Jackie Speier Profile picture
Fighter for women’s equality, our troops, LGBTQ+ & underrepresented. Congresswoman 2008-2023. Pritzker fellow UofChicago https://t.co/BlA3v7v3gy of bestseller “Undaunted."
Nov 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Today marks Native American Heritage Day, a day when we honor the Native American nations and individuals that are the foundation of our country. There would be no Thanksgiving, and indeed no America, were it not for the strength, resilience, and honor of Native Americans. Our history of mistreatment of Native Americans is one we still struggle to come to terms w/ & continues to hurt Native Americans to this very day, as seen w/disproportionate rates of poverty, health problems & violence, esp the high number of missing & murdered indigenous women.
Jul 20, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
The toll sexual assault & sexual harassment takes on our military goes beyond the raw data. It's revealed in the stories of survivors attacked by one of their own & failed by their command. That's why I’m chairing a hearing now in the MilPers Subcommittee: armedservices.house.gov/hearings?ID=D7… One survivor said, "I could have been a great Army Nurse if I had the chance ... maybe I shouldn't have reported it.”
Aug 26, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
This #WomensEqualityDay, as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and reflect on the ongoing fight and struggle for women's equality, let's recognize the role @POTUS has played in denigrating women with his words & actions. Since 2017 he has: Called women pigs, dogs, low IQ, nasty, fat, disgusting, horse face, not my type, slob, wacky, bimbo, that woman. And who could forget his calls to lock her up, send her back, or grab them by the p****?
Jan 15, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
What's been said at the unsupervised #TrumpPutin Meetings? If it was up to @POTUS we would never know! 1. Hamburg, July 2017. Rex Tillerson was present for the meeting. Interpreter told reporters that Trump responded to Putin’s denials about 2016 interference by saying “I believe you.” After this meeting Trump took possession of the interpreter’s notes.
Sep 28, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Trump also said the supplemental investigation, which he called an "update," must be "limited in scope and completed in less than one week." Will the FBI be allowed to talk to Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Squi and Timmy? “Skis” is short for “brewskis,” or beers. The entry was July 1, a Thursday. And Sen. Mitchell asked him about it.
MITCHELL: The entry says, and I quote, go to ‘Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, P.J. Bernie and ... Squi?’
KAVANAUGH: Squi. It’s a nickname.
Sep 21, 2018 11 tweets 6 min read
There is a disdain for women that is emanating from the U.S. Senate that has a pungent, rotten odor. pbs.org/newshour/polit… There is misogyny in the U.S. Senate pure and simple, whether it’s trying to undercut the CAA Reform Act or the way that Dr. Blasey Ford is being treated. And women across the country know it when they see it.
Oct 13, 2017 8 tweets 3 min read
.@POTUS has been the Maligner-in-Chief recently. Here are all the people and groups he has attacked in just the past seven days: #PuertoRico, which he threatened to abandon as thousands of our fellow American citizens face starvation & fatal illness;