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Alden's mom. Storyteller. Co-founder, Chief Campaigns Officer @IndivisibleTeam. Get the newest Guide:
Oct 10, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Every single word of this piece from a 20-year Army War College professor on why @SenMastriano and @RepScottPerry are unfit to hold office is a must-read.… Since it's behind a paywall, let's review some of the 🔥, shall we?
Feb 23, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
"Americans overwhelmingly reject the idea of banning books about history or race. One reason for that: a big majority also say teaching about the history of race in America makes students understand what others went through."… More than 8 in 10 Americans—across party lines, between Black and white Americans, and among parents and non-parents— DON'T think books should be banned from schools for discussing race, criticizing US history, depicting slavery, or for political ideas they disagree with.
Feb 22, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
If you're from SC, NC, PA, SD, LA, or ID, your senators (@SenatorTimScott, @SenThomTillis, @SenToomey, @SenatorRounds, @SenJohnKennedy, and @MikeCrapo) need to hear from you. A 🧵. They've got a super fun new strategy to block Biden's agenda and nominees: stop showing up for work and doing their jobs.…
Feb 22, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
This GOP plan for America is next-level bananas. And every single Republican running for office should be asked about every single bullet point.… As weird as it is they couldn't edit this down to get to an even 10, here are 11 highlights:
1. Raise taxes on the poor (pg. 35)
2. Build a wall and name it after Donald Trump (pg. 13)
3. Double down on Trump’s false claims of a “rigged election” (pg. 43)
Feb 22, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I hope Democrats are paying attention — because there's a clear roadmap for the path ahead on Republicans' manufactured "culture wars" (read: CRT, book banning, etc.). And that path is to go on offense. Yesterday, @WasonCenter released their "State of the Commonwealth," which reveals that in VA, voters support teaching how racism continues to impact American society (63% to 33%).…
Nov 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
This take from folks like @MarkWarner & others is laughable at best. I live in the lots-of-cows part of Virginia. Not one voter that I talked to had any idea what was happening re: BIF and BBB negotiations. But they sure as hell think (incorrectly) that CRT is taught in schools. "If only we had roads and bridges!" is ridiculous. And frankly, progressives will be the only reason Democrats have *anything* popular to talk to voters about in 2022. Better take from Warner would've been: gosh, we've really got to eliminate the filibuster & get some shit done.
Feb 23, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
.@SenatorSinema is doubling down on her support of the #filibuster in emails to constituents today. 🧵 At the same time Sinema argues that she cares more about process than policies that help people or restoring our democracy for the people, the Arizona legislature leads the nation in proposed voter suppression bills.…
Jan 5, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
Folks came out in record numbers to choose a government of, by, and for the people and elect @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris. The people decided. The election is over. And it's time for us to move forward as a country. But, why would we think Trump enablers would stop now? Hundreds — led by @RonJohnsonWI, who is up for reelection in '22 btw — are still pursuing a last-ditch, undemocratic effort to undermine the certification of the results on Wednesday.…
Feb 18, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Former congressional Comms Director here. I cannot overstate how impactful letters to the editor are in the fight to win on a policy or a bill. Here's why. (Thread) Every morning, someone like me puts together an email to your members of Congress on all the news stories that mention them or are about "live" issues in newspapers within the district. Every. Single. Morning.