John Oldman Profile picture
Tweets on Indian History: Archeology, Coins, Events, Literature, Inscriptions, Personalities, Sculptures... And a bit on Cricket & Current Affairs
প্রদীপ্ত মৈত্র (Pradipto Moitra) Profile picture Kawaljeet Sandha S Profile picture Thakur Doron Profile picture SUSHIL.SHARMA Profile picture Anant Saraogi Profile picture 5 subscribed
Apr 14 24 tweets 7 min read
Causes of the Decline of Mauryan Empire

The thread would look at the causes, which led to the decline & ultimately the end of Mauryan rule in India.

It would explain 5 reasons which all came together in the 2nd century BCE, ending the greatest empire, which India ever had.

🧵 Image The Mauryan empire (322-185 BCE) is the largest empire of India.

It not only unified India politically, but provided greatest impetus for trade, art & interactions with foreign nations.

At its height in 232 BCE, it's area was 5 million sq kms...150 times more than modern India. Image
Jun 4, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Daily Routine of Krishnadeva Raya

The thread would detail the daily routine of Emperor Krishnadeva Raya.

The account has been taken from the work 'Chronica dos reis de Bisnaga' (Chronicles of King of Vijaynagar), written by Domingo Paes.

#Thread 🧵 Image Domingo Paes was a Portuguese traveller, who visited Vijaynagara in c. 1520 and has left a detailed and vivid description of Vijaynagara and the emperor.

His account is one of the very few descriptions of Vijaynagara by a foreign traveller. Image
Mar 11, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Ravana lifting Kailasha: A Commentary

The thread would detail a rock cut sculpture of Ravana trying to lift the Kailasha mountain at Ellora caves, Maharashtra

#Thread 🧵 The story is taken from Ramayana, where Ravana, because of his victories against Gods and humans becomes so arrogant that he now wants to lift up the Kailasha, which is an abode of his benefactor God, Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
Dec 18, 2022 22 tweets 7 min read
Ancient Indian Dishes

The thread would list some of the ancient Indian dishes and their method of preparation.

The preparations would consist of both veg and non-veg dishes, which includes soups, main courses, curds, sweets, cakes, etc.

#Thread 🧵 1. Chiva or Prathuka

Chivda is an ancient preparation, dating back to the vedic age.

It is prepared by moisturizing rice grains with water, slightly parching them, and flattening them with strokes of pestle.

Chivda is still eaten.
Dec 11, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Traitors of India

The thread would list few of the greatest traitors of India, whose acts allowed foreign rule of the country, for which they were rewarded by the invaders.

🧵 1. Sanggaios or Sanjaya (c. 327 BCE)

Sanggaios was a chieftain under 'Astes' or 'Hastin' during Alexander's invasion.

He betrayed his master and joined the Greeks, who captured the city.

Sanggaios was later given administration of the fallen city by Alexander.
Dec 4, 2022 18 tweets 7 min read
Unknown facts about Gupta Empire

The thread would detail many of the unknown facts about Gupta empire, which ruled whole of the subcontinent, directly or indirectly, including it's political, cultural, facets.

🧵 1. Gupta Calender

Gupta calender, which started in 319 AD, was officially started by Chandragupta Vikramaditya (375/380-414 AD).

His Mathura pillar inscription of 380, denotes the date of "year 61", corresponding to 319 AD, in which we first come across the Gupta calender.
Nov 27, 2022 12 tweets 10 min read
Contemporary Great Kings of India and the West

The thread would detail contemporary kings of the West, who were living during the kingships of various great Indian kings.

🧵 1. Bimbisara

Bimbisara was the first great king of Magadha, who ruled between c. 542-491 BCE.

His contemporary in the West was Cyrus the Great, Great king of Persia, his son Cambyses, & Darius-I.

Cyrus ruled between c. 550-529 BCE, Cambyses (529-522 BCE), Darius (522-486 BCE).
Sep 25, 2022 26 tweets 7 min read
Unknown facts, questions and their probable answers on the Iron Pillar at Mehrauli

The thread would detail some unknown questions & their possible answers based on the inscription on the Iron Pillar.

🧵Thread The thread would not touch the question on who the "King Chandra" mentioned in the inscription is, because it has been proved quiet conclusively that the king mentioned in the inscription is none other than Chandragupta Vikramaditya (375/380-414 AD)
Sep 11, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
Ancient Indian Dramatists and Playwrights

The following thread would detail the names and works of ancient Indian playwrights, whose works have enriched our literature, and made their names immortal in our culture.

🧵 Image 1. Bhasa ( 1st century BCE)

One of the most celebrated Sanskrit playwrights, Bhāsa has written at least 13 plays.

His plays were lost untill rediscovered in 1913.

Famous works: Uru-bhangam, Karna-bhara, Dootaghatotkacha, Svapnavasavadattam, etc Image
Aug 21, 2022 19 tweets 7 min read
Ancient Republics and Kingdoms of India

The following is an account of republics and kingdoms of ancient India, from 6th century BCE to 4th century AD.

Big empires like Guptas and Mauryas, etc are excluded from this thread.

🧵 1. Malavas (4th century BCE- 4th century AD)

Malavas were an ancient Indian tribe, mentioned in MbH & Mahabhashya.

Greeks called them 'Malloi', who were ruling near Multan.

