Rebecca Rettig Profile picture
Chief Legal & Policy Officer @0xPolygon Labs. Advisor @ElectricCapital & @falconxnetwork. tweets ≠ advice. lawyer ≠ yours. opinions = mine.
Feb 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Today's news that the SEC "shut down" Kraken's staking as a service in the US is another indication of the planned systematic dismantling of crypto in the U.S. w/o due process, w/o the chance to craft laws addressing the realities of the tech, & w/o regard for retail users. 👇 While notice & disclosure from co.s offering crypto services is an easy regulatory hurdle to leap, (1) Kraken did have pretty comprehensive terms of use (acc to the complaint) but (2) the SEC *used them against them*. Staking is not new & the SEC has been aware for years.
Feb 9, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ Some exciting 📰 I’ve joined Polygon Labs, the original dev of @0xPolygon, as its first Chief Policy Officer. I’ll lead our 🌎 efforts in crafting sound laws that will allow the web3 ecosystem to flourish. This presents a unique opportunity to move the industry forward💜 2/ The end of 2022 was rough for crypto. I did some soul searching about the industry & how to build a future I believe in. I kept coming back to the same idea: the most important thing right now is getting crypto policy right.
Jul 1, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
1/ Brief overview of the EU's #MiCA reg that passed Thurs evening. Applaud the effort to provide #clarity in the #crypto space - something we have been requesting for years. But more work to be done. Luckily, there is time to implement the technical text.… 2/ But first, note that both the Council & Parliament press releases contain quotes that call crypto the "Wild West" (🤦‍♀️). Puts you on notice about whether these standards actually allow for continued innovation. (Parliament ☝️ & Council 👇)…