Ryan J. Suto Profile picture
Senior Policy Advisor at @FairVote. Father of 2, husband, #HudsonValley native, @Penn_State & @SyracuseU alumnus. Opinions my own; RTs ≠ endorsement.
Aug 24, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
People who've been trying to call each incident of violence "terrorism" over the past few years: time to reassess your advocacy.

Trump's agenda for a 2nd term includes, "Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism" (donaldjtrump.com/media/trump-ca…). (1/8) The terrorism frame has been used to subjugate #ArabAmericans & #AmericanMuslims for decades, including secret detention facilities, watchlists, ethnic & religious profiling, warrantless surveillance, & CVE programs. We must end such misguided policies. (2/8)
Jan 1, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
To expand on this line of thinking, 2010 - 2020 should be remembered as a time of democratic retreat in the US. #DecadeinReview thread 👇🏽 Liberal democracy the US arguably began in 1965 with the Voting Rights Act. It was the first time in the US when all non-felony convicted adult men & women had an enforced right to vote. vox.com/2015/3/6/81632…
Jun 27, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
[THREAD] So, you ask, what do today’s #CitizenshipQuestion and #Gerrymandering decisions mean? In the CQ case, Roberts *did* find the Voting Rights Act justification for adding the question to be pretextual. But he also wrote that Commerce’s decision to add it was supported by evidence, and was not arbitrary and capricious under the APA.