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আমাদের দেখা হোক অক্ষরে, ব্যথায়
Jul 28 4 tweets 2 min read
Art in Olympics & a Bengali 🧵

Art competitions formed part of the modern Olympic Games during its early years, from 1912 to 1948. The competitions were part of the original intention of the Olympic Movement's founder, Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin. Medals Image were awarded for works of art inspired by sport, divided into five categories: architecture, literature, music, painting, and sculpture.

The juried art competitions were abandoned in 1954 because artists were considered to be professionals, while Olympic athletes Image
May 26, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
নদী আর বাজারের মাঝামাঝি সাজান মাস্টারের বাড়ি। টিনের চাল, মুলিবাঁশের বেড়া, উঠোন পেরিয়ে টালির রান্নাঘর। পেঁপে গাছের পাশ দিয়ে কলতলা। উঠোনের দিকে আর বাইরের দিকে মাটির বারান্দা। সাইকেল ধীরে ফিরছিল বাড়ির দিকে। আচ্ছা গানটা কি একতালের? নাকি কাহারবা ছিল?

#NazrulIslam Image প্যাডেল করতে করতে মাত্রা গুণছিলেন সাজান মাস্টার। এই যে তার জীবন ভরা নজরুলের গান সেও তো এমনি এমনি নয়। কত বছর আগে, সেবার বটতলার বড়ো অনুষ্ঠান, গণ্যমান্যদের সামনে গান গেয়েছিলেন উঠতি গায়ক শাহজাহান। সে গানে মঞ্চের একদম সামনের দিকে রাখা একটি চেয়ারে জ্বলে উঠেছিল সন্ধ্যাবাতি! Image
May 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
On the world scene many celebrated artists like Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Gauguin & Michelangelo have been subjects of highly lauded novels. Ramkinkar Baij is the only Indian artist based on whose life a serialised novel (Dekhi Nai Phire) was being written by

#RamkinkarBaij ImageImageImageImage Samaresh Basu when the later passed away. What attracted Basu to Baij ? Other than his colourful & complicated personality Basu was attracted towards the strange facts of Baij's life which through surprising twists & turns transformed a small-town boy into one of the major Image
May 23, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
আশা করছি ইতিমধ্যে নামটি সাথে আপনারা পরিচিত হয়েছেন। সিলিকোসিস মহামারী আসলে মুনাফার লোভে গরীব শ্রমিকদের গণহত্যা। এই সিলিকোসিস আক্রান্তদের অধিকারের দাবিতে আগামী 24 শে মে, 2023 বুধবার সকাল দশটায় মৌলালিতে জমায়েত এবং মিছিলে ডাক দিয়েছে ImageImageImageImage COORDINATION COMMITTEE AGAINST SILICOSIS AND OTHER OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES, মৌলালি থেকে ধর্মতলার Y চ্যানেল পর্যন্ত মিছিলের পর সারাদিনব্যাপী অবস্থান বিক্ষোভ হবে শ্রমিক কৃষকের। এই কর্মসূচিতে অংশগ্রহণ করছে সিলিকোসিস আক্রান্ত সংগ্রামী শ্রমিক কমিটিও। ImageImageImage
Jul 19, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Good morning India ! Everyday you hear soooo much about the developments that have happened & are happening during Mamata Banerjee's rule in West Bengal.

Well let me write a short 🧵 & show the actual state of affairs. Please bear with me. Let me begin by telling you that 1047 schools have shut down in the last 10 yrs in Jhargram & West Medinipur. Yes you read it right. 1047 schools have shut down in only 2 districts.
Jul 18, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Bishnu Dey although essentially an illustrious poet, was also a versatile litterateur who was equally well-known for his prose, translation, poetry-essays, cinema & art criticism. He was born #OTD in 1909 in Bengal Presidency. Dey is a difficult poet for the reader. His poetry frequently refers to western classics (art & music) & attempts to marry eastern classical concepts with western, contrasting them at the same time. His sophisticated imageries were rejected by some of his successors as “elitist”
Jul 17, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Legendary playwright director actor scriptwriter & political activist Bijon Bhattacharya was born #OTD in 1917 in Faridpur, Bangladesh Though born into a family of Brahmin landlords Bijon was highly influenced by the socio-political movements of the time and was an active participant.
Jul 16, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Remember Rizwanur Rahman ? Remember how a movement was built up around this incident and people were fooled into believing that #CPIM was anti-Muslim ? Remember Rizwanur's brother Rukbanur Rahman who has been a #TMC MLA since 2011 ?

Well he is in the news & not bcoz of any good deed but he is all over #WestBengal mainstream media for having accepted huge amount of money as bribe in exchange of false promise of giving jobs to poor helpless youths of his constituency. Image
Nov 12, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Exactly 15 days after swearing in as the CM Mamata Banerjee paid a visit to Bangur Institute of Neurosciences. She was accompanied by her kafila comprising of media henchmen & supporters. Institute director renowned neurosurgeon Dr. SP Ghorai rushes out to
#MamataShowsTheWay greet her with folded hands and answer her questions. MB instructs him to meet her the next day at her office. With folded hands the surgeon replies it is difficult for him to commit as he had a few surgeries lined up. CM show her displeasure & storms out.
