Sali’s shadow-banned 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture
Anti-fascist = anti-ableist. We protect us. 😷🏴 A troll farm is trying to get me suspended so follow my backup too: @BiExist. She/they. #YallMasking?
Sep 19 13 tweets 3 min read
Day 13 in hospital.

No one can read this anyway because of the ban so I’ll use it like a diary.

I still haven’t seen the neurologist and medical misogyny has kicked in. Cried for 2 hours.

My new doctors are dangerous. Blamed me for my epilepsy, to try to discharge me.

1/13 Apart from ones I saw for 2 mins at the start, all 6 doctors have been men. So’s the neurologist I haven’t seen.

Gradually, they’ve all started exclusively looking at the previous doctors’ notes and not asking me why I’m here, what happened or about my own medical history.

Mar 9 4 tweets 2 min read
CDC quietly said in a single tweet, a year or so ago, that 1 in 5 adults get a new health condition after a covid infection.

There was a diagram pointing to the organ systems long covid can affect, which is all of them.

They put it on their website and never mentioned it again. No British government agency would tweet that, under any circumstances. Not even at gunpoint.

Go USA, I guess. I can see why you all love Biden so much.
Feb 26 6 tweets 2 min read
Cōvid harm reduction Twitter! Stop arguing, sit down and listen to me!

You’re trying to reinvent the wheel with harm reduction techniques that have already been tested by the queer community around safer sex.

I worked in queer sexual health and drugs harm reduction.

1/5 🏳️‍🌈 At one org, we distributed free safer sex packs to people who ordered online or attended ch3m$3x or f3ti$h events.

Safer sex advice, testing info, condoms, lube and vinyl gloves.

People liked and used the gloves because they were black not blue or white like medical ones.

Feb 10 16 tweets 3 min read
This cōvid era eugenics resurgence is resulting in ‘useless eaters’ Nazi rhetoric about disabled people, from the left on here, daily.

I’ve been doing anti-fascist activism since school. Here’s a thread about disabled people in protest movements. They collapse without us.

1/15 Viral Tweet by @QueerSocialism: how is it that the current era of “disability activism” cannot imagine disabled people outside of the imaginary of being perpetually lifeless, sick, lazy, leeches to social struggles, incapable of doing anything (especially if it requires sacrifice)? i find it fascinating Most unionists have the politics of an industrial revolution factory owner when it comes to disability.

You leave the most marginalised to die if they can’t be forced to work, just like the Right.

Putting someone’s worth in how much labour you can extract is capitalism.

Dec 23, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
If you post about cōvid, change your settings so as only people you follow can reply.

Troll farms paid by various governments and business lobbies are swarming because this wave is so huge.

I’ve worked in social media. I’ve met people paid to troll and post disinformation.

If you really don’t want to limit the audience, at least hide trolls’ replies before you block.

Trolls don’t just get paid for their own posts - they get paid for engagement.

If you only block, other people still see their replies and respond. They get paid per response.

Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I’m seeing IRL and hearing stories of people minimising their experiences of covid and other illnesses triggered by it.

It’s a trauma response and usually justification for doing 0 to prevent giving it to people or changing behaviour in any minor way that makes them stand out. A close family member of mine did this 2 weeks after recovering from covid. Except I was the one who looked after her when she had covid.

I was on the phone to doctors. I nearly had to call an ambulance.

But two weeks later she said it was mild and maybe it was gastroenteritis.
Apr 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This ‘elite couple’ is getting fucking *destroyed* on UK Twitter.

1. 2.
Apr 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
This thread is important because hospital acquired covid has over a 10% fatality rate and they’re stopping symptomatic testing.

Other countries follow the UK like they did with removing masks in hospitals so it’s important everywhere.

They’re doing it for legal reasons.

💫It’s so as you can’t sue them for injury.💫

That’s why they’re removing covid tests in UK hospitals and care homes, even for most symptomatic patients or staff.

Also so as you can’t easily claim benefits/welfare for #LongCovid. U.S. turned someone down due to no test.

Mar 29, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
2021 is the year I realised that the queer community is ableist to the extent that it’s disabling its own members.

Ableist even to the point that it would kill its own members.

Here’s a thread about why that came as such a shock to me, as a queer activist of over a decade.

🧵1 If 220,982 UK people had been killed in 3 years, two thirds were queer and most people were happy because they mistakenly thought only queers would die, you’d compare it to the AIDS crisis.

You’d call it fascist.

This is the scenario with covid eugenics and disabled people.

Mar 23, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Oh, this is the paedo guy from yesterday. If I’d said I wanted to fuck a 14 year old, I’d be out there deleting tweets at least. A thread showcasing the paedo guy’s work.
Mar 21, 2023 22 tweets 8 min read
Thousands of trolls are targeting the left and #DisabilityTwitter, often pretending to be disabled and anti-vax/mask.

Here’s Cambridge Analytica’s ex-lead psychologist designing disinfo to target you on behalf of big business.
#HARTLeaks #KochNetwork
🧵1 Patrick Fagan chat log from... If people are worried about covid, they avoid shops, go to fewer restaurants, stay away from offices etc.. Big businesses lose money.

Oil companies and commercial property companies lose money if people work from home. People use less petrol, which is the main thing.

Nov 25, 2022 15 tweets 9 min read
David Walliams has quit Britain’s Got Talent, reportedly due to these offensive and misogynist comments in leaked audio.

Here’s a thread about David Walliams’ previous behaviour.

🧵1 Express: David Walliams, 51, was forced to apologise over a Discussion of a now deleted thread about David Walliams and teenage girls, which I read at the time.

🧵2 Tweet by @lexCanRoar: this thread about David Walliams raiseInstagram 2020: @Kiran_MH: Becki's thread got taken down bec