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"Watson is a brilliant polemicist." The Spectator.....”Popular cutting edge political commentator.” The Jewish Voice
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Aug 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Describing the colour of his clothes and not his ethnicity will really help. The BBC article doesn't even contain an image of the suspect, despite his identity being tweeted by the police hours ago.…
Jun 27, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I’ve found it, the worst place on earth.

Bicester Village. The vulgarity of every demographic in one place.
Oct 29, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Know someone who is doing online training before starting a job with a major UK retailer.

A central part of it was a struggle session about how climate change is 'destroying the planet'.

Has literally nothing do to with the job.

The social engineering is relentless. Non-stop. the fact they have to clumsily insert this shite into basic job training is yet more proof of their desperation to shove it down everyone's throat - it's pure brainwashing.
Oct 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Novara (left-wing) got deleted & restored on YouTube within 2 hours.

Meanwhile, a deluge of "conservatives" rushed to their defense.

Novara Media repeatedly campaigned for deplatforming conservatives.

If you got banned, they'd laugh & celebrate. Why are you defending them? Beyond celebrate, they actively lobby for your deplatforming, yet as soon as they get in a spot of bother, you genuflect & cuck like little bitches. This is why you're losers.
Aug 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The editor-in-chief of Germany’s top newspaper Bild has apologized for the news outlet’s fear-driven coverage of COVID, specifically to children who were told “that they were going to murder their grandma.”… “To the millions of children in this country for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares to tell you. We ask you to forgive us,” he said.
Sep 9, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The same people attacking Trump for wanting to "downplay" the virus in February were literally all downplaying the virus in February.

De Blasio, Pelosi, media. All of them.

They encouraged Americans to attend Chinese new year parties so as not to be seen as racist.

Incredible. De Blasio told people to get out and go to the theatre as late as March.
Jun 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Right-wing YouTuber suddenly "returns" claiming to be a 'nuanced centrist' having disappeared at the exact point where everyone else was fucked over & banned for the last 18 months.

Having thrown them under a bus by funding the very people responsible for all that.

INAUTHENTIC Also, why are you deleting response threads on your YouTube video @Lauren_Southern ?
Jun 17, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The statue of Winston Churchill is still concealed within a grey box, because Boris Johnson is still a fucking pussy who literally has no testicles and caves like a little bitch to the mob.

Fuck off.

Liberate Winston right now, you fucking coward. My grandad did not fight and die in World War 2 for you to be a pussy, you total, inept, weak twat.
Apr 26, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Piers, you’re a little bitch.

Your entire career is based around pretending to be annoyed by anything, including vegan fucking sausage rolls.

The fact that you’re now our de facto Prime Minister is cringe and actually dangerous.

You’re a fucking fraud. Shut up. I know that you don’t actually care about anything and are just pretending to be controversial because you’re a fame whore. You need to retire. I see right through you, you inauthentic cunt.
Feb 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The Conservative Party caved to BuzzFeed (yes, really) and forced an MP into a humiliating apology.

His crime? Attending a conference with the Prime Minister of Hungary and the next leader of Italy.

Pathetic, supine, servile, spineless losers.… If you can get bullied into a grovelling apology by BuzzFeed over literally NOTHING, how are you going to strike trade deals with the world or fend off ANY attacks from the left?

They throw their own MPs under a bus for merely talking to other political leaders.

Jan 16, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Some people call Meghan Markle an over-privileged, whiny diva.

Feminists: Institutionalized misogyny and racism!

Yet another case in the UK of dozens of white girls aged 11-17 being sexually abused, trafficked & intimidated by Pakistani men is revealed.

Feminists: The girls suffered "the most profound abuse and exploitation," according to the report.

Police ignored the desperate pleas of the victims due to fears over political correctness.

Dec 29, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Here it is. I simplified it.

Vote for the most based person of 2019.

Click the link to vote and see the current results.

Poll will close in 48 hours.… BTW, the order of names listed rotates for every person, so there is no bias there.
Oct 4, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
AOC supporter says we need to "eat babies" to solve climate change.

AOC nods her head in agreement, refuses to disavow this unhinged insanity.

@AOC - your hysterical nonsense about eco-armageddon in 12 years is creating a generation of lunatics. @AOC "I think your next campaign slogan should be this - 'we've got to start eating babies'," she said.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's gonna struggle to compete with 'Make America Great Again'.
Jun 18, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
What actually happened;

– The emails were sent to Infowars by a third party
– The FBI’s investigation is treating Jones as the victim
– The mass media ran a giant hoax claiming Jones sent the emails to Sandy Hook parents.… – The emails ended up in a spam folder and were never opened by Infowars staff
– The emails sent to Infowars were “very hostile” and contained threats against Jones
– The entire farce was likely a set-up to frame Jones

Jones is gonna be busy suing a lot of media outlets for this
Nov 1, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
BIG: Google is being accused of engaging in election meddling by burying Candace Owens’ Blexit website in its algorithm despite the website ranking number 1 on every other major search engine. #Blexit #BlexitMovement… An unaffiliated website even had to apologize because Candace Owens' supporters were mistakenly donating to it. Here are the screenshots showing how Google buried the official Blexit website despite other search engines ranking it number 1.
Oct 8, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
An American visitor who stayed at a hotel in Toronto where hundreds of “refugees” are being housed claims that animal services had to be called because migrants were slaughtering goats in the public bathrooms.

Yes, really.… Dozens of other complaints about sexual harassment, rudeness & threats from migrants.

"My female colleagues were followed to their room by a group of men saying vulgar and sexual things."

"My daughter kept getting harassed by full grown men."
Sep 21, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
EXCLUSIVE: PayPal has BANNED Infowars, citing "intolerance" and "hate".

What's next?

Conservatives not allowed to have bank accounts or make credit card purchases because of their wrongthink?

This is election meddling. This is insidious.… The ban was instituted after both a left-wing Soros-funded group and the Washington Post drew attention to Infowars using PayPal as a payment processor.

Another example of Big Tech corporations doing the bidding of leftist mobs who abuse their platforms to shut down competition
Aug 30, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Right-wing Dutch politician Geert Wilders has canceled a planned ‘draw Muhammad’ cartoon contest in the Netherlands after Islamic jihadists threatened to attack the event.… The decision was made after a Pakistani man posted a video saying he was 5 minutes from the Hague and would kill Wilders because, “they make jokes about our prophet.”

A Pakistani cricket player also placed a bounty of 20,000 euros on Wilders’ head, labelling him a “blasphemer”.
Aug 28, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
"CNN simply refuses to address the serious ethical and journalistic questions raised about its conduct."

CNN points the finger at everyone else for "fake news," yet when they get repeatedly caught pushing it, there are zero consequences.… "Media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC are highly powerful corporate actors. Their behavior can generate immense consequences for society. When they engage in journalistically deceitful or unethical practices....that produces highly harmful outcomes."
Aug 6, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Facebook has permanently BANNED Infowars.

For unspecified "hate speech". They didn't even tell us what the offending posts were.

This sets a chilling precedent for free speech.

To all other conservative news outlets - you are next.

The great censorship purge has truly begun. Whether you love or loathe Infowars, this now confirms that Big Tech is working with legacy media to silence independent media.

In places like Russia, the government shuts down the press, in America, CNN, Apple and Facebook fulfil that role.
Apr 4, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Morrissey Savages Politically Correct UK: “Free Speech No Longer Exists” -… Morrissey: "British mainstream media is now so politically correct that basic truth is actually impossible, and although it is obsessed with promoting social diversity they will not accept diverse opinion."