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Jun 21st 2023
Drop the capitalization of "knowledge."

Assert your research contribution instead.

Choose one of 7 different research contributions ↓

#chi2024 #phdchat #academictwitter
Before we dive in.

A research paper is the ultimate capture & deliver tool for knowledge.

In a scientific paper, the research contribution is the star of the show.

In the interdisciplinary young field of HCI, these 7 patterns emerged.

Similar ones will exist in your field.
1. Empirical Contributions

These reveal how people use systems or are themselves.

They provide critical raw data & observations.

We ask to judge:

• How solid is the methodology?
• What do they reveal?
• Data validity?

Write up your methodology, data, & insights clearly.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 12th 2023
🚨 New update alert! 🚨

🚀 The SciSpace AI Detector is now even more user-friendly! 🎊

📄➡️📋 Now easily copy and paste text to check if it's AI-generated or not, in addition to uploading PDFs.

Keep your work authentic and AI-free effortlessly!
Spot AI-generated content in scientific and non-scientific texts with a stunning 98% accuracy rate.

Identify content from popular tools like Quillbot and ChatGPT seamlessly.
🌟 Edit out AI content confidently with our powerful AI Detector.

Receive a detailed analysis report that helps ensure your work's authenticity and originality.

🔗 Try it out now:
Read 4 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
If you have a trial for a heterogeneous condition like #MECFS, then looking at average effects is no longer a good option to determine effectiveness.

If half improve and half get worse, we determine the intervention ineffective.

Instead we should explore *why* those who responded did respond and vice versa.

For the non responders we should then move them on to another intervention

We also need to consider poly-interventions to address multiple pathologies
This is a whole different way of trialling drug efficacy than we do now.

Folk will rightly point out the flaws in this such as the bias it introduces but fail to understand the bias current trials introduce
Read 7 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
Hey y'all, I've got big news!🤩

I got selected for an international workshop in Spain!!!! (more details⬇️)

Past few months, I've been preparing for that & was waiting for everything to be confirmed. I was dying to tell you guys😁

Now please send me your best tips💖

#PhDchat ImageImage
So this workshop is called the #Complexity72h where participants form teams and work on a project for 3 days and by the end of the 72 hours we need to upload a report of the work on ArXiv!

It's like a hackathon but for research writing!

How exciting, right?🤩
And ya girl also got a research visit at an amazing lab!!😍
I'm absolutely thrilled about this. And anxious, of course.
It feels like the pieces are falling into place - after years of rejections. And man, do they happen in the most unexpected ways!✨
Read 4 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
Careful planning and paying attention to detail are essential to creating a research proposal that stands out. Here are some tactics to help your research proposal stand out from the crowd. #AcademicTwitter #research #academia #PhD @PhDVoice @PhD_Genie Image
Start with a strong introduction.
Indicate the research issue or knowledge gap, emphasizing its importance and relevance. Make a compelling case for why your research is significant and worthy of attention to grab the reader's attention immediately. Image
Show that you have a solid grasp of the body of literature.
Conduct a thorough analysis of the pertinent studies in your discipline. Show how your proposed research expands upon and adds to the body of knowledge, emphasizing the special features and fresh perspectives. Image
Read 11 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
The first paper I wrote in grad school (12 years ago) just crossed 20,000 citations. To mark this satisfying but ultimately irrelevant milestone, I thought I’d share some thoughts on how to try to increase probability of more citations, especially since grad students follow me.
These are in no particular order.

Spend a great deal of time and effort writing and organizing the paper well. This paper went through hundreds of revisions, a number of them large.
To write well, you need to read other good stuff. So read widely, *not* just for content, but also for form and style. These aren’t the same. For example, I learned a lot from Fischer Black and Don Knuth even though they work in other areas.…
Read 13 tweets
May 31st 2023
OHHHH the irony. Not even a week since our paper on persuasive communication devices gets published and a paper has cited a paper of mine using device 4:

#AcademicTwitter 4. Misleading use of refere...
"Osteopontin plays a critical role in the formation of stones & is the leading organic component of urinary calcium kidney stones"

Citation: (study about hydration & appetite - we didnt even mention kidneys or osteopontin)
another one
"The generation of fresh water can be accomplished in various ways, including fog harvesting, multi-stage flash distillation, reverse osmosis seawater desalination,& so on"
Citation:… (water intake & diabetes risk)
Read 4 tweets
May 31st 2023
How I wrote #BelisariusAndAntonina Part 8: In Rome in February 2020, I walked the circuit of the city’s Aurelian walls, as much as was possible, and photographed the gates. In doing so, I was striding in the footsteps of Belisarius. 🧵 #History #Book #AcademicTwitter The walls near the Villa Me...
Between March 537 and March 538, Belisarius and the Roman army were besieged in the city of Rome by the Ostrogothic king Vittigis and his army. For a year straight, few things were of more importance to the general than the state of the walls and gates of Rome.
Because this siege was of such importance in Belisarius’ first campaign against the Ostrogoths, 535-540 (as a bonus, Rome and its defenses were also of central during his second campaign in Italy, 545-549), I felt it was imperative to get a sense of the physical space.
Read 8 tweets
May 30th 2023
Thesis Writing 101

I have edited 100,000+ words and tens of theses in science and history (more than I can keep track of!) over the last ten years.

