Simon Petersen Profile picture
I work with Integrated Air and Missile Defense. A long time ago I was an air defense officer in the Danish Army.
Sep 26, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Jeg er stor fan af lasere, som koncept 😉

Primært af to årsager:
1) De er bedre i fredstid end f.eks. kanoner og missiler på grund af lavere risiko for utilsigtet skade på andre ting,
2) Cost per kill er væsentlig bedre end med kanoner og missiler.

En tråd.... Det hele kommer dog an på, hvor meget power, altså effekt, man kan få ud af laseren. Effekten af laseren aftager kraftigt som funktion af afstanden til målet.
Oct 18, 2020 15 tweets 6 min read
For nyligt præsenterede Nordkorea et nyt interkontinentalt ballistisk missil (ICBM) under en militærparade.

Der er allerede sagt og skrevet meget om det nye missil, men jeg vil alligevel dele mine egne observationer. Det første, og mest åbenlyse, er hvor meget større det nye ICBM er i forhold til det hidtil største nordkoreanske ICBM, Hwasong-15, som illustreret her.
Aug 26, 2020 14 tweets 11 min read
‼️ New thread of BMD & IAMD threads ‼️

Over the time I have written a number of different threads on various BMD and IAMD topics, that newer followers might not have seen.

So, as a service, this thread pulls them all together.

I will try to keep this thread up to date. This thread explains the need for detailed and accurate planning in BMD.

It also explains the benefit of having forward based sensors that can provide early detection and cueing in support of rearward systems.

Apr 29, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Chefen for hæren, Generalmajor Lollesgaard har skrevet et indlæg om hærens fremtid, efter dette forlig.

Jeg bider mærke i denne sætning: "ved aktivering af brigaden (op til 180 dage) er det tanken, at ammunition, reservedele mv. skal indkøbes."… Det forekommer mig at være cirka samme tilgang som sundhedsvæsnet har haft til værnemidler: Vi behøver ikke så mange på lagrene, vi køber bare, når vi skal bruge dem.

Men når vi så skal bruge dem, er vi garanteret ikke de eneste, så der opstår problemer med at få dækket behovet.
Apr 27, 2020 10 tweets 10 min read
The latest addition of @SeapowerMag has a really interesting article on the Danish navy's plan for Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) using the SM-6 missile to counter advanced threats.
I contributed a bit to the article. Since 2018 the Danish navy has worked to integrated SM-2 missiles into the IVER HUITFELDT class frigates. The frigates were commissioned in the early 2000s, but its not until now they get SM-2 missiles.
In parallel the navy will prepare for integration of SM-6 as well.
Dec 30, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
I often see and hear people talking about whether or not a certain interceptor can intercept a specific ballistic missile type, e.g. can an SM-3 intercept an ICBM.

And very often people make claims that the interceptor's burn out velocity is critical to that.

It's actually not. There's no question that an interceptor's burn out velocity is important and determines many things, including primarily the interceptor's range and speed, i.e. how fast it can get to the maximum range.

But it's not critical to achieve a succesful kill against an RV.
Sep 20, 2019 19 tweets 6 min read
This is a really good thread on how to defend against drones and missiles.

There are, however, a couple of comments I would like to make to emphasize some of the challenges but also highlight some more capabilities and systems we have. First of all, there are significantly more systems, that can defend against cruise missiles, than @DuitsyWasHere includes in his thread. A couple of examples below, but that's probably not even a complete list since I am only including missile based interceptors.
Aug 23, 2019 23 tweets 9 min read
"Aegis Ashore (AA) is equipped with Mk41 VLS that can fire Tomahawk missiles and therefore in violation of the INF treaty".

While true that Mk41 can fire Tomahawk, it doesn't mean that AA in Europe can fire Tomahawk.

