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Mar 30th 2023
In this week's issue: A radical new theory suggests wrinkles may be a cause of aging not just a symptom

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Fifty years ago, Bernard Carr wrote in New Scientist about the mounting evidence for black holes. Now, evidence for these objects is incontrovertible, and Carr is back writing for us – this time about black holes older than the universe…
In a lifetime of tree climbing, Nalini Nadkarni has helped expose the secrets of cloud forests – and as the perils now facing them…
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Mar 22nd 2023
There’s been huge momentum in recent months to protect & restore Britain’s lost rainforests.

From David Attenborough raising the alarm, to politicians voicing support, to landowners taking action, here’s a thread summarising developments: 1/
2/ Just this past weekend, David Attenborough discussed Britain’s temperate rainforests for the first time, in his #WildIsles series:

"These are temperate rainforests... They have now been reduced to a fraction of their original range across western Britain & Ireland"
3/ Before @LostRainforests starting campaigning in 2021, ‘temperate rainforest’ had never been mentioned in Parliament or by a Westminster politician.

Since then, temperate rainforest has been mentioned at least 12 times (& counting) by MPs & in UK Govt policy documents:
Read 17 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Watched Sir David Attenborough's #WildIsles last night and feeling simultaneously enchanted and depressed by the state of nature in this country? You're not alone. Here's why access to nature is the remedy we all need... 🧵1/11
Sir David told it like it is, "Only 13% of Britain is covered by trees. That's one of the lowest proportions in the whole of Europe." True. We are banned from the majority of woods in England, for the sake of 50 MILLION non-native pheasants shot every year. 2/11
Notice how the BBC filmed inside Blenheim Palace grounds to capture ancient oak trees? The public are often barred from such pretty places. The most beautiful and the most polluted parts of the country are off-limits to the public. To care for nature, we need access to both. 3/11
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Mar 10th 2023

The @BBC will not broadcast an episode of David Attenborough’s flagship new series on British wildlife #WildIsles because of fears its themes of the destruction of nature would risk a backlash from Tory politicians & the billionaire-owned press.…
This is symptomatic of something terrible happening to Britain - a rapid slide away from a relatively open, unified, welcoming, forward-looking mature democracy, toward an insular, unwelcoming, backward-looking, polarised, infantilising authoritarian oligarchy.
The decision has angered the programme-makers & some insiders at the @BBC, who fear the corporation has bowed to pressure from lobbying groups with “dinosaurian ways”.

The latest row focuses on #WildIsles, narrated by David Attenborough, which is likely to be extremely popular.
Read 16 tweets

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