Rep. Dan Crenshaw Profile picture
Proudly representing Texas's Second Congressional District
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Mar 16, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
The US Congress listening intently to Ukrainian President Zelensky.

His testimony was heart wrenching. He played a video filled with proof of the atrocities being committed by Russia. It wasn’t “propaganda,” it was real life.

The only propaganda is being perpetuated by Russia. Knowing his audience, he brushed past the request for a No Fly Zone and instead focused on a more politically palatable request: more defense weapons.
Feb 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
With gas prices at all-time highs & Russia escalating aggression, Biden should be announcing that the United States will be maximizing domestic energy production.

Instead, he’s shutting down the only thing to both lower emissions & lower prices at the pump: American oil and gas Image Gas prices actually dropped after we starting exporting crude oil to other countries.

Even more so, when America started exporting oil in 2015, we were no longer contingent on what happened in the Middle East. Our gas prices dropped & stabilized for Americans and the world.
Feb 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
China is hosting the Olympics starting Friday. It'll be an attempt by the Communist regime to show-off to the world and ignore their human rights abuses and other crimes against the world.

So here’s a thread of things China wants you to forget while you watch the Olympics. The pandemic we’re still dealing with? The one that killed millions and decimated the global economy? China’s fault.

The virus likely escaped from a Chinese lab, which they covered up by disappearing doctors, dissidents, and lying to the world through their mouthpieces at WHO.
Dec 6, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Unfortunately, many Republicans you trust are lying to you. They want you to believe they stood strong against a “new vaccine database.” But they’re lying. There’s no new database. We just made current databases secure against federal gov’t tracking.

Here’s the truth. THREAD Here are the facts:

1. There’s no new database

2. This puts restrictions -like anonymity- on Biden Admin money that’s already out the door

3. Without this bill, there’d be no guardrails

4. R’s who voted no voted *against* restrictions on how the gov’t tracks vax status.
Nov 8, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
No one should be surprised that Joe Biden is about to shut down another pipeline as winter approaches.

These people believe the world is going to end unless we abolish fossil fuels. Making it impossible to use oil and gas for energy is part of the plan.

THREAD Remember, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris *campaigned* on destroying the oil and gas industry.

When asked whether he would be willing to displace hundreds of thousands of blue-collar workers to pursue his climate agenda, then-candidate Joe Biden said, “The answer is yes.”
Jul 28, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Here’s the truth America:

The “game changer” data the CDC used for the mask mandate is from a single study from India.

The study was rejected in peer review. But CDC used it anyway. Remember what I said about public health officials losing our trust?

It gets worse. The study that influenced this decision? It followed healthcare workers who were vaccinated with a vaccine NOT EVEN APPROVED IN THE U.S.

That’s right. So they’re not even using a comparable case study that can be applied to vaccinated Americans.
Jun 25, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
This week @michaelgwaltz questioned the SECDEF and CJCS about this egregious example of racist ideology being taught at West Point. This was a seminar at West Point: “Understanding Whiteness and White Rage.” According to Carol Anderson, “the trigger for white rage, inevitably, is black advancement … it is blackness with ambition, drive, purpose, aspirations, and with demands for full and equal citizenship.”
Feb 16, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
With electricity blackouts across Texas, many are wondering: what happened? How does the energy capital of the United States run out of power?

Here’s what happened. THREAD #1 - Frozen Wind Turbines:

West Texas, where most of the wind energy is focused, had wind turbines that had to be de-iced. The little energy that power regulators planned on wind to supply was now gone.
Mar 7, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
1/x You’ve been hearing a lot about the coronavirus recently and the government’s response to it. So I wanted to address some of the myths that are out there and give you the facts.

Here’s the Truth 2/x Question #1: do masks help protect you against the coronavirus?

Answer: According to the surgeon general, masks “are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus
Feb 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
All week Democrats have been lambasting Trump on the coronavirus. Heading to the Floor right now for the last vote of the week.

I am excited to see what Pelosi is proposing on supplemental funding. Stay tuned. 2/x Just voted no on a bill to ban flavored tobacco across the country. No more flavored cigars, no more hookah.

Par for the course with leftist authoritarians.

Now, where’s the coronavirus funding? Maybe the next vote?
Dec 29, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
First it was Monsey, NY, where anti-Semitism again reared its ugly head as a man attacked Jews attending a Hanukkah celebration, stabbing 5 victims. Then it was in White Settlement, TX, where a man started shooting during a service at West Freeway Church of Christ...1/4 ...killing one before security swiftly acted to stop him. The last 24 hours has demonstrated that things must change in America.

The evil few seeking to make the rest of us live in fear cannot succeed. They must be held accountable to the highest degree. 2/4
Dec 23, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish family and friends all around the world!

During this season, we remember when a Jewish army of Maccabees fought against seemingly insurmountable odds to defeat the strongest army of the time — completely on their own. 1/4 But the Jewish people are not on their own today. Together we celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah by lighting the Menorah. Together we are united against the evil of anti-semitism.

We must stand united because the scourge of anti-semitism has not ended. 2/4
Jan 9, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Tonight, the President will be speaking on border security. Some things to keep in mind:

1) The problems on the border need to be addressed. 400,000 illegal aliens being apprehended per year while crossing an open border is completely unsustainable. 2) The problem must be solved in a multi-faceted way. Physical barriers are a necessary part of that solution. Just ask the migrant caravan when they arrived in Tijuana, where the wall prevented them from overrunning our border agents. Walls mitigate movement. Period.