Dirt licking Dan Fallu, Geoarchaeologist Profile picture
I read dirt. Dirt is everywhere, pay more attention! Geoarchaeologist #scicomm #geoarchaeology
Sep 23, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
These are just some preliminary observations on #TalElHammam and #TEHburst, But I thought they were worth mentioning. As a geoarchaeologist working (amongst other things) on a palatial destruction, I have some thoughts.
I primarily study #micromorphology, I look at dirt under a microscope to understand how it ended up where I found it. This could be anything from agricultural soil to ta clay floor. I often try to figure out how sediment is transported or altered.
Sep 15, 2021 21 tweets 12 min read
Hey folks, given all the drama over #HuntingAtlantis I thought I would clarify a few points about the scientific technology used in the show by @jessphoenix2018 . So I give you:

The ‘Science’ of #HuntingAtlantis Part 1: Science Machines and Make-Believe That ray-gun that @jessphoenix2018 brings out sometimes is called a Portable X-Ray Fluorescence device, or a pXRF for short. The machine shoots x-rays at your chosen target, and reads the energy which comes back in order to determine what elements it’s looking at