Campaigning to unlock access to nature in England & Wales. 🌱
**WE'RE MOVING TO BLUESKY! Find us at:**
Jun 16, 2023 • 16 tweets • 11 min read
All over England, rivers are dying. Polluted with sewage, fertilizers, biocides, microplastics & industrial effluents; some abstracted to the point of drying up.
The recent surge in public interest & media attention is thanks to grassroots campaigners - people who know and love their local river, who’ve seen and documented the harm, and resolved to DO SOMETHING.
Taking action starts with reconnection.
Mar 13, 2023 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Watched Sir David Attenborough's #WildIsles last night and feeling simultaneously enchanted and depressed by the state of nature in this country? You're not alone. Here's why access to nature is the remedy we all need... 🧵1/11
Sir David told it like it is, "Only 13% of Britain is covered by trees. That's one of the lowest proportions in the whole of Europe." True. We are banned from the majority of woods in England, for the sake of 50 MILLION non-native pheasants shot every year. 2/11
Jan 19, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Our response to the supposed 'deal' between Dartmoor National Park Authority and (as yet undisclosed) major landowners RE: Wild Camping.
Tl;dr: It's a stitch up.
The proposed deal replaces long held rights with 'permissive access', which can be withdrawn at any time, entirely at the whims of the landowners.
Nov 22, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Join Right to Roam for a rally outside the High Court to defend the right to wild camp in Dartmoor - the only place in England where it is currently legal! ⛺️
Now that right is under threat from a major landowner. 😡
The stars are for everyone! 🌙…
We're especially keen to hear from the young people who will be most affected by the ban, including participants of Duke of Edinburgh Awards, Ten Tors, outward bound groups. If that's you, please get in touch with us by email at:
Oct 23, 2022 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Epping Forest (just outside London) was in the process of being Enclosed and made private in the 19th century, but a campaign of mass trespass forced the government to place it in common hands. This 1871 image was made just months after a demonstration there. 1/9
Around the mid-19th century, over half of Epping Forest had been enclosed and the rights which commoners had for firewood and grazing or even just a walk in the woods, were (as with most of the English countryside) being stolen away and cut down, just like the forest itself. 2/9