Schrödinger's Sneetch Belly Profile picture
Longform journalist, regular contributor for @TheDailyBeast, executive producer of @7DeadlySinsShow at PDX's Mission Theatre.
Aug 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Everything about the Trump Arlington story is bananas, but maybe the *most* bananas part was the actual plan itself: to secretly film a fake established memorial event & then claim Harris refused to attend.…
Image You've likely already seen reports that the campaign assaulted a woman who worked for the cemetery after she tried to tell them what they were doing was against the law, as well as reporting that they'd created a fake state event.
Aug 18, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
holy s**t Image If you didn't know (and why should you, you're a normal person), Howell is a town that holds symbolic importance to white supremacists. And not, "well in American everyone is a white supremacist;" like, the literal neo-Nazi and Klan member white supremacists.
Aug 14, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ This morning my wife got a voicemail from the US Marshalls office asking her to call back on an urgent matter. She googled the phone number showing on her phone to verify it was from the US Marshall's Oregon brach. 2/ My wife called back with me on speaker, and the officer said my wife had missed a jury summons and now had a contempt of court warrant, but that all she needed to do was come to the Marshall's office and reschedule for another court date. Which was weird, but not *that* weird.
May 10, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ Here's a claim that is both true and highly misleading.

The sociopaths referred to in the tweet are the Mises Caucus, which took control of the party in 2022, and they are indeed terrible, awful people.

But what about the party before that?

IOW, it's time for a true story! Image 2/ This anecdote is from about 12 years ago at the site which was still called the League of Ordinary Gentlemen. It was a site where liberals, conservatives, and libertarians mixed and argued about s**t.

At one point some dude showed up on our site and, well...
Apr 4, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ Probably not necessary, but as y'all are going to be seeing a lot of these claims this week - that Ashley Biden's diary was left in a hotel room not stolen, and that said has a passage about Joe Biden molesting her - it's probably worth taking a quick look at what's what. Image 2/ First off, the claim by Project Veritas that Ashely left it in a motel room is what the kids call a "lie." It was stolen by Aimee Harris from Ashley's home for the express purpose of selling it.

How do we know this? Because Harris confessed in court.…
Dec 19, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
Holy moly.… For those without a NYT subscription, George Santos - the incoming Wall Street exec/philanthropist Congressional Rep for the GOP from Long Island - appears to be... completely fictional?
Dec 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ BTW, caroling has a fascinating history, and that history is... not even close to what you'd think it was. It involves drunkenness, extortion, and at the very least least the threat of violence. 2/. (btw I first learned about it from historian Stephen Nissenbaum's fantastic books The Battle For Christmas, which I highly recommend.)

Back in ye olde times in parts of Europe and the early US, winter was paradoxically harsh but also…
Dec 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Good example of two sides of the political spectrum digging in to criticize the other about a particular claim despite the fact that that particular claim is utter tosh. The busiest, noisiest parts of most cities I've spent time in or lived in are the ones that have been gentrified, because that's where most of the people go to have fun.
May 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Put together a new curry spice blend for tonight's Khao Soi. Not sure yet how it will taste when it's done, but I am *loving* the color. Lot's of deep reds and oranges to go with the yellows.

#twittersupperclub A pair of Dock Sides* while the Khao Soi simmers.


May 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ True story:

When my dad gave me 'the talk,' it was clear he wanted to A) scare me away from even thinking about having sex before I was married, and B) not talk about anything remotely having to do with sex. 2/ He also called me into have the talk when he was cleaning out a deep kitchen cabinet, to ensure there was no act possibility of eye contact.

But it was short and sweet, and to this day I can remember the entire talk from start to finish:
Apr 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@darrelplant 1/ So her ya go!

