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I refuse to be hurried. 🇺🇸 (🇩🇪🇮🇹🇬🇧🇫🇷🇬🇷) Known for 'not being terse'
Dec 4, 2022 24 tweets 3 min read
These are the rules. The consistent messages. You will see them reflected in all transmissions. In TV shows, movies & advertisements.

I will add to this list as I am reminded of them. Women should be in charge. 'Minority' women should be shown in positions of authority, but the top positions of authority formerly reserved for white females should be shared equally now with 'minority' females.
Nov 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Friends! I've seen a number of things that suggest to me Russia is targeting Southern whites with their propaganda. I'm not saying I care. I'm not saying other powers aren't using propaganda. I'm just saying I've seen it. And now I want to gather links for it.


Please share links w/ me for any tweets or videos or things you've seen that are produced/disseminated by Russians, targeting Southern US people, or that seem to be 'cultural outreach' between Russians & Southern Americans.

Examples I've seen but can't now find include...

Oct 19, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
In this thread we'll see examples of early social justice propaganda produced by Brits – some clearly aimed at the US. Presumably to disrupt a core aspect of US cotton production labor & sow discord there. A discord that eventually led to our Civil War.

And all very GAE. Inscription: 'Fleecy locks and black complexion / Cannot forfeit Natures claim / [skins] may differ, but affection / Dwells in Black & White the same.'

London, 1798.

Note the American flag in the background. Image
Aug 25, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
This is my best guess on what's going down in Afghanistan


Biden's a dipshit. They know he's a dipshit. USA has long played the revolving dialectical game of Republicans make war, Democrats make peace. Of course it's a lie. But bear in mind they run things in cycles. So Biden's perfect to oversee the phase of mock humiliation. The narrative is globally fixed that Afghanistan was a blunder. That the US are inept. That valiant goat herders with matchlock jezails destroyed the world greatest superpower blah, blah, blah.
Aug 24, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Catching up on my @RoyalApostolic streams. 30 minutes into this one on the origins of the Kievan Rus & it's a particularly good one.

A few (very) random thoughts follow 1/6

1st regarding Khazars: there's old story of how they came to adopt their religion. Perhaps you mention it later but you didn't in yr discussion of Khazars thus far.

Ruler of the Khazars decides he must choose among the religions of the book to select one for his domains. 2/6
Feb 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Songs For The Right

A thread to which I will occasionally add songs. "Listen he ain't for sale. Never for the law to ride."

There are many live recordings of this song, each a bit different. All worth checking out.

Feb 1, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Just had this one recommended. It's EXCELLENT. Really a surprise. Absolutely TOP DRAWER. How did I not know about this? ImageImageImage "You expect me to believe these Apaches will turn agains their own families, track down their own people?"

"Why not? Everyone else seems to be doing it." Image
Jan 7, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
I catch flak for calling events at The Capitol a false flag.

I was referring to people starting fights at The Capitol while Trump was still speaking, before he finished.

Trump supporters I've encountered would stay there at the speech, until it was finished.

1/8 Image I was also talking about those who first went in, exploiting photo ops. What's the negative PR value of that Confederate flag?

But it goes further. Capitol can lock down in a minute. Maybe two minutes. It's the fucking Capitol. Get real.

Heavy, locking bronze doors.

2/8 Image
Jan 5, 2021 25 tweets 4 min read
Don't even know where to start. There's so much of it. I'll give the quotes including as little as possible so it will fit in Twitter. If you want context just search the terms in the transcript.

Mind you, this isn't all of it.

@emily_nephilim @KingofShirgar "And we are quite sure that’s going to happen."

"Ballots were dropped in massive numbers. And we’re trying to get to those numbers and we will have them."
Nov 9, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Listening to the 'news' is so fucking surreal. It's like schizophrenia across the face of a nation. I'm still having trouble getting my head around it. Perhaps I should say it's still strange to have my head now *completely* out of it.

1/8 Half the nation is undergoing psychological transformation. Even I am. Even I was not aware it was *this* brazenly corrupt. How do you think the people who heard about red pills two weeks ago are doing?