This thread will try to explain what the Mk41 is - and isn't. Caveat: All information in this thread is based on open sources.
Someone might have questions that exceed what can be found in open sources, and since I don't want to go to jail, I will not be answering those questions.
Jul 13, 2019 19 tweets 5 min read
Tyrkiet er nu begyndt at modtage det S400 luft- og missilforsvarssystem landet har købt af Rusland.

Leverancen truer med at splitte både NATO og F35 programmet og ingen ved, hvad der kommer til at ske.

Men hvad er problemet ved at købe S400 egentlig? USA og NATO påpeger to primære forhold:
1) Købet er en trussel mod sikkerheden i F35 programmet og
2) S400 kan ikke samarbejde med NATOs øvrige luft- og missilforsvarssystemer.

I denne tråd vil jeg prøve at dykke lidt ned i de to argumenter og forklare, hvori problemerne ligger.
Jul 8, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
Jeg faldt lige over dette denne artikel omkring atombalancen mellem USA og Rusland, men naturligvis er det indholdet omkring missilforsvar, der interesserer mig mest 🙂

Jeg synes desværre, at artiklen behandler emnet alt for simpelt og ensidigt, så jeg har et par kommentarer... Artiklen laver en rodet sammenblanding af de amerikanske elementer af NATO BMD (Aegis Ashore i Rumænien og Polen) og atombalancen mellem USA og Rusland - altså de to landes evner til at udslette hinanden med atomvåben.
Jul 2, 2019 37 tweets 13 min read
In Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Launch on Remote (LOR) and Engage on Remote (EOR) are concepts that are often talked about and discussed.

But why do we need LOR and EOR and what do the concepts bring to the BMD systems on the battle field?

This will be a LONG thread! In this thread, I will try to visualize and explain when LOR and EOR make sense over organic engagements and why.

Often, I see and hear people talk about LOR and EOR, but struggling to really understand the underlying concepts and requirements to the various elements.
Jun 14, 2019 25 tweets 8 min read
I always say that planning is 85% of BMD and I've been meaning to do a thread on BMD planning, Sensor cueing and Launch on Remote for some time now.

I finally got around to generate the visual aids needed, so here we go.

This is going to be a long thread! First of all: All visuals in this thread are notional and not representative of any live systems - this thread is to highlight and discuss principles, not actual system performance og real systems. The visuals are all generated using an unclassified BMD planner and simulator.
Jan 24, 2019 21 tweets 12 min read
Når folk læser #MissileDefenseReview, og #dkmedier måske skriver om det, så håber jeg, at man forholder sig til det reelle indhold og ikke lader sig styre af, at det er et "Trump dokument", for der er faktisk mange gode ting i det, som jeg vil prøve at skrive lidt om her. Først og fremmest er det vigtigt at forstå, at #missilforsvar normalt nyder opbakning fra både demokrater og republikanere i Kongressen og at amerikansk politik omkring #missilforsvar ikke oplever de store udsving alt efter hvilken præsident der sidder.
ping @PC_Ulrich
Jan 10, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
There have been many good threads on this article over the last 24 hours. I would recommend @EricGomezAsia, @nktpnd and @mgerrydoyle for good perspectives.
One insight I will offer, is the impact of plasma effects to ASBMs, which is not insignificant.… Bottom line up front:
- Plasma effects will have an impact on ASBMs ability to detect and target ships.
- The effect increases with longer range missiles, due to the higher velocity of the reentry vehicles (RVs)
Dec 28, 2018 14 tweets 7 min read
Rusland testede for nyligt et nyt våbensystem, et hypersonisk ballistisk missil, kaldet "Avangard", der efter sigende skulle være umuligt at stoppe. Men hvad er egentlig det særlige ved missilet og hvorfor er det bemærkelsesværdigt?
Det vil jeg prøve at beskrive i denne tråd. De fleste #dkmedier beskriver hastigheden på missilet, som den afgørende faktor for at missilforsvarssystemer ikke kan skyde Avangard ned. Det er en sandhed med væsentlige modifikationer. Almindelige interkontinentale ballistiske missiler flyver med hastigheder på ca. 25.000km/t.