Nancy Pelosi Profile picture
Representative for CA-11, fighting for the people of San Francisco. 52nd Speaker of the House. Wife, mother, grandmother, dark chocolate connoisseur.
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Jun 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
34 years ago, the world saw one of the greatest acts of personal courage of our time in Tiananmen Square.

Ordinary Chinese citizens – unflinching as they stared down troops and tanks – took to the streets, peacefully demanding their basic rights and defying an oppressive regime. Though Beijing brutally crushed their protests, it could not break their spirit, which is an inspiration to this day.

Over the last 3 decades, it has been a privilege to lend my voice to speak out for human rights in China & demand accountability for the Chinese Communist Party.
May 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Enacting the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law kickstarted a historic effort to rebuild our nation's infrastructure, create millions of good-paying union jobs and reconnect our communities.
🧵🧵 18 months later, people across California are starting to see the impact: Before the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, California faced 1,536 bridges and 14,220 miles of highway in poor condition.
This law makes a historic $28.2 billion investment to rebuild roads and bridges across the state, including $400 million for the Golden Gate Bridge.
Feb 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Today’s announcement by the EU & the UK that they have reached an agreement on the Windsor Framework is good news. It appears that the consensus that has been reached will open the door to the restoration of Northern Ireland’s government, respectful of the Good Friday Agreement. The Windsor Framework must support the Good Friday Agreement, be acceptable to the people of Northern Ireland, and improve the British-Irish partnership.
Feb 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
On this Presidents’ Day, @POTUS’ historic visit to Kyiv at this critical moment is a manifestation of America’s commitment to Democracy, in Ukraine and in the world.

And as the President said today, ‘there is significant agreement’ in Congress on support for Ukraine. Just days before we observe 1 year since Russia’s unlawful invasion, America sent the largest-ever Congressional delegation to @MunSecConf. Our high-powered delegation — House & Senate, Democrats & Republicans — was united in our expression of continued solidarity with Ukraine.
Feb 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
.@SenFeinstein is a titan in the Senate, with a record that stands among the finest in history. For 30 years, California and our Country has been served by her leadership: from our national security and safety, to our people and planet's health, to the strength of our Democracy. On @JudiciaryDems, Senator Feinstein is responsible for the Assault Weapons Ban, which stemmed the tide of mass shootings for 10 years, and for the Violence Against Women Act. As Chair of the Intelligence Committee, she helped keep us safe and strong while honoring our values.
Dec 30, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
This Congress, it was my privilege as Speaker to establish several powerful House Select Committees – which have brought leadership, transparency and actionable insight to guide our work #ForThePeople.
Here are a few of the highlights from their outstanding efforts: .@ClimateCrisis was the foundation of our landmark #InflationReductionAct and played a key role in @HouseDemocrats work to slash carbon pollution by 40% this decade. Half of their recommendations have been enacted into law — and we're fighting for more.
Dec 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The Congress salutes Chairs @RosaDeLauro and @SenatorLeahy for their masterful leadership in crafting a strong, bicameral, bipartisan government funding bill.

We are investing heavily in families and workers, honoring our veterans, and strengthening Democracy at home and abroad. This package expands quality, affordable health care while strengthening underserved communities, notably in Puerto Rico & other territories.
The bill ensures that millions of children retain their health coverage & 29 million kids get healthy meals through EBT over the summer.
Dec 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Today's passage of #HR8393 is a key step to ensure Puerto Rico’s future is one of its own choosing.

With the Puerto Rico Status Act, the House voted to tear down the vestiges of colonialism – honoring the dignity, equality and rights of more than 3 million American citizens. For more than a century, Puerto Rico has been governed under a political system imposed by outside forces rather than established by its people. Denied the right to a vote in Congress or for President, Puerto Rico’s territorial status has left it vulnerable to unequal treatment.
Dec 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
10 years ago, Newtown and our nation were shaken by an unfathomable act of evil: 20 precious schoolchildren and 6 devoted educators slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary School. This monstrous rampage robbed innocent children of their futures and left loved ones forever shattered. Endlessly inspired by courageous survivors and families transforming their anguish into action, Democrats have led the charge to combat the scourge of gun violence. This summer, @POTUS & @HouseDemocrats enacted the first major gun violence prevention law in nearly three decades.
Dec 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Seven years ago, the global community gathered in Paris, united by a shared commitment to saving our planet. The Paris Climate Agreement charted a roadmap toward unprecedented climate action, setting ambitious targets in our fight against an existential crisis. Last month, I had the privilege of leading a Congressional delegation to COP27 in Egypt, where the United States and our partners proudly reaffirmed our pledge to forge a healthier, safer and more sustainable future.
Dec 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The November jobs report is the latest evidence that our strong, steady, expectation-shattering recovery continues.
Under @POTUS & @HouseDemocrats, our nation has seen the strongest jobs growth on record: 10.5 million new jobs added, including 750,000 new jobs in manufacturing. During the 117th Congress, Democrats have enacted a job-creating economic agenda that has propelled our nation from the depths of the pandemic.
Our American Rescue Plan got millions of Americans swiftly, safely back to work – with vaccines in arms & relief for small businesses.
Dec 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
World AIDS Day is a solemn opportunity to reflect on the devastating toll that HIV/AIDS has wreaked on communities around the globe. 