Nov 9, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
Thread. Worth looking at all of it. Outstanding artefacts!

The Seuso treasure originates from the late imperial period of the Roman Empire (4th – 5th centuries). It was named after its owner, Seuso, whose name appears in the inscription of the so-called hunting or Seuso platter. Its pieces are characteristic elements of a dining set used for feasts, while vessels for washing and beautification are also included.
Nov 8, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Don't forget 18 U.S. Code § 371 too. CONSPIRACY

You have to look at it closely. You have to actually register what it means – in practice.

"The essence of conspiracy is an agreement of two or more persons to engage in some form of prohibited conduct...

1/6 ...The crime is complete upon agreement, although some statutes require prosecutors to show that at least one of the conspirators has taken some concrete step or committed some overt act in furtherance of the scheme."

Hear that? The CRIME is *complete upon agreement*

Oct 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Should perhaps look at potential Turkey/Ukraine defense alliance as less about any given country's national interests & more about the naked self-interest of establishment figures in each country. Ukraine was peeled off Russia by Soros & others, becoming a kind of ideal...

'offshore' spot for the global 'forces of progress' to get up to all the shit they get up to. Russia really went into Syria AFTER the Euromaidan spectacle. Turkey then came as if in response to Russia, as if unleashed as a counter.

Mar 13, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
For those who don't follow the reasoning behind the speculation expressed in recent talks w/ Tim about China and the viral outbreak, here it is spelled out in as straightforward a fashion as I can currently manage.

"Would've written you a shorter not, but I didn't have time". I want to emphasize that all of this is unbridled speculation. That said, as I discussed in the previous video in which we talked about the virus, my idea is the basic one you see with nuclear weapons: a doctrine of mutually assured destruction.
Mar 6, 2020 28 tweets 6 min read
In the recent fuss between Academic Agent and @KeithWoodsYT we see an exemplary illustration of those who seek to understand the actual problem (and set a foundation to address it) vs. those who wish to act out from a 'more sure than right' position.

@DavidofShirgar Academic Agent is actually doing the hard work of disentangling the strands (knotted with malice aforethought) of a highly complex web of manipulation, in order to develop the strategy necessary to address the problems this snare has created for everyone.
May 16, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
19 Guidelines For 'Current Year' Advertising & Entertainment.
@thegownprince @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @TheGreatOrderIs

1. Bigoted or racist people are ALWAYS white; if also rude & violent they are most often white males. School bullies are almost always white (see 5, below). 2. Homosexual men are warm-hearted & emotionally accessible; they always love and respect their female friends in the most genuine way.

3. Straight women often seek out lesbians for important relationship advice regarding men. This is prudent.
May 13, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Finally figured out why the whole 'Moon Landing Never Happened' thing got started. It's bullshit agitprop produced by America's enemies. You might ask why? Well, follow this THREAD and see... Hypersonic weapons are currently all the rage. The Russians are working on a nuclear powered cruise missile that can run forever – more or less - in the upper atmosphere, maneuvering and coming down at incredible speed whenever required.
Nov 24, 2018 26 tweets 5 min read
1 – Clip is translated in the thread below. Not word for word, but close. Looks like MI6 might be cooperating with Turkey to thwart the US. Echoes of UK intelligence seeking to smear Trump with 'collusion'? #Khashoggi @SaerynLabs

2 – CLIP TITLE: Jamal Khashoggi – CIA and MI6 Intelligence Games

Ismail Hakki Pekin (Ex-Armed Forces Intelligence Agency Head): "The US, Prince MBS, Mohammed Bin Zaid, Egypt, Jordan and Israel are all uniting to reorganize the area again in opposition to Iran...
Nov 14, 2018 16 tweets 4 min read
1 – Look at this Arctic Projection 2 – The ice has melted significantly, allowing for shipping to move through previously unavailable Arctic routes for a longer season. This allows goods to be moved at fractions of the cost, and fractions of the time otherwise required.
Aug 12, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
Why did #IlhanOmar employ a guy arrested for stabbing people as a member of her campaign organization? @psamsundar @powerlineUS That's a question I'd like to hear @IlhanMN answer. Here's the mugshot. Here's the police report.