How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, the PE Research Review (aka UKCC Mk.2) appears at a time when @Sport_England has finally moved on from the dysfunctional nonsense of the UKCC Mk.1 era… but it's sociologically illiterate & effectively perpetuates Blair/Cameron-era nonsense 👇"What does it sound like, taste like, to be in discovery of the world with kids? Not *for* them, but *with* them [...] in these sessions, the knee-jerk repetition of parental instruction that is so submerged lost their invisibility because we started from another landscape" Davids is cited... but aside from a token reference to non-linearity, the report reads as if his lifetime's work (& the contributions of his colleagues around the world) has no relevance & poses no major challenges to a "business-as-usual" approach.