Raheel Khursheed Profile picture
Co-founder @LaminarGlobal Next Gen Streaming Infra / Alum @Twitter @Change @Snap / Fellowships @Harvard @Yale @Stanford @Asia21Leaders @AspenInstitute / He, Him
Oct 7, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
Thread on #Men and #MeToo -

Men feeling the urge to critique #MeToo across its various aspects (scope, intensity, tone of outrage etc) don't. Sit this one out. First of all - don't make this about yourself. It is not. #MeToo is only the begining of an equal rights movement that is aiming to press a giant reset of the norms across a spectrum of systemic inequal, dehumansing and violent behaviour that you haven't been at the receiving end of.
Oct 4, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Update time - I quit @Twitter in July to explore my interests across the intersection of consumer internet products, social impact and active citizenship, & food to build a portfolio of things I wanted to do across these interest areas. That portfolio is beginning to take shape. I recently started an all encompassing role at @Snap - leading the market entry of the world’s largest camera app into the Indian landscape. My official designation is Country Expert, India.