Smart and Sassy Profile picture
Taking names and kicking ass. Just call me the come-back-kid
Mar 27, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read
Ford’s bill Building More Mines Act passed 2nd reading March 8 but few are talking about the significance of mining in muskeg peat lands, described as Canada’s Amazon Rainforests. There are around 5,000 mining claims all made without Indigenous free prior and informed consent. Registration deadline for oral presentations on the Building More Mines Act is tomorrow, March 27. Detail below. 2/
Mar 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
She’s not really letting me take a pic this morning. Uncomfortable and clearly in pain now that the anesthesia has worn off. But she went outside without me having to lift her, so progress. It’s just gonna take time. 1/ Keep watching your pets this Spring especially if you’re on West side of the Niagara Escarpment as a sentinel early warning for your human family. 2/…
Feb 18, 2023 22 tweets 13 min read
The snow is weird. It’s now 0 degrees C and the snow isn’t melting. It’s subliming. It’s not unusual for snow to sublime (evaporate) but it usually does it when it’s sunny and it doesn’t smell like plasticky gasoline when it does. 5 mins outside and I’m super dizzy and nauseous. Sublimation means when a solid like snow turns into a gas without going through a liquid state. So is this snow off-gassing? Sure smells like it. Even my partner had to go lie down.
Feb 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
My partner went out to shovel snow. She couldn’t finish and came inside bc her throat was getting worse. She now has a metallic taste in her mouth and could smell something “funny”. She said “The snow isn’t right. It’s crystallized”. #OhioChemicalDisaster #Ontario #GreatLakes What chemicals cause a metalic taste in your mouth? It’s strong. She was wearing an N-95 outside.
Feb 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Considering oxidation reactions are exothermic, and there’s HCl in the air from Ohio, is anyone asking about the photocycle of HCl in the presence of Ni+? I wonder how much Nickel is in the atmosphere from all the electric vehicle production in Ontario #ONStorm #ScienceIsCool…