@WILPF's international disarmament program. Feminist approaches to weapons, peace, security. Tweets of govt statements during conferences is not endorsement.
Aug 26, 2022 • 40 tweets • 16 min read
Russia decided to block the adoption of the #NPT2022 substantive outcome. It argued other delegations feel the same way, but so far is the only state to take the floor speaking against consensus. #NPTRevCon
Costa Rica said it would have joined consensus on the #NPT2022 final document, even though the text was far below expectations. It would have accepted the text to defend international law, but notes that the NPT is sorely lacking in implementation of Article VI. #NPTRevCon
Feb 28, 2022 • 80 tweets • 13 min read
The UN General Assembly is meeting now in an emergency session on #Ukraine. Opening the session, the @UN_PGA calls for restraint, de-escalation, and dialogue and urges delegates to "ignite the fire of love, humanity, compassion, and hope" instead of war. media.un.org/en/webtv
UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres says the war must stop now. Soldiers must move back to barracks, leaders must move to peace. Humanitarian aid is vital but the only true solution is peace. War is not the answer; it is death, human suffering, destruction, and distraction.