Rebecca Brannon Profile picture
Former Independent photojournalist covering politics, protests, riots, crime
Potato Of Reason Profile picture Audra Blue Profile picture Rick Rice Profile picture Jon Norton Profile picture Margaret Martin Profile picture 7 subscribed
Jun 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Last night, it was evident to me that "Swifties" didn't stay in Minneapolis - they swiftly left and the city immediately went back to its former self of being a ghost town still plagued with public safety issues.

This was the scene downtown "Swiftieapolis" last night before……
I decided to go downtown to "see what all the fuss is about" given all the hype by the city and local media expecting to see more nightlife, but hardly anyone even came to the closed block off 1st Ave for "Warehouse District Live" for inflatable games, food trucks and karaoke...……
May 20, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Minneapolis Warehouse District:

Man was killed last night after being pushed resulting in him falling onto the LRT track into the path of an oncoming train. Video by Rayal Robertson.

#MplsDowntown There were reports of an altercation and MPD confirms they are investigating the death as a homicide. Suspect was reported as a BM, medium build, white t-shirt, black pants, red shoes with white bottoms, royal blue blanket around his shoulders. Occurred at 5th and 1st street last……
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Trump supporters accuse Shaman of being a fed and wearing a wire -

Shaman strips to prove them wrong. Something interesting though - notice the black guy behind them who joined in jumping and cheering?

I noticed his circle-A tattoo - the classic symbol prominently associated with Antifa and anarchists. He knew I noticed and then put his hoodie up. ImageImage
Oct 30, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Saturday night in Minneapolis. Once again, I witnessed several fights and assaults outside the Gay 90s and Augie’s where just the night before three people were shot.

This has been the location of multiple fights, assaults and shootings the last several months downtown.

1/7 While recording one fight, I was caught in mace deployed from police - THEN shots were fired just a few blocks down on Hennepin outside the Saloon.

Other fights broke out that I just didn’t feel safe approaching given how volatile the energy was on the streets.

Jul 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The parents of Andrew Tekle Sundberg are telling media that the MPD didn't allow any communication with their son.

However, video from a livestream shows Mark Sundberg speaking on the PA system to his son.

"Tekle, this is your dad again. I need you to talk to negotiators." Police repeatedly asked Tekle to pick up his phone. It's believed MPD never successfully made contact w/ Tekle who at times during the stand off was seen opening the window, looking out during announcements

And if police could not reach him I presume his parents couldn't either.
Jul 17, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The GoFundMe for shooter Andrew Tekle Sundberg now has over $15K - out raising his victim, a single mother who hid with her two sons in her bedroom as he shot bullets through the walls of her apartment.

Two Minneapolis police snipers shot Sundberg after a multi-hour standoff. There have been vigils and rallies for Tekle Sundberg since he was killed by police early Thursday morning. Tonight another rally and march was held to 'commemorate' his death.

Jul 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was booed last night by thousands of the Minneapolis Somali community last night at a Somalia Independence Day celebration concert.

“Go home! Go home!” Lots of tweets and snapchats about booing her on stage last night from the Somali community:

“Somalis do not forget nor do they forgive”
Dec 27, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Medina police showed up at my parents' home after I posted the photos of Hutchinson's wrecked squad - photos Hutch's lawyer & Co. Attorney Chad Larson tells press were "staged".

Police later told me the Hennepin Sheriff's Office asked them to look into me for posting the photos. ImageImage

Hutchinson was never arrested upon discharge from the hospital and booked with his mugshot & fingerprints taken.

Joanna Meduna of the Douglas County Attorney's office stated to me over a week ago that those records would be 'in the works'...
Sep 4, 2021 24 tweets 11 min read
Last week, I uncovered Anton Lazzaro’s Teen Porn through various sites despite Lazzaro deleting his PornHub account.