Here are 17 insights from my experience that can help you improve the quality of your #AcademicWriting 🧵
1. Read aloud: Reading aloud helps to catch errors that were overlooked during silent reading. Find the 'Read Aloud' feature on MS Word under 'Review.'

2. Bring coherency: Make sure that each paragraph flows logically so that the overall #thesis structure is well-organized.
3. Improve formatting: Format your #thesis according to your university's guidelines. Adjust the font type, size, header, and footer.

4. Use citation management tools: Using these tools (Mendeley, EndNote, etc.) can help you save time & avoid errors in writing your bibliography.
Read 11 tweets
May 30th 2023
How I wrote #BelisariusAndAntonina Part 7: My research travel in Rome began on February 16, 2020. After years of daydreaming about this, I finally had a research sabbatical with an extended stay in Rome to kick off the book project. Excitement! 🧵 #History #Book #AcademicTwitter Me standing in front of the...
My plan was to live in Rome for a month. During that month, I would visit the city’s Aurelian walls and its gates, which were critical during Belisarius’ stays in the city. More on that tomorrow. When not doing that, I planned to do research and writing at the Vatican Library.
Today I would like to take you through my experiences in the Vatican Library. It is an inspiring place to work, but did you know that even a university professor cannot just get in automatically? I had to bring a letter of certification of my credentials from my department chair! My Vatican Library reader ID.
Read 10 tweets
May 21st 2023
ChatGPT but for research papers?

Humata is an AI research assistant where you can ask a question about any file and automatically get the answer.

I gave it go with my Nature Cell Biology publication:
First, I asked it for the main results of the paper.

It pretty much summarised the abstract and some of the results in a more digestible way. So far, so good. Image
Then I asked it to identify the gap in literature and research question.

Whilst the gap in literature was accurate, the RQ was simply a re-write of the literature gap. The research question is most definitely more complex and detailed than that which was pulled out by Humata. Image
Read 9 tweets
May 20th 2023
@NotionHQ has introduced a new exciting feature, Notion AI, which can help you (1) improve existing content, (2) summarise content or (3) write new content.

Here are 5 ways you can use Notion AI to improve your academic writing:
1. Improve existing content

With text you have already written, you have the option to make some modifications to that section. Here, I've asked Notion AI to make the text longer, which has added some detail and formatted the initial paragraph to enhance it academically. ImageImage
It is important to note, there are no references here so far. So, I asked Notion AI to provide me with references for this section of text.

It provided me with references, albeit, not formatted correctly. Image
Read 8 tweets
May 15th 2023
📚🔍 Figuring out an efficient literature review workflow can be daunting. But fear not, because SciSpace has got you covered! Let's explore how you can supercharge your literature review process with @scispace_. 🚀💡

#AcademicTwitter #HigherEducation Image
🔍 Search and upload your research papers directly on SciSpace. It's as easy as a few clicks! 📂💻
💡 Use preset and brainstorm questions to quickly determine relevance and find the answers you're seeking. 🤔🔍
Read 10 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
Advice to PhD candidates searching for positions: After the first screening of 100+ applications for a position in my group, I've seen potential in many, but they often fall short in the application process. Here's some advice to help you stand out.👇 #PhDAdvice #AcademicTwitter
📝Motivation letter: This may be the first (and last) thing we read. Tell YOUR story - what you can contribute, why you're applying, etc. Be honest & engaging; we want to know about YOU. #AcademicTwitter #PhDChat
🔝Motivation letter > CV: A strong letter can make or break your application. Put effort into it, even if you have numerous publications. Prioritize it but don't neglect the rest! #PhDAdvice #PhDChat
Read 11 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
#AcademicTwitter #Physics I appreciate the likes, but please do share as well. Despite several publications on the subject (in PLB, PRD, CQG and EPJC), I struggle to get the academic community know about this. And there is so much to do! We need help on this topic! 1/N
Whether or not the theory is correct, it really is an interesting new direction to explore IMO! 👉 this is a new theory of relativity that is more economical than general relativity coupled to matter fields because it requires only two universal (dimensionful) constants 2/N
to be defined, while it has all the same ingredients otherwise. It has general relativity and standard QFT as a (single generic) limit, while it predicts (eventually observable) new things at really high densities (potentially observable next to white dwarfs, in neutron stars 3/N
Read 5 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
[teaching theory+resources megathread 🌻🥰]

okay it's finally here, i've got the ENTIRE FIRST YEAR WRITING/COMMS COURSE uploaded for you to remix, revise and make better for your kaleidoscopic context. this thread will go over the highlights of what's in this drive for you!! 🤍 SCREENCAP of syllabus under...
THIS IS THE DRIVE WITH ALL COMPONENTS (except for the open-access readings / every reading on this course is available FOR FREE online to reduce course cost!!):…

The folder is sub-sorted by weeks. This is a 12 week course with one week break between #6-7.

absolute intro to rhetoric and the course itself. i have a fairly involved but accessible Discord Onboarding doc that i've shared in other threads. i run this course hybrid as reinforcement, but also accessibility. the server is a huge support model in this class. SCREEN CAPTURE document hea...
Read 42 tweets
Apr 12th 2023
Using ChatGPT in academia can 10x your research outputs.