Today, and every day, we remember the beautiful souls stolen away by this vicious disease and comfort the grieving loved ones left behind. San Franciscans know all too well the rampant despair and pain inflicted on our city amid the darkest days of the AIDS crisis. 

Out of that profound grief grew bonds of community: neighbors supporting each other, joining together and channeling their anguish into action.
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Today, the Senate took an historic step forward in Democrats’ fight to defend freedom, dignity and equality. The Respect for Marriage Act will uphold marriage equality under federal law – tearing the bigoted, unconstitutional 'Defense of Marriage Act’ off the books for good. Since the Supreme Court’s monstrous decision overturning Roe, extreme MAGA Republicans have set their sights on additional freedoms. In his opinion, Clarence Thomas explicitly called on the Court to reconsider the right to marriage equality handed down in its Obergefell decision.
Nov 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
It is with great sadness that I join Virginians in mourning the loss of Congressman Donald McEachin: a tireless champion for Virginia families and a force for economic opportunity and environmental justice. For 2 decades, Congressman McEachin was a distinguished leader on climate in Richmond: serving in both the House of Delegates and the State Senate. 

Congressman McEachin understood that families in communities all across America deserve clean air, clean water & a healthy planet.
Nov 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Today’s Supreme Court ruling upholds our Democracy, the rule of law and the Congress’ ability to execute its legislative and oversight responsibilities. Now, the Congress must enact legislation requiring Presidents and candidates for President to disclose their tax returns. The Supreme Court’s commonsense decision will allow the IRS to comply with federal law and deliver the former President’s tax returns to @WaysMeansCmte.
Nov 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
As our nation marks Transgender Day of Remembrance, @HouseDemocrats mourn the countless Americans stolen away by the scourge of transphobic violence, a crisis that continues to disproportionately harm trans people of color. Today, and every day, let us offer comfort to grieving loved ones, honor those killed and continue fighting to save lives from the wicked forces of hate.

That fight is more urgent than ever, as right-wing extremists target transgender Americans’ fundamental rights and freedoms.
Nov 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This year, @HouseDemocrats defied expectations with an excellent performance: running their races with courage, optimism and determination. In the next Congress, @HouseDemocrats will continue to play a leading role supporting @POTUS’ agenda — with strong leverage over a scant Republican majority.
Nov 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A year ago today, America took a giant leap forward to rebuild our nation while rebuilding our middle class. When @POTUS signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we seized an opportunity to strengthen our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, create jobs and reconnect communities. Across the country, communities are already seeing the impacts of this landmark law. Shovels are in the ground right now, repairing roads and bridges, improving airports and waterways, and investing in passenger rail and public transit.
Nov 12, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Today, our Congressional delegation concluded a productive visit to #COP27, where we delivered an unmistakable message: America is all in to fight the climate crisis. Our delegation salutes @POTUS – under his visionary leadership, America is accelerating our transition to a clean energy future and making progress on our commitment to future generations: that we will pass on the planet in a responsible, sustainable way.
Nov 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Each year, Veterans Day brings our nation together in gratitude for the patriotism, courage and selfless service of our military heroes.

Honoring the service of these warriors has long been and must always be a unifying mission – a priority that transcends party and politics. This summer, with great respect for their sacrifice, the Congress passed and President Biden signed the PACT Act. This monumental achievement is protecting the health of those who fought to protect us – expanding access to care for as many as 3.5 million Servicemembers.
Nov 11, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
Our delegation traveled to #COP27 to make it clear that America is all in for climate action.

This gathering comes just months after Democrats enacted the #InflationReductionAct, putting America on a path to meet our obligation to future generations and beat our Paris goals. Today, we met with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Foreign Minister and #COP27 President Sameh Shoukry and other senior Egyptian officials.

We thanked them for their leadership in the fight to address the climate crisis and discussed our concerns regarding human rights.