WARNING: This thread is graphic and disturbing. It’s taken me a week to write and prepare this simply because I was too disgusted with what I have found. 2/28
Earlier this year, through my investigations into the MNGOP, I had learned from many activists that Lazzaro was producing porn in his downtown condo. I was never able to find his website or videos despite searching since February.

That is, until now.
Aug 17, 2021 25 tweets 7 min read


This thread will give some insight into the unprofessional workplace of the MNGOP, the misconduct, lack of oversight & questions of proper procedural handling of alleged workplace incidents. Some details date back a few months ago during my investigations. 2/25

Today I’ve been notified some victims are opening up to other press, some already this evening via social media I will keep retweeting - their experiences related to the toxicity of the MNGOP culture enabled by Chairwoman Carnahan. As a reminder, to anyone harassed...
Aug 16, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read

Emergency Executive Board Meeting

There is a human resources discussion and review of the employee handbook by Ron Huttle in which he states it "hasn't been updated a lot in 23 years" and signing NDAs which is described as "standard procedure" to "protect the party". Carnahan asks if members have questions regarding NDAs.

Paul Anderson asks: "In the past. Have committe members had to sign NDAs?"
Jennifer says "No".

Bobby Benson: What prompted the desire for those to be signed THIS time?

Jennifer provided a long winded answer stating...
Aug 15, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
#MNGOP Thread IV 🧵


Shorter thread today so as to allow room for other victims to come forward who have been harassed or suffered by those enabled by Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan. I’d also like to give some insight to the overwhelming support, and healing happening... 2/18

..behind the scenes w/ activists & victims - the relief & its grief. I've received SO many messages of thanks from former & current activists, their testimonies of harassment or helpless silence.

As more demands for resignation and statements from Republican groups and...
Aug 15, 2021 19 tweets 5 min read


During my investigation several months ago, I obtained recordings from multiple sources.

There is so much out there known among MNGOP activists & delegates, but I’ll briefly touch on some of the alleged questionable, unethical behavior & toxicity.. 2/19

...I uncovered surrounding Chairwoman Carnahan.

In speaking w/ former employees & top aides, sources corroborated numerous instances of unprofessional behavior not becoming of a state party chair.

Sources often described Chairwoman Carnahan’s drunk and abusive behavior..
Aug 14, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread 🧵

Tonight's MNGOP Emergency
Executive Board Meeting

- Chairwoman Carnahan opened tonight's emergency meeting but hardly spoke the entire time.

- Many asked for direction on what should be said to the press, but no direction was given. 2/8

Eseentially no action was taken this evening and NO questions were asked from any members of Chairwoman Carnahan in what or when she knew anything regarding Anton Lazzaro.

Biggest takeaway is that the Executive Board seems split in holding the Chairwoman accountable.
Aug 13, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read

I went from blaming myself to being angry that it happened to me. Learning what others had experienced similarly within the MNGOP helped prompt me to file a police report. 25/31

Investigating and uncovering these details within the MNGOP kept me up many nights. A lot of us felt helpless knowing that, without the sources coming forward, few would listen or believe. Who would listen when party delegates actively and always dismissed...
Aug 13, 2021 25 tweets 5 min read


It’s impossible to share everything I uncovered through my investigative piece that was rejected by Alpha News. I am breaking this into two threads - this one will uncover just SOME details of alleged harassment and sexual assault within the MNGOP ... 2/31

..and the other thread will detail alleged money fraud.

I’ll do my best to drop some of the major pieces when it comes to the deep corruption surrounding leadership by Chairwoman Carnahan - much of which she enabled for years and was able to keep undercover...
Aug 12, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
1/12 #MNGOP

Before Anton Lazzaro became involved heavily in MNGOP politics, I met him on a dating website early 2016. We hit it off because we seemed to share the same political views - he saw my photos from the RNC & he had photos with national political figures. 2/12

He told me he was just a donor and at that time not involved any more politically. He was curious about my role in local politics but also gave me a ton of pushback for supporting Trump. Then he randomly sent me unsolicited photos… needless to say I stopped responding...