Rachel R. Romeo Profile picture
Asst Prof @UMDCollegeofEd & @umdnacs | Experience-dependent brain development & implications for learning | Language nerd | she/her 🏳️‍🌈 #FGLI
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Sep 9, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Apparently I'm the 1st faculty member in my dept in 10+ yrs to request Federal Work Study to pay UG researchers. Application took 30 mins, approved in 2 weeks. All prior UGs worked for course credit or volunteer. If you want equity in the pipeline, PAY THE UNDERGRADS WHO NEED IT! Also, this is not a dig on my colleagues. It's a dig on the system that makes equitable access opaque and a nightmare.
Sep 16, 2021 12 tweets 13 min read
@Heino1Olli @gabrieli_john Hi! Thanks for the interest in our work! However, I feel the need to correct an inaccurate and potentially harmful narrative in your phrasing, and how our study relates to it, if you’ll allow me. This will take a few tweets. @Heino1Olli @gabrieli_john First is the phrase “30 million word gap.” This term has gotten a lot of mileage, and I confess to having used it earlier in my career without fully understanding its impact – that’s on me. But it’s not accurate or helpful, and I have work to do to correct it.
Sep 30, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
THREAD. Ok, this must be said. To everyone who is down on Joe Biden for sounding, slow, old, confused last night -- let's put things in perspective. Biden has been managing his fluency disorder (also called stuttering) his whole life. #WeSpeechies #SLPeeps #StutteringAwareness Stuttering is exacerbated by stress, and Trump knows this. He was trying to fluster Biden, to make him stutter so that he sounds "dumb." Despite the circumstances, Biden did a REMARKABLE job managing the stress and using the exact strategies we as SLPs often teach.
May 19, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Allow me a *potentially controversial* soapbox for a moment. I just attended @DaniSBassett’s amazing virtual talk at #UConnBIRC about her excellent new paper on quantifying citation bias (btw this is an absolute must read: doi.org/10.1101/2020.0…). 1/ Her team elegantly shows how neuroscience papers w/ a female first and/or last author are systematically undercited, primarily driven by papers w/ male first & last authors. Not explained by subfield, impact, historical underrepresentation of women in science, etc. 2/
Aug 28, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
I just had such an affirming experience. On my 8hr intl flight back from a conference, I sat next to a father/son. In broken English, the father began to apologize/warn me that his ~10 yr-old son had severe nonverbal autism, and that this would like be a difficult journey. 1/ I told him not to worry, I was a speech-language pathologist with lots of experience with minimally verbal kiddos. Challenging behaviors began even before take off: screaming, hitting me, and grabbing for my things. The father repeatedly apologized, but did little else. 2/
May 13, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Pausing #academictwitter to brag on my wife Jess Romeo today for becoming a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner from @MGHInstitute to add to her degrees in psych &social work! While I study poverty from behind the scenes, she’s on the front lines directly treating the underserved. 1/ Image The darker side of poverty that no one wants to acknowledge is that it is a direct contributor to massive disparities in mental health and access to care. Jess specializes in treating addiction, major mental illness, dual diagnoses, and corrections/offender rehabilitation. 2/
Nov 19, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
I'm reflecting on my notes from various sessions at ASHA, and encountering one of my enduring pet peeves over and over: When researchers consider cognitive scores as stable traits, exact measures, or worse, indicative solely of some sort of inherent, native ability. 1/5 Having personally assessed many hundreds of children, the child’s state on test day can bias an individual score dramatically, and from a clinical standpoint, rarely does a single test encompass someone’s true potential. 2/5