How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Cardiff & South Shields sizeable Muslim communities had lived & worked sometimes for several generations. mostly from present-day Yemen, Somalia, Egypt, Indian subcontinent. Islamophobia didn't appear as it has for the past 30/40 yrs. The racism was colonial and anti-migrant. attacks generally targeted Jews & anarchists (at certain times perceived to basically be the same thing). But the targets were at least genuinely autonomous actors, who proposed diff practical forms or who ideologically challenged or frightened existing workers orgs/leaders chose not to say anything onhere yesterday because i didn't want it to give a false impression of a huge march that was not characterised by antisemitism but by a desperate desire to see an end to the suffering, oppression and colonisation of Palestinian people. have to see this as immanent to the logics of both capital & British nationalism. is from Sivanandan's essay "RAT and the Degradation of Black Struggle" where he's at his scathing best exposing institutional attempts at recuperation of powerful anti-racist struggles and laying into sellouts. single wave of abolitionism that worked its way thru Britain's metropolitan oligarchic institutions was always preceded by huge waves of slave rebellions in North & South America & the Caribbean, where Maroon communities had existed for centuries & revolutions were ignited. after the Shoah it became in Western discourse the stand-alone epitome of human evil. this was v useful for societies like Britain & the US because it cast frameworks of racism and human rights around Nazi genocide not centuries of European colonialism & slavery. the "Corbynist" and broader LP coalition was broad and vague and inconsistent enough that it contained a lot of ppl who were more than happy to actively reproduce racist, nationalist talking points and policies and violence that are consistent with Labour Party history) labour left jews always have to just go all the way the other way on this thing when it just isn't necessary. i guess when you have no critique of the labour party or the british state, only a surface-level look at how antisemitism functions you can reach these conclusions