Rania Muhareb رانية محارب Profile picture
@PalestinePHHR Postdoctoral Fellow @FXBHarvard | PhD from @IrishCentreHR on the mobilisation of the apartheid framework in Palestine | @AlShabaka Policy Member
Oct 3, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
📌 New publication: in a context of growing Israeli attacks against Palestinians, we are grateful to @PalStudies for helping us shed further light on the #persecution of Palestinian civil society as part of the crime of #apartheid #StandWiththe6 palestine-studies.org/en/node/1653268 1/6 Publication from the Instit... Together with @JamilahRG @Susanrosepower & @pearceclancy, we argue that "#silencing & delegitimization of Palestinian human rights advocacy, as epistemic violence, constitute key tools to entrench Israeli #apartheid over the Palestinian people as a whole" 2/6
Feb 16, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
2 weeks ago @amnesty published a report meticulously evidencing Israeli #apartheid. Much has been said since including by Amnesty—little of it to do with the report. @soheirasaad & I look at why that is & what this tells us about the limits of legitimate discourse on #Palestine. In statements @amnesty has reaffirmed a "Jewish right to self-determination" & the Zionist nature of the Israeli state. Yet its report fails to recognize Palestinian self-determination stating it takes no political stance. We believe what's at stake is not a need to be "legal".