Sarah Profile picture
She/her. Physio student on hold since #longcovid #MEcfs Oct 2021. #CognitiveDysfunction 🧠♿️ #FBLC
Jun 27, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
There's a large gap in Health Care Professionals’ knowledge of what severe #LongCovid & #MEcfs look like & how it can affect brain function.
Here's an imperfect thread describing how I was at Severe. I hope it helps you understand why patients dislike the term “Brain Fog”. 1/19 Image Keep in mind, more severe categories of LC & MEcfs also exist. So, it gets much worse than this.

Also note, not everyone who is severe will have the same cognitive function as me. Categorisation is based on the sum of all symptoms. This cluster formed my most limiting set. 2/
Aug 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
My friend tonight. “It’s not long covid but…” she couldn’t walk long distances for over 6 mos due to shortness of breath post covid and now, 2yrs later “my brain still can’t do what it used to”. She thinks it’s because of a diet change at the time that didn’t work for her. 🤷‍♀️ Heard so many of these. I don’t understand what people think LC is or why they settle on any other explanation for their sx other than after-effects of a viral infection.
Jul 21, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
Some reflections on #longcovid 🧠 cognitive dysfunction and it’s impact on social life.
I’ve been writing these slowly over the last 3 months. I hope it’s insightful- especially to those who do not have long covid and want to understand “brain fog”. 🧵/18 Socialising is hard because of cognitive dysfunction & fatigue (the longer I use my brain, the more my brain doesn’t work). Complex tasks, like social interaction, are particularly draining because there are so many areas of my 🧠 that need to work quickly & in tandem. 2/18
Jul 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Caught up with my brother who now feels recovered after 12 days of Covid. He said “really glad I’ve avoided #LongCovid
… sorry to break it to you bro, most people have a few wks of normality before developing LC. Convalescence over next 6 weeks is crucial #BA5 1/2 He’s the last of the family to get covid and I’m rooting for him to make it through recovery without developing Long Covid like me. That means: Radicle rest. It’s going to be boring but worth it.
Jun 14, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
As BA.5 spreads, I’m seeing many people complain of lingering symptoms. I’m worrying about them getting #longcovid
I keep sending warnings, urging them to rest & not return to work/exercise too soon. But it feels like they believe that lowering activity levels = resting. 🧵/6 Rest has a different meaning to everyone and is a luxury many can’t afford.
8 mos ago, I tried to “rest” post-Covid. I thought rest meant staying home, cancelling immediate commitments and generally taking it easy.
Now I realise the rest I should have done = offloading my… 2/6
Jun 1, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Today marks 8mths since my 1st #longcovid symptoms and 12wks since a reinfection.
To give an idea of where I’m at, my short term goals are to brush my teeth x2pd, prepare and eat simple meals x3pd, shower every other day and wash my hair x1pw. I am not yet achieving this. 1/7 My long term goal is to return to uni and finish my physio degree. The next 15wks will determine whether I can do this or not. I’m waiting to hear back on options to go part time. Full time study is too ambitious right now. 2/7