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We're fighting to address the retirement income crisis by protecting and expanding our Social Security system.
Karen Salitis 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇲 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 20 11 tweets 2 min read
Today, the Republican Study Committee (RSC), which counts nearly 80 percent of House Republicans as members, released its 2025 budget proposal — and it includes $1.5 TRILLION in cuts to Social Security!

🧵 with more details below. Last week, Donald Trump told CNBC that ‘there’s a lot you can do’ to cut Social Security.

Now, Congressional Republicans are confirming the party’s support for cuts — and laying out what the cuts would be.
Jan 18 10 tweets 2 min read
Today, the House Budget Committee voted to advance the so-called “Fiscal Commission Act of 2023”, a bill designed to cut Social Security and Medicare behind closed doors.

Every Republican present voted for it. During the mark-up, Social Security Works Executive Director Alex Lawson delivered over half a million petitions opposing the commission.

Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) responded by having Lawson arrested.
Oct 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
House Republicans just elected Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) as the new Speaker of the House.

Johnson has a long history of working to cut, privatize, and undermine Social Security and Medicare. As Chair of the Republican Study Committee from 2019-2021, Johnson released budgets that included $2 trillion in cuts to Medicare and $750 billion in cuts to Social Security.
Jun 14, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Today, the Republican Study Committee (RSC), which counts 70 percent of House Republicans as members, released its 2024 budget proposal.

The RSC plan makes massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare, destroying the programs as we know them. The RSC plan would raise the retirement age and slash middle class benefits.

These changes would transform Social Security from an earned insurance benefit, which replaces wages lost in the event of old age, disability, or death, into a subsistence-level welfare benefit.
May 5, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Proposals like this one fundamentally misunderstand the nature of Social Security, and are very dangerous for Social Security's future.

This is reminiscent of the Marco Rubio/Ivanka Trump plan to fund paid leave out of people's future Social Security benefits. The Rubio/Ivanka plan was developed by a Koch think tank, which was open about it being a first step towards destroying Social Security by privatizing it:……
Mar 10, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Donald Trump is using the coronavirus crisis as an excuse to propose a reduction in payroll contributions. This is a Trojan Horse attack on our Social Security system, which will do nothing to meaningfully address the #Covid19 crisis.… (1/7) Other proposals to stimulate the economy, such as restoring the Making Work Pay Tax Credit or expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit, are more targeted and provide more fiscal stimulus. They are fairer in their distribution and place no administrative burdens on employers. (2/7)
Oct 3, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: For years, Republicans have put their thumb on the scale in favor of for-profit Medicare Advantage plans.

Under the Trump Administration, that thumb has turned into an entire hand.

Medicare Advantage is a scam. Here are 10 reasons why.… 1. Medicare Advantage plans limit the doctors and hospitals enrollees can use. It's no surprise that the sicker people get, the more likely they are to switch back to traditional Medicare.