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Aug 3, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
My mother is dealing with memory issues which are almost certainly dementia-related. She also has mobility issues and is a falls risk. She’s 97 and lives independently a few miles away. This thread is about the technology that is helping keep her safe and is reducing our angst.
I hope that some of you facing the same issues might find this stuff interesting and/or helpful.
Howz - @GetHowz
Howz offer an activity monitoring service which alerts you when there is inactivity or unusual activity in the home.
Apr 25, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Here’s the thing @nationaltrust - I feel passionately about the East Water Valley. It is a gem of Exmoor National Park and you have closed it for what I feel are highly dubious reasons. 1/N
You have unilaterally denied visitors access to this unique and picturesque valley - and therefore done something which is in direct opposition to the principles on which the trust was founded: You remember ‘For Everyone, For Ever’. 2/N
Dec 18, 2021 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Thread RANT [1/n]
And here it comes. The inevitable lockdown. Too late as usual. Just so that @BorisJohnson 's failed government could keep the tills ringing up until Xmas, and he could keep the ERG off his back.…
😤Failed to act early on Omicron
😤Failed to reduce the base rate of Delta with sensible measures
😤Failed to make schools safe
😤Failed to protect the NHS
😤Failed to demonstrate any sign of leadership throughout the pandemic
Nov 4, 2019 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: Some thoughts about the recent angst amongst Remainers regarding the apparent tribalism of Lab and LibDems. I have been troubled by the diversion that this is causing – and the apparently irrational behaviour of the parties. So here’s a hypothesis… /01
My thought is that there is a simple explanation in basic marketing theory: It is in Lab’s and LibDems’ interest to occupy as wide a portion of the political spectrum as possible to funnel the maximum number of votes from a broad set of voters. For /02
Some of the lovely people and banners at yesterday’s #PeopesVoteMarch. A thread of indeterminate length. Please use theses pictures for any purpose associated with the cause to #StopBrexit. Higher resolutions available on request. #PeoplesVoteMarch
Mar 3, 2018 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Interesting and balanced EU report on how technology could help the Irish border issue. Comments in thread... “Smart Border 2.0 Avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland for Customs control and the free movement of persons”…
1 Even if the parties, UK in particular, could decide what it wanted, and even if the scheme was based largely on the Norway-Sweden border as suggested, the development, installation and roll-out of any such system would require many years. My guess 5+ years.
Nov 22, 2017 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
THREAD: This thread documents my conclusions from my FoI requests regarding the 58 studies on the impact of Brexit. All of the following points take the FoI responses at face value in terms of their veracity. /01
The exercise encompassed many government departments, as you would expect. Those involved: DExEU, Cabinet Office, BIS, CLG, DEFRA, International Development, International Trade, Transport, DWP, Agriculture (NI), Health, Export Credit Guarantees, FCO, Tresury, PM’s Office, /02