Richard Edwards Profile picture
Public health researcher working to achieve Smokefree Aotearoa/New Zealand. Personal views expressed, reposts may not be endorsements. He/him.
Jan 18, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
Long 🧵 1/ In response to our article explaining why denicotinisation is not prohibition and our argument it is a pivotal & highly justifiable measure to achieve the Smokefree Aotearoa goal; @DaviMaree asks why use sticks rather than carrots?…
2/ That is a reasonable question, which I will attempt to answer within the constraints of twitter character limits!
Jan 9, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
Long 🧵1/ The tobacco industry & its cronies’ key arguments (uncritically echoed by the coalition government) for repealing smokefree legislation are that reducing tobacco retailer nos & denicotinising tobacco products will greatly increase retail crime & the black market. 2/ This 🧵 set out why the retail crime argument is nonsense. What about increases in illicit trade? When pressed, PM Luxon had no evidence but claimed it was simply a 'natural reality.……
Dec 21, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ @ChrisLuxonMP has repeatedly argued that reducing retailer numbers (a measure supported by 68% of the public & opposed by 22% in a recent poll) as part of the smokefree laws his government intends to repeal will result in increased ram raids.… 2/ @DrShaneReti quizzed on 'RNZ Checkpoint' (4 mins approx) conceded he had no evidence ram raids would increase other than 'concerns' from retailers (who have a strong commercial interest to oppose this measure to maintain profits from selling tobacco).…