Redmond Dental Care Profile picture
Redmond Dental Care celebrating 21 Years on Sutton Cross! Our team offers personalised,high quality dental services of all types under one roof. #SmilesByDesign
Nov 26, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
Thread on Medical Card Dentistry

I grew up in Finglas in a working class home. We had a medical card my entire childhood. It’s why I’ve kept treating medical card patients long after it made any financial sense. I felt a moral duty. It’s a sense of duty that’s been abused though The last time there was a fee revision of the Medical Card Dental scheme by @roinnslainte was 2009 when they CUT the fees. There’s been no increase in 12 years. Eg €39 to extract a tooth. €39 to give someone anesthetic and surgically remove a piece of them.
Mar 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
#CoronaVirus Thread

Obviously, dentists and our staff are in a very vulnerable position being in such close contact with the open mouths of people every day. We are all anxious about our own health and that of our families. 👇 However, we do have a duty to care for our patients and want to be there for those who need us. Accordingly, we have decided to remain open for as long as we can to treat emergencies and to complete necessary work. Routine appts will be postponed. 👇