Remi Brulin Profile picture
Historian. Researcher. Prof. New Yorker from Lyon. PhD: History of US Discourse on Terrorism (Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2011)
2 subscribers
Jan 18, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
Note: Israel sold weapons to the Serbian army DURING the Bosnian genocide & its Supreme Court rejected a petition that would have shed light on these weapons sales.…

Image ICJ has dealt w/ 3 Genocide cases before Sth Af v ISR: Bosnia, Myanmar, Russia v Ukraine. In Myanmar, Israel sold weapons to perpetrators too!
See this piece by Eitay Mack, Israeli activist who's been fighting for transparency on ISR arms sales for years:…
Jan 2, 2024 31 tweets 8 min read
In 2018 book revealed senior Israeli officers conducted secret car bombing TERRORIST campaign in LEBANON in 80s
HUNDREDS of civs were killed
US media remained SILENT about revelations & great opportunity for a serious discussion about use of force v "the terrorists" was missed
🧵 The book, by @ronenbergman, is "Rise & Kill First," a history of Israel's uses of "targeted killings" in its fight v "the terrorists." It is a bestseller, got rave reviews everywhere in US press. Bergman gave dozens of public talks & interviews about it. He writes for @nytimes
Nov 30, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
These videos are SO problematic:
Short snippets out of context & neatly packaged to generate buzz make it EVER HARDER to have the serious, reasoned discussions about terrorism that we NEED:
About terrorism/resistance
Terrorists/freedom fighters
Non-state & state terrorism
🧵 Yashar Ali’s video is 1 min 12 secs long & includes 9 clips. This video has been retweeted 1000s of times, the people on this video vilified as Hamas supporters, as representing the “pro-Hamas, pro-murder wing of the left,” as morally depraved etc. But this goes beyond Twitter Image
Nov 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I am so old I remember this, from Nov 14, 2023:

(the goal posts, they are a-moving)
Image After "the goal posts keep a-moving" I give you : "the more things change...."
Jan 21, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
1: This counts because Israeli perpetrators are admitting they did it. Until now only Palestinian victims & witnesses made such claims & of course that doesn’t count
2: Sometimes EVEN when Israeli perps admit guilt that’s NOT enough & Israeli crimes remain buried & covered up In early 1980s Palestinians & Lebanese people repeatedly insisted that deadly car bombing claimed by mysterious terrorist group called the FLLF were in fact perpetrated by Israel. These claims were treated as conspiracy theory. Israel insisted this was “Arab on Arab violence”
Jan 20, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Your reminder that THIS is why the US so strongly opposes the ICC
And that the so-called "war on terrorism" is an absolute sham: "we" are clearly more than ready to bomb civilian targets, including when doing so could kill TENS OF THOUSANDS, & we will LIE about it after the fact The idea of targeting dams is not new. Here are particularly insane & psychopathic exchanges between Kissinger & Nixon (from April & May 1972) about using precisely such tactics in Vietnam. But remember, "we" are never terrorists. Only "they" can be.
Jan 20, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
AMAZING work again by @AzmatZahra @David_Philipps
& @EricSchmittNYT
US military LIED about massive strikes in Syria that could have killed tens of thousands of civilians! Remember: we are fighting a righteous war vs the evil terrorists, those monsters who use force vs civilians The idea of targeting dams is not new. Here are particularly insane & psychopathic exchanges between Kissinger & Nixon (from April & May 1972) about using precisely such tactics in Vietnam. But remember, "we" are never terrorists. Only "they" can be.
Jan 3, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
Absolutely AMAZING column in @haaretz today: Gideon Levy says what NOBODY in the US media would EVER dare say: The discourse of #terrorism is pure propaganda & Def Min Gantz is just as much (if not more) a #terrorist as Abbas is:… As Levy writes, it takes extraordinary chutzpah to argue that Israel should not talk to Abbas “because he is a terrorist”: Gantz, he insists, is “much more” of a terrorist than Abbas is, and it is high time Israelis open their eyes to this truth
Jan 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
40 years ago Sharon planned to blow up Beirut stadium, w/huge bombs outside waiting for fleeing survivors. This secret Op was cancelled at last minute. But it was part of much broader car bombing campaign, & truth about this Israeli #terrorist campaign remains buried to this day: Truth about how senior Israeli officers created & ran a terrorist group, the FLLF, that used car bombs & killed HUNDREDS of civilians in Lebanon was revealed in 2018. Since then US media has been silent. No one has even ASKED Israeli Gov to confirm or deny these allegations!
Dec 31, 2021 46 tweets 13 min read
40 Years Ago Today
December 31, 1981
Lebanon. A packed stadium. Bombs are positioned where PLO leaders will be seated. Bigger bombs are outside, ready to kill panicked survivors
This is Olympia 2, one crazy operation in the Greatest Terrorist Campaign You Never Heard About
THREAD On Jan 1, PLO will celebrate anniversary of its founding. Defense Minister Ariel Sharon sees opportunity: get rid of entire leadership in one fell swoop. On Dec 20, agents recruited by Meir Dagan place remotely controlled explosive devices in the stadium. But that's not all 2/
Dec 31, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Recently @David_Philipps @EricSchmittNYT @AzmatZahra did GREAT job writing about civilians killed by US in GWOT. They have Israeli counterparts: in 81 Sarna& TalShir wrote story revealing @IDF officers' role in #terrorist campaign. It was CENSORED. Cover up continues TO THIS DAY: A 2018 book by @ronenbergman revealed that Dagan, Eitan, BenGal & Sharon did indeed conduct deadly car bombing terrorist campaign in Lebanon. Remarkably: Bergman writes for the Times. Yet the Times, like the rest of US media, has decided that these revelations were NOT newsworthy
Dec 30, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
My candidate for #BiggestCoveredUpStoryOf2021 is the SAME as in 2018, 2019 & 2020: very senior Israeli officers created a fake #terrorist group (ie false flag) to hide their hand in a deadly car bombing terrorist campaign that killed hundreds of civilians in Lebanon in the 1980s I wrote about these extraordinary revelations (that implicate Meir Daign, future Mossad chief; Ariel Sharon, future Prime Minister; & others) in May 2018. Since then, the US media in its ENTIRETY has continued to consider this NOT newsworthy :…
Dec 23, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
A 2018 bestseller about Israel's "targeted killings" COULD have led to intelligent, constructive public discussion about morality / legality of "our" uses of force vs "the terrorists"

