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Sep 22nd 2022
Some of you may remember Stephen Glass, and a time when MSM lying was considered unusual, and wrong.

Anyway, "The deification of the chair of the Federal Reserve System was, in the roaring 1990s, something of an undisputed fact."

#FedHistory #Greenspan… Image
This apparently was not made up.

Spring 2001 #FedHistory #Greenspan… Image
Bob Woodward's writing is like syrup of ipecac put to paper.

#Greenspan Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
The #deficit #myth #deficitmyth by @StephanieKelton #MMT modern monetary theory
Myth N. 1: The #state should budget like a #household
#RealityCheck : unlike a household, a #SovereignNation, which owns its national #centralbank, issues the #currency it spends
Myth N. 2: #deficit is evidence of #overspending
#RealityCheck: look to #inflation for evidence of over spending
The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
Read 56 tweets
Oct 15th 2019
My 116 favorite quotes from Money: Sound and Unsound, by Joseph.T. Salerno (2015)
@jtsale @mises #AustrianEconomics #SoundMoney
1. “The idea of sound #money was present from the very beginning of modern monetary theory in the works of the 16th-century Spanish #Scholastics who argued against debasement of the coinage by the king on ethical and economic grounds”
2. “It was #Fisher and not #Keynes who was the true founder of modern macroeconomics with its aggregative reasoning and its central notion of politically managed fiat money”
Read 118 tweets

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