You will never find
a more wretched hive
of scum and villainy
than Palestinian advocacy.
Oct 12, 2023 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
@4noura Palestinians don't need "Israeli state propaganda" to frame them as savages. They have been doing a pretty good job of showing the world who they are for decades.
Some recorded examples: 1.
@4noura 2.
Sep 25, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Breaking news: Palestinians don't care about other refugees. They only care about themselves.
More befuddled statements from a Palestinian "refugee". I will appreciate anyone who can clarify the message here.
Sep 6, 2023 • 20 tweets • 5 min read
Examples of Palestinian advocacy's "criticism of Israel": 1/x 2/x
Jul 17, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Zionism was the only rational, humanist, plausible correction to millennial antisemitism which oppressed Jews everywhere, all times, for any number of fashionably marketable reasons.
People who portray Zionism as racism are Hitler's disciples who consider Jewishness a crime. /1
An unbroken uninterrupted line threads from 20th century fascist anti-Zionism and progressive anti-Zionism today. The rationalizations of antisemitism as patriotism, universal morality, hounding Jews everywhere, forming popular fronts for final solutions are exactly the same. /2
Jun 20, 2023 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
@m4xim1l1an The plotters of July 20, 1944, headed by German colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, are judged by history to be terrorists and criminals because they targeted an innocent civilian for assassination ... 🙃
@m4xim1l1an That said, I am inclined to share Ben Disraeli's opinion that “assassination has never changed the history of the world.”
As it turned out, Bernadotte's assassination was quite unnecessary, since the Israeli government already decided to reject his skewed "peace plan".
Jun 8, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
@gontarzn חוץ מסטמר ואי אילו "חצרות" אחרות של יהודים חרדים, אפשר להגיד שכל יהודי ארה"ב הנם מתבוללים. הסופר מיכאל שאבון נזף בצעירים יהודים שמבקשים להקים משפחות יהודיות. דבריו לא היו רדיקלים בכלל. הוא בסה"כ ביטא את הלוך הרוח הדומיננטי בקרב יהודי ארה"ב
1…@gontarzn לדעתי גם אין לנו על מה להתרעם בנושא זה. יהדות ארה"ב סיימה את דור הזהב של המאה העשרים שלה שבה העמידה אנשי רוח, אמנים, משוררים, הוגי דעות ברמות של פסגת המצויינות האנושית. היום יהדות זאת אינה אלא צל עגום ומצומק המשקשק בפחד מפני שינויי התרבות האמריקאית המתפתחת בצל ה"פרוגרסיביות". 2
May 18, 2023 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
@m4xim1l1an@972mag Left- Max's apologia for Hebron massacre 1929. Right-same rationale adapted to Bosnian genocide.
Max's theory of how Arab massacre of Jews was "caused", equally applies to Serbs; compelled by "culmination of a series of events and tensions" they exterminated Muslim neighbours./1 @m4xim1l1an@972mag Max's theories can be very useful to understand the perpetrators' perspective. For example, how the Crusaders armies rolling towards the Holy Land were forced, under "culmination of a series of events and tensions", to massacre and rape Jewish communities in Europe. /2
@KenRoth "Could Israel Carry Out Another Nakba?"
The Nakba, a term coined by Dr. Constantin Zureiq, a Syrian historian promoting Pan-Arabist fascism, to denote “The defeat of the Arabs in Palestine". He specified: /1 @KenRoth The "Nakba" was the unthinkability of an Arab defeat at the hands of Jews. Palestinians to this day have not been able to come to terms with the shame and disappointment that what had been promised them did not happen. /2
"Had partition [referring to the Peel Commission partition plan] been carried out, the history of our people would have been different and six million Jews in Europe would not have been killed—most of them would be in Israel". /2
Dec 9, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
British officials in charge of Mandatory Palestine recorded that after the extreme and lurid August 1929 violence in Jerusalem and Hebron, some Jerusalem Jewish families painted crosses on their outer walls hoping the Arab rioters would not attack them.
