Richard🔥Wells Profile picture
Occasional graphics person for telly & film 💀 I also make and sell Spooky Lino Prints 🔥 Did Damnable Tales: A Folk Horror Anthology
Jun 3, 2023 39 tweets 21 min read
Welcome, fool. This is going to be a rambling pictorial thread of my trip to Dumfries & Galloway last week on the hunt for locations from The Wicker Man. I think it's going to roll on and on over a few days, so maybe mute it now if you're not interested in such nerd nonsense... Image My trip started in the lovely town of Kirkcudbright. The opening scenes were shot at the Episcopal Church - the section featured here dates back to medieval times! The volunteer who showed me around mentioned there's an upcoming concert evening of music from the film... ImageImage
Oct 22, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
Some period graphics featured in ‘Rosa’.
*Lots* of research for this episode. All of the timetables contain accurate Montgomery bus route information, I’ll have you know..!
#DoctorWho ...My motor oil company was quite a big deal in 50s Alabama...