THREAD about how the discourse of terrorism is pure ideology, impervious to fact & evidence
The book, by @ronenbergman , is "Rise & Kill First." It is a history of Israel's uses of "targeted killings" in its fight vs "the terrorists." The book is a bestseller. It got rave reviews everywhere in the US press. Bergman gave dozens of public talks & interviews about it
Nov 19, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
I ask US journos AGAIN: What exactly here (@ronenbergman revealed in 2018 that Israeli officers conducted secret terrorist car bombing campaign that killed 100s of civilians, it was covered up by act of censorship & this story may still b censored in ISR today) is NOT newsworthy? In 1980s @tomfriedman covered several car bombings claimed by the FLLF on @nytimes 's front page. Bergman (his NYT colleague) revealed FLLF was CREATED & RUN by Israeli officers! Nearly 4 years later Tom has still not written a WORD about these revelations
Nov 19, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
Patel's decision to list Hamas as a whole as a terrorist org is based on logic that its military & political wings are intertwined
Below is story of a terrorist car bombing campaign implemented by IDF & proxies under direction of Ariel Sharon, who was Israel's Defense Minister According to Patel's logic (& logic applied by US & EU) not only should the whole @IDF (the "military wing") have been designated a "terrorist organization" but the entire Israeli government (the "political wing") should have been designated as such.
Nov 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Until now Britain only banned Hamas' military arm, the Al Qassam Brigades. Now the ban will include Hamas as a whole. Obviously the rationale presented below is IRRELEVANT to such a decision. Let's see what the full rationale is in the next few days... But for now, some context:
- Israel just listed 6 Palestinian HR Orgs as terrorists w/out ANY evidence
- The terrorism of settlers (often w/ protection & backing from Israeli forces) has been increasingly documented (eg by Btselem)
ie: the term "terrorism" is a propaganda weapon
Nov 7, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Context on how "terrorism" discourse is PURE IDEOLOGY: in 2018 @ronenbergman revealed that senior @IDF officers created & ran #terrorist group that killed 100s of civilians in Lebanon in 1980s. This has been greeted w/ TOTAL media silence & ZERO answer from the Israeli government In 1981 the Israeli military censor (how often do we hear, in US, about existence of that censorship system?) killed story by 2 @YediotAhronot journalists that would have revealed the whole thing. And still, ONLY Palestinians are ever called "terrorists"
Oct 20, 2021 20 tweets 8 min read
I wish Ronen Bergman would finally decide to talk or write about these revelations (from his own book!) & I truly wonder what would happen if he did: Would he get "canceled"? Or would other journalists suddenly feel they had cover & could "safely" write about Israeli terrorism? For ex: Would Tom Friedman, who covered several car bombings in the 1980s (when he got his Pulitzer!) that Bergman revealed in 2018 were covertly conducted by Israel suddenly find these revelations newsworthy/ suddenly find the courage to write about this?
Oct 1, 2021 34 tweets 10 min read
10/01/1981: 40 years ago TODAY: Massive car bomb explodes in front of PLO offices in Beirut. 83 are killed. The street is mangled with body parts. Other bombs are defused. A mysterious group called the Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners claims responsibility 1/ Image
This is just the latest in series of extraordinarily deadly car bombings that started 2 weeks earlier. Hundreds of Palestinian & Lebanese civilians are killed. At the time, it is the deadliest car bombing campaign in history. All are claimed by that mysterious group, the FLLF 2/
Sep 29, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
40 years ago today. Sept 29, 1981. The Washington Post: "Another Car Bomb Explosion in Lebanon Kills 15." It is the latest explosion in a deadly terrorist campaign that started 2 weeks earlier. A mysterious group, the FLLF, has being claiming responsibility for these attacks 1/ ImageImage In 1980, the FLLF claimed responsibility for an assassination attempt vs the US Ambassador in Lebanon. Palestinians and others in Lebanon insist that the FLLF is merely a cover for Israeli agents acting covertly. Western intelligence sources aren't sure. 2/ ImageImage
Mar 10, 2021 6 tweets 8 min read
@bungarsargon @JoinPersuasion @Yascha_Mounk @TomRachman This is probably true: "critical race theory is the perfect ideology for affluent progressive whites who want nothing to change—but who still want to feel like the heroes of a story about social justice." But COUNTLESS progressives are not affluent/white & DO want real change @bungarsargon @JoinPersuasion @Yascha_Mounk @TomRachman Also: you caricature the 1776 Project: its authors say "we should consider whether..." & the entire note u link to is devoted to how this idea was phrased & rephrased, is about nuance. In your version leftists speak in absolutes: "it must be that," "cannot be," "it is proof that" ImageImage