On August 15, 1929, a group of Jewish youth held a brief demonstration at the Wall, making a short speech, unfurling the blue-and-white Star of David flag, and singing Hatikvah, the future national anthem of the State of Israel.
Sep 29, 2022 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
1. 2. What it means:
In @UCBerkeley, there will be no mention of Exodus:
Aug 4, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
69 "likes" to this tweet shd alert us to the possibility that advocates for Palestinians are far less concerned about Palestinians than they are about their political ideology, that borders between countries are illegal. They are keen to try their theories and Israel, /1
is a good place to start. For any number of reasons Israel makes a convenient case to experiment with: Israel is small; movement in Israel is free and safe; Israel is the Jewish state. It's like scientists experimenting in laboratories. /2
Jul 30, 2022 • 5 tweets • 7 min read
@impliedChoppy@OhEffendi7@realRoseMulet 's argument is rooted in Palestinian advocates' perverted history.
The Jewish State to Middle East = First Nations reserves to the Americas.
The colonizers laid the country to waste. The Jews, upon reclaiming their homeland, returned it to its former glory. @impliedChoppy@OhEffendi7@realRoseMulet When antisemites refer to Zionism as "white supremacy" they no more than reflect the medieval blood libel mentality.
Jewish immigrants to Mandatory Palestine cared for the land and invested much in restoring its arable soil by draining swamps and fighting malaria.
Jun 22, 2022 • 7 tweets • 6 min read
@ChristineJameis Heart warming to see an Irish notable like @paul_gavan so concerned for the welfare of children. It's puzzling, though, how his concern for children does not extend to Israeli children who know no other reality than life under threat of Palestinian rockets, day in day out. /1 @ChristineJameis@paul_gavan But then, when @paul_gavan looks at Jewish kids, perhaps he doesn't see human beings. Perhaps Irish precedents on this matter have hardened into core values. /2
May 10, 2022 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
@BDSmovement#BDS is Fascist International. Its dogma is rooted in the premise that Jews have no human rights, no history, no state, no reason or need to exist in freedom and safety.
/1 @BDSmovement This statement and threat exemplify #BDS Fascist ideology. The movement declaratively posits that Jews who resolutely protect their state, citizens, freedom, rights, with the same means all police in all the world do, are essentially criminals. /2
May 9, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Palestinians are a peculiar people: Things forbidden to other nations are allowed to them. Other nations, who go to war and are defeated, accept their defeat and sue for peace. Palestinians turn their shame into pride. /1
Millions of stateless, nameless refugees in Africa, Asia live in squalid tents, starve, are neglected while 4th generation Palestinian “refugees”, who have homes, schools, healthcare, income, citizenships, passports, plenty of food, etc, suck all available the attention. /2
"Pro"Palestinian advocates TELL Jews which Jews they accept as human and which Jews they will demonize/hound right up to the gates of Auschwitz (if they cd).
Remember: The "Free" in #FreePalestine means exactly and nothing less than the "free" in the slogan over Auschwitz gates.
Documenting a "Pro"Palestinian advocate's selection among Jews.
I use the term "selection" on purpose here. Read the next tweet for an explanation of its meaning but be warned: it is a pretty mordant exercise in irony, which I reserve only for virtuous antisemites like👇
Mar 11, 2022 • 8 tweets • 11 min read
@reglash@J_Insider@amnestyusa@GSDeutch American Jews are challenged by O'Brien to start a conversation about their identity that rejects Jewish political rights in Israel in order to continue being worthy of their "Chosen" people status. If you pay some attention you'll discern the threat in what he offers the Jews. @reglash@J_Insider@amnestyusa@GSDeutch The sadistic anti-human strain in Paul O'Brien's rejoinders to American Jews is not incidental nor is it unconscious. He's fully aware of the choice he offers. Unlike Hitler who didn't offer Jews any escape rout, O'Brien does offer such a possibility.