Put the following in a bowl:
* 1/2 lb ground dark chicken
* 3Tsp water
* Scallion white part, diced
* 1 inch ginger, grated

Stir until well mixed, then slooowly add:
* 1/4 cup chicken broth

Keeps stirring until it's a paste, then... @darrelplant 2/ (cont) add:
* 3/4 tsp salt
* 1/2 tsp rice wine
* 1/2 tsp fine sugar
* 1/2 tsp sesame oil
2 pinch white pepper

Stir until all is mixed. Then fold it int the wontons w/ store bought wonton sheets, and steam. While steaming, make...
Apr 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Hmmm can I imagine a situation that would a greater threat to freedom than diversity boy oh boy that is a toughie. Image I mean there probably are worse affronts to freedom possible for the U of Illinois than diversity statements, but I just can't put my finger on what they might be. Image
Apr 3, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Finally getting around to doing the traditional Home Birthday Dinner for the youngest. (We'll do the traditional Birthday Dinner Out for him next Sunday.)

Going to do a two-stage Chinese Dinner. Part One: Cocktails w/ Dumplings (Both Chicken Ginger and Mushroom Scallion Potstickers, and Wontons In Crunchy Chile Sauce.)

Part Two: Three Cup Chicken, Gong Bar Prawns w/ Cashews, Chinese Broccoli w/ Garlic. Wife is making chocolate cake for desert.

Feb 6, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ I'm super tired of the whole Joe Rogan thing. But because I listened to the episodes in questionI feel the need to push back against this "he's just an inquiring mind" argument. Because if you see someone making it, my guess is that either they haven't listened to the episodes 2/ or they're speaking to you in bad faith.

In the episodes I with McCullough and Malone, Rogan does indeed 'ask questions.' But most often he asks them in leading ways, laying out in advance what answers he's looking to get. sand even when he doesn't, when he asks straight up
Feb 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
jfc Image People who think the thing about Fox News, Talk Radio, and most online conservative media is that they have a "post of view" have either never sampled them or are being willfully obtuse.

The problem isn't they have a "POV," it's that they just make s**t up.
Dec 28, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ This weekend I watched The Wall for the first time since I was in college, and I gotta tell you it is a *very* different movie in 2021 than it was in 1982. It almost feels like a movie that *was* made in 2021. 2/ If you haven't seen the movie, based on the Pink Floyd album of the same name, it's about a man who grew up without a father who grows up to be a rich and famous rock star. He's had some difficulties thrust upon him - his father died in the war, a teacher mocked his poetry -
Oct 11, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ I tweeted some screenshots of a thread that (I think?) was tongue in cheek. And so I guess it's time to piss a lot of people off and talk about Idaho - or to be more precise, the way those of us in the PNW look at the way people who don't when they talk about Idaho. 2/ For whatever reason, over the past decade or so Idaho has become the place where people (and by people I mean 'men') of a certain age & demographic threaten to move to now that their state doesn't "like like it did before" anymore.
Oct 10, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ I'm clearly feeling intense nostalgia this morning, and I'm pulling out the five CDs we had on a CD carrousel when we were just engaged and moved in together. Together, these CDs made up the soundtrack of our sale days. 2/ Honestly, at the time these were the only CDs we owned. I had a ton of records, but due to space we got a CD player and never set up the turntable.

I don't know that any of them are even the artists' best work, but they do hold a special place in my heart.
Oct 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't really have an opinion one way or another about the guy, but this 'genius insight' seems like an incredibly common belief that just about everybody I've known in my adult life has held. Image It was a central plot point in something like half of the movies and TV shows I grew up with for Pete's sake.
Jul 8, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
@the_shoe_yes In my city they were required to live in certain neighborhoods. Giving loans to blacks to live outside those neighborhoods was a breach of the realty association's Code of Ethics.

Not in 1870. In the mid 20th century. Image @the_shoe_yes In the 60s and 70s when those neighborhoods began to become economically vibrant, the city's response was to raze homes for other outside interests. ImageImage
Jul 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The State of Ohio just passed a law that will allow any medical provider, medical staffer/technician, or insurer to deny care to someone for being LGBTQ, either for religious grounds or if they just personally find non-straight people icky. jfc