But only if you know how to talk to it.

I've spent hundreds of hours using ChatGPT in academia.

Here's my simple framework for writing smarter ChatGPT prompts for research:

🎍 The bamboo technique

The bamboo technique works by gradually adding context to your prompts as ChatGPT generates responses.

This helps the model grow and become more powerful.

Like a bamboo plant that grows taller and stronger with each passing day. Image
Building complexity into your prompts is essential because:

🎯 the AI generates more accurate & relevant responses

⚛️ it lets you get help with more complex academic queries, from coding to writing.

⏲️ time is sacred in academia, and this saves you both time & stress.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
If youre a disabled student trying to choose a graduate program from those you were accepted to, here are some things I should have asked or negotiated in my acceptance 1/7
1. Housing. Ask upfront for accessible campus housing. If you can negotiate at all, tell your program you can't consider relocation without stable, affordable, accessible housing. 2/7
2. Ask current grad students about public transport. Does it exist? Is it accessible? How will you get to/from campus? How will you get everyday goods like groceries etc.? 3/7
Read 7 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
One year teaching jobs make no sense to me. As soon as your new hire comes to campus, they are on the job market thinking about whats next. They never get to just be in the moment, to be with their students, to be with their research. 1/3
What are tenured faculty doing with their tenure? Bc it sure doesnt seem like tenure has led to any meaningful advancements in workers rights. Im tired of being told that i can "be political once I get tenure." 2/3
I wont wait to promote ethical terms of employment. Pretending exploitation away bc you dont have stability is senseless. We should all be fighting for better labor practices. 3/3 #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter
Read 3 tweets
Apr 3rd 2023
ChatGPT can act as your librarian. Here is how to use it to do a search for your systematic review (and meta-analysis):🧵

#AcademicTwitter Image
A systematic search is different from a normal literature search.

It is a comprehensive, transparent, and reproducible search process to answer a specific research question.

It is a cornerstone of all systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

Let's carry it out on ChatGPT:
Type in your query as a PubMed prompt.

In this example, there are three main concepts based on the boolean operators:

Junctional Hemorrhage AND Trauma AND Treatment Strategies Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
ChatGPT prompts that will save you hours every day in academia:

[Thread] ⬇️

#AcademicTwitter @ThePhDPlace
@ThePhDPlace 1. Accelerate your reading

"Explain the below text to me. Retain its original meaning and structure:

@ThePhDPlace 2. Enhance your writing

"Rephrase the below text for an academic journal. Write concisely and without jargon. Make sure you retain the original meaning of the text:

Read 10 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
🧵 For anyone working on a book, I thought I would pass along the questions I provided reviewers for a manuscript workshop. Some might be self-evident, but they generated a lot of constructive feedback, and several were not on my mind when I began writing in graduate school.
On structure: How does the manuscript read as a book? What do you make of the narrative arc? Do the chapters logically build upon one another? Would you make any changes to the order of them? Is the use of themes, as an organizing principle, successful?
On writing style: What are your thoughts on the authorial voice? Is it accessible? Authoritative? Engaging? Is there too much signposting or summarizing? Upon completing a chapter, did you wish to keep reading? What was the strongest chapter and why?
Read 7 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
ChatGPT & BingAI can 10X your academic productivity & well-being.

But many academics don't know when to use which.

I carried out experiments to help you know when to use ChatGPT or BingAI.

Sample prompts, comparisons, & lessons learnt.


#AcademicTwitter @PhDVoice
@PhDVoice A primer on what they are

Both are text-based AI models that generate text based on your prompts.

ChatGPT is the AI model that sparked this craze.

BingAI is a tweaked chatGPT + Microsoft’s search engine (Bing).
@PhDVoice 🧪 Methods

• Give the same prompts to ChatGPT & BingAI
• Repeat three times
• Display the 'best result' from each
• Repeat across five different academic tasks.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
ChatGPT's biggest superpower for academic productivity:

➡️ Writing code.

I use it to write programming for:

• Data wrangling
• Modelling
• Visualisation

I’ve spent > 100 hours co-programming with chatGPT for papers.

Here are 7 lessons I've learnt... ⬇️

🎯 Use detailed prompts

Think of chatGPT as a competent assistant.

It can save you time from tedious tasks. But it needs detailed instructions on what you need.

A good prompt has:

1. a clear topic/question
2. relevant background information
3. specific details/requirements
A bad prompt:

✖️Can you tell me how to plot a graph using bird activity and rainfall levels from my data frame?

A good prompt:

✔️ Create a ggplot in R to model how bird activity changes with rainfall levels using data from my 'bird_data' dataframe. Include needed R packages. ImageImage
Read 16 tweets

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