How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Ali’s video is 1 min 12 secs long & includes 9 clips. This video has been retweeted 1000s of times, the people on this video vilified as Hamas supporters, as representing the “pro-Hamas, pro-murder wing of the left,” as morally depraved etc. But this goes beyond Twitter early 1980s Palestinians & Lebanese people repeatedly insisted that deadly car bombing claimed by mysterious terrorist group called the FLLF were in fact perpetrated by Israel. These claims were treated as conspiracy theory. Israel insisted this was “Arab on Arab violence” about how senior Israeli officers created & ran a terrorist group, the FLLF, that used car bombs & killed HUNDREDS of civilians in Lebanon was revealed in 2018. Since then US media has been silent. No one has even ASKED Israeli Gov to confirm or deny these allegations! 2018 book by @ronenbergman revealed that Dagan, Eitan, BenGal & Sharon did indeed conduct deadly car bombing terrorist campaign in Lebanon. Remarkably: Bergman writes for the Times. Yet the Times, like the rest of US media, has decided that these revelations were NOT newsworthy wrote about these extraordinary revelations (that implicate Meir Daign, future Mossad chief; Ariel Sharon, future Prime Minister; & others) in May 2018. Since then, the US media in its ENTIRETY has continued to consider this NOT newsworthy :… 1980s @tomfriedman covered several car bombings claimed by the FLLF on @nytimes 's front page. Bergman (his NYT colleague) revealed FLLF was CREATED & RUN by Israeli officers! Nearly 4 years later Tom has still not written a WORD about these revelations to Patel's logic (& logic applied by US & EU) not only should the whole @IDF (the "military wing") have been designated a "terrorist organization" but the entire Israeli government (the "political wing") should have been designated as such. for now, some context: 1981 the Israeli military censor (how often do we hear, in US, about existence of that censorship system?) killed story by 2 @YediotAhronot journalists that would have revealed the whole thing. And still, ONLY Palestinians are ever called "terrorists" ex: Would Tom Friedman, who covered several car bombings in the 1980s (when he got his Pulitzer!) that Bergman revealed in 2018 were covertly conducted by Israel suddenly find these revelations newsworthy/ suddenly find the courage to write about this?