral damage of a man's emotionally dysfunctional pageantry miiiiiiiight be slightly related to me moving We're in a really precarious time in history. Toxic masculinity is being called to the carpet and anyone with sense wants cishet men to engage with their emotions more, lean into sensitivity, see how they're societally programmed; to do all the things they need to do to combat it