Sara Gideon Profile picture
Mom. Mainer. Speaker of the Maine House 2016-2020 and former candidate for US Senate.
Oct 13, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Senator Collins has confirmed 181 of Trump’s judicial nominees—including Leonard Steven Grasz, Gregory Katsas, and Jonathan Kobes, all of whom were rated as “not qualified” by the American Bar Association. #mepolitics Meet Judge Leonard Steven Grasz. In addition to being “not qualified,” he also called Roe v. Wade “moral bankruptcy.”

Senator Collins voted to confirm him anyway. #mepolitics
Aug 7, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
I've passed legislation to reduce carbon emissions & increase renewable energy production here in Maine. In the Senate, I'll work to protect the health of our communities, defend our natural resources, and grow our economy. #mepolitics Senator Collins has received over $500,000 from oil & gas companies and confirmed dozens of anti-environment nominees. I’m not accepting any corporate PAC money and as Senator, I’ll move for the U.S. to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement & work to ensure a carbon-neutral future.
Dec 20, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Thanks to Collins' critical vote two years ago, #CollinsCorporateTaxBreak gave nearly $2 trillion to big corporations in tax breaks, while hardworking Mainers got left behind.

Here’s what some of the big corporations got, compared to what it could have paid for in our state: 🏠 The $1.7 billion refund to BlueCross BlueShield could have paid for a $6,000 tax break for every middle class family in Maine.
Dec 17, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Throughout her career, Senator Collins has taken over $5 million from corporate PACs & regularly voted in their interests, including her critical vote for the Trump tax bill. These industries benefited from #CollinsCorporateTaxBreak at the expense of everyday Mainers: The insurance industry raked in millions in tax breaks, including...
💸 Anthem Insurance: $1.1 million
💸 Blue Cross Blue Shield: $2.3 million

Both companies donated to Senator Collins just days after her vote. #CollinsCorporateTaxBreak
Oct 5, 2019 13 tweets 5 min read
At this exact moment on October 5, 2018, Senator Collins took to the Senate floor to announce her decision to support Kavanaugh. Do you remember where you were for those 45 minutes? I do. /1 I remember watching Senator Collins’ floor speech, hoping she’d put her country before her party and stand up for Mainers.

She didn’t. Instead, she stood up for Trump, McConnell, and their right-wing agenda. /2