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Sep 15th 2021
Hey folks, given all the drama over #HuntingAtlantis I thought I would clarify a few points about the scientific technology used in the show by @jessphoenix2018 . So I give you:

The โ€˜Scienceโ€™ of #HuntingAtlantis Part 1: Science Machines and Make-Believe
That ray-gun that @jessphoenix2018 brings out sometimes is called a Portable X-Ray Fluorescence device, or a pXRF for short. The machine shoots x-rays at your chosen target, and reads the energy which comes back in order to determine what elements itโ€™s looking at
This technology is heavily used by geologists and archaeologists alike (and definitely by geoarchaeologists like yours truly). It can help identify ancient paints and pigments, to analyse soils, and even to source some stone like obsidian. And it looks like a phaser!
Read 21 tweets
Sep 4th 2021
Pseudoarchaeology and fake history causes real harm in our society

Many people think, whatโ€™s the harm of hunting for a lost city? Itโ€™s entertainment, right! It even exposes children to real science

CW: The harm leads directly to racism and eugenics
The host of #HuntingAtlantis (@stelpavlou), and unfortunately his wife, have claimed that their TV show inspires children to be curious about real facts, real scientific methods, and real archaeology

This might be true in some cases, but there are problems with this argument
The show misrepresents researchers. Repeatedly, archaeologists on #HuntingAtlantis present fascinating, new finds

Then, it cuts to the hosts who explain how these finds support their Atlantis theories

The experts have no recourse to reply to this fantastical jump in logic
Read 25 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
I have apparently pissed off some powerful people with my tweets about Atlantis

For a bit my account was locked. i have done nothing offensive. This TV show has misrepresented archaeologists and scholars. If some lawyer asks me, I can prove it

Bring it on, report my account
i'm not sure why someone's wife decided to write a 20 tweet thread about me, with the first tweet about my who my dad was

I am an archaeologist. I am a good archaeologist

Atlantis is just not real
if you really want to make a documentary about Atlantis, and cant even ask your experts about their opinions about Atlantis

then you are misleading them
Read 21 tweets

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