After Alexander's invasion, they settled in Rajasthan, and were finally absorbed by Samudra Gupta.
Apr 5, 2022 26 tweets 9 min read
Great Empires of India

1. Mauryan Empire

Comprised an area from borders of Iran in the west to Bengal, and from Kashmir to southern Karnataka, incldg Balochistan and Sindh.

An area of 5 million sq kms, 150℅ greater than borders of modern India. Capital at Pātaliputrā. Image 2. Kushan Empire

Their empire in India stretched from southern Afghanistan to Benaras and beyond.

An area of 2.5-3 million sq kms were under the suzerainty of Kanishka and his successors.

Capitals at Purushpura ( Peshawar) and Mathura. Image
Mar 10, 2022 37 tweets 11 min read
Chapter 8: Indian Maritime Activities During the time of Chalukyas and Cholas

The chapter will describe the maritime relations of India towards the east, and additionally would detail few more aspects of this intercourse with China. Image The period succeeding that of Guptas and Harsha was also characterized by remarkable maritime activities, bringing about further expansion of Indian civilization.

Along with maritime relations with China, relations with Japan, and Korea were also established. Image
Jan 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Pliny ( 1st century AD) calculates that the Roman Empire paid 'hundred million sesterces' every year to buy perfume, ornaments, spices, etc from India.

That equates to 2 billion dollars in today's currency ! Thanks to @Shipreeta who has calculated that Indians received an amount of 729.6 trillion dollars in modern currency, between 20 BCE to 450 AD, roughly 400 years of trade value between Indians and Romans.
Jan 12, 2022 19 tweets 7 min read
Chapter 2: Direct Evidences from Indian Sculpture, Paintings and Coins

The chapter would detail on the evidences of ancient Indian shipping from monuments, paintings and coins. Image द्विषो॑ नो विश्वतोमु॒खाति॑ ना॒वेव॑ पारय।
स न॒: सिन्धु॑मिव ना॒वयाति॑ पर्षा स्व॒स्तये॑ ||

"Do Thou Whose countenance is turned to all sides, send off our
adversaries, as if in a ship to the opposite shore ; & convey us in a ship across the sea for our welfare."

-- RV, I, 97,7,8 Image
Jan 9, 2022 23 tweets 7 min read
Chapter 1: Maritime Activity in Indian Literature

The ancient shipbuilders had a good knowledge of the material and the varities which went into the making of ships.

'Vriksha Ayurveda' or the science of plant life lists four different kinds of wood: Image 1) Brahmin class of wood, which is light & soft & can be easily joined to any other kind of wood;

2) Kshatriya class is light & hard, & can be joined to other classes of wood;

3) Vaisya kind is soft and heavy; and

4) Sudra class, which is hard and heavy Image
Jan 5, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
The first thread of the year will be on Ancient Indian Maritime trade.

The thread would be of several chapters and would detail ancient India's maritime trade and development from Indus valley till the 7th century AD. Image Prologue

The features of India, indeed is full of contrasts in physical features and climates, but the features that divides and isolates the country are too clear to overlook. Image
Nov 30, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
The Legend of Prithvivallabh

'Prithvivallabh' is a Gujarati historical novel by K.M.Munshi, published in 1921.

The novel describes the rivalry between King Munja and Tailap & the love-affair between Munja and princess Mrinalvati. Historically, the main character of the novel is King Munja ( 972-994 AD), who was the king of Paramara dynasty ruling parts of Central and Western India.

Munja was from a long line of kings, which was made famous by his illustrious nephew, King Bhoja ( 1010-1055 AD).
Nov 25, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Indian Scholars to China

We have all heard about Fa-Hien and Xuanzang, who came to india and wrote memorable accounts of their expeditions.

However, very few people know that between 100 AD to 11th century AD, there was an influx of Indian scholars who visited China. Image The names of these scholars are as under:

1st Century AD

1) Kāsyapa Mātanga & Dharmaratna

From 100 - 500 AD

1) Samghavarman;
2) Dharmakala;
3) Kālaruchi;
4) Dharmapala;
5) Vighna;
6) Mahābala;
7) Lokaraksha Image
Nov 15, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
Indian Ascetics as observed by the Greeks in 4th century BCE

India, in the fourth century BC, and indeed , since the rise of Jainism and Buddhism in the fifth century BCE had been noted for the multiplicity of its schools and sects of ascetics. Their forerunners were the wandering ascetics of the Vedic days , the ' Charakas', and, later, the 'Parivrajakas', followed by pre-Buddhistic sects like 'Ajvikās' ( who went about naked), the 'Nirgranthas' ( of scanty clothing) , the 'Jatilakas', and the like.
Nov 7, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
The House of the Golden Deer

One of the most popular things for a traveler is to explore the narrow gullys, and pathways.

The houses adjoining these gullys, nooks have some incredible stories attached to it.

One of the story concerns a Golden Deer! Image The story is of around 1770's Varanasi, when the East India Company was fighting to ensure their hegemony in the Indo-Gangatic plains.

They were up against Raja Chait Singh of Benaras ( Died 1810). Image
Oct 9, 2021 97 tweets 30 min read
Rise of Magadha

The thread would detail on the 'Rise of Magadha' as an Imperial Power from 6th century BCE to 1st century BCE.

The thread would include the political, cultural advancement of India under the hegemony of Magadha, which made India a superpower in ancient times. Image Magadha, in ancient times corrosponded to region of present day Patna, Nālandā, Jehanabad, Aurangabad, Navada in present day Bihar. Image