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Mar 1, 2023 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
CPR and Ebay's head, Pierre Omidyar anti Indiaâť“

BREAKING - The Centre has suspended the FCRA licence of 'public policy think tank' Centre for Policy Research (CPR).

In the next series of posts I will expose their funding sources & their ideological backing.

1/n Image As per #CPR Grants report published from Oct - Dec 2022. CPR is receiving funding from Gates Foundation, Rohini Nilekani Namati foundation & others....

2/n ImageImage
Oct 9, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
A pilot launch of e-rupee soon, can be based on token or account, #RBI reveals‼️
🔅There are 2 versions—wholesale for interbank settlement and retail for the public.
🔅A token-based CBDC (central bank digital currency) is a bearer instrument like banknotes, whosoever holds…cntd …the tokens at a given point in time would be presumed to own them.
The retail version of the digital rupee is token based.

🔅An account-based system would require maintenance of record of balances and transactions of all holders of the CBDC and indicate ownership of… cntd
Sep 11, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Maharaja Hari Singh wanted to accede to India at the earliest, but Nehru and Mountbatten deliberately delayed the accession because they wanted to frustrate the Maharaja to hand over the power to Sheikh Abdullah first due to Nehru personal hostility of the Maharaja. Image Maharaja refused to succumb and self-signed the instrument of succession on 26 October 1947. Maharaja then released Sheikh Abdullah from jail when he was then legally convicted by the court of law.