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Using equity momentum to wrap my head around basic statistics
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Feb 22 12 tweets 4 min read
So I made a very simple $ETH momentum system. A brief thread about signal decay. 🧵

My signal isn't complicated. Just found a linear relationship between $ETH momentum & next-day returns.

Converted it to a kelly bet which can be converted to a position size. Image Here's my backtest without transaction costs.

It's a bit concerning - if the edge is constant over time, a $ PnL graph should look exponential because of compounding.

Instead, the slope is steep in 2021 and flattens out after.

Is the edge gone? 🧐 Image
Feb 18, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Some interesting ideas from the @MebFaber pod with @LDrogen and @choffstein

1. L/S cross sectional momentum historically hasn’t been thaaat much better than $BTC HODL.. but much less single coin risk and more “crypto momentum phenomena” risk trade off v more tcosts 2. They mention that dual momentum approach dramatically improves risk adjusted performance - makes sense. Most of the risk of L/S momo comes from large losers and reward from large winners, so taking trend whipsaw risk to cut large losers has been a great trade
Aug 9, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
So, thinking about concepts from @therobotjames, @AgustinLebron3, @darjohn25, and @SinclairEuan continues to break my brain.

Here are some things I'm exploring 1. Sizing relative to risk of the edge is a big deal. Kelly size is basically a transformer.

Farther from kelly you get, the harder to distinguish your signal from noise.

Above kelly? Introduce noise.
Below kelly? Diminish signal.
Jul 12, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
I had delayed reading @SinclairEuan's books because, as a retail investor, I thought options were out of my league.

@darjohn25 pushed me to read them anyways, and here's a (brief) thread on why you should read these books even if you have no intention of trading options If you follow people like @therobotjames or @AgustinLebron3 or @goodalexander you may have encountered them saying confusing things like "do things the market will pay you for" or "all profits come from inefficiencies or risk premia"
May 13, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
1. Bear market rally until proven otherwise
2. Total crypto market cap only up 2-3% where "risk equities" are up 10+% feels like the "$LUNA effect" keeping risk on flows away from crypto. This will take time to heal from.
3. Follow @NorthRockLP for merge alpha. Merge incoming. More thoughts
4. Does it feel like @0xPolygon is starting to gain an institutional adoption/trust edge that might be hard to beat?
5. The @stripe - polygon partnership still feels bigger than the instagram, twitter NFT things
6. Spotify adding NFT's too - NFT branding normalizes
May 1, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
An idealized approach to Ethereum Signal Capture $ETH

inspired by @choffstein's episode with @GestaltU on Flirting w Models (ep. 1) This is a barebones approach. I won't lay out the backtest, results, etc.

Just the strategy, to give you a sense for what I've been working on.

This is the sort of thing I *wish* I'd released with my initial thesis, and plan to release with future theses.
Oct 14, 2021 24 tweets 6 min read
Multi-chain arguments in crypto have direct analogies to industry fragmentation in fundamental business analysis.

I don't usually see crypto analyzed this way? Everyone just says "Multichain world! duh!" or "ETH maxi woo"

In this 🧵, I hope to start a conversation. Most growth industries start with an incumbent, where funding was difficult, the idea was new, and there is some initial traction.

They then *get more fragmented* initially.
Sep 18, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Rocketpool: How $RPL offers an $ETH bet potentially superior to a bet on $ETH itself.

*not investment advice*

Check this out by @Xer0_eth

reddit.com/r/ethfinance/c… Note: I spent some time on the rocketpool discord and...there's something really interesting here.

1. All credit to rocketpool discord community and the writer of this post, @Xer0_eth of course.

2. I'm probably fucking this up, so go to the RPL discord for the best version
Aug 23, 2021 23 tweets 5 min read
9 Assorted thoughts on NFT's, writing, gaming, and The Metaverse 🧵 1) NFT's make the physical digital

For writing, NFT's allow you to bring back something great about print - that people own copies of the work.

Like buying a magazine, when you buy a digital book - you'll actually get a scarce copy of the content.

Aug 15, 2021 27 tweets 9 min read
Oh my god. I was tinkering around with the economics of @AxieInfinity. And I reread this tweet.

And I finally got it. @RaoulGMI I finally figured out what you've been saying about social tokens. Holy shit.

your take rate is my opportunity. Inevitable.

I'm freaking out, I might write this up eventually - but I don't have original ideas. I just think I didn't deeply grok what @RaoulGMI and @cdixon were saying until I dug into @AxieInfinity

The take rate thing - it's a competitive advantage in price, but it's more than that.
Aug 15, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
In 2019, @woonomic posted a thread categorizing alt coins.

He noted that there were 2 types: coins that fell in value against $BTC (Degenerators) and coins that held their value (Oscillators).

Let's take a look at how this holds up today👇 I'm gonna run with @woonomic's model for a minute and see the story that emerges...

Oscillators = holding value against $BTC
Degens = Degenerate against $BTC

He gives $LTC and $DOGE as oscillator examples.
Aug 12, 2021 24 tweets 10 min read
On $ETH monetary policy in 2025 and beyond

A counterintuitive take on why long term ETH investors will hope for inflation, settle for deflation, and accrue value as this revolutionary technology continues to grow.

Part 4 of 4 🧵

Part 3: This brings me to some vague and difficult to falsify predictions.

These are speculative, but they’re also a lot of fun.

I’ll acknowledge up front that the uncertainty is much higher, but I hope you’ll see where I’m coming from and find these takes interesting
Aug 12, 2021 27 tweets 6 min read
On $ETH monetary policy in 2025 and beyond

A counterintuitive take on why long term ETH investors will hope for inflation, settle for deflation, and accrue value as this revolutionary technology continues to grow.

Part 3 of 4 🧵

Part 2: Ethereum’s Monetary Policy

Net change in circulating supply = (# of ETH issued * ETHUSD price) - (Gas fees in USD*number of transactions per user*number of users)

Here are some predictions to demonstrate the implications of this:
Aug 12, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
On Ethereum monetary policy in 2025 and beyond

A counterintuitive take on why long term $ETH investors will hope for inflation, settle for deflation, and accrue value as this revolutionary technology continues to grow.

Part 2 of 4 🧵

Part 1: What's the second factor affecting fee burn, after price per transaction?

Crypto Adoption.

I'll operationalize this:

Crypto Adoption (AKA total transaction volume) = Number of users * Transactions per user

All else equal, as adoption rises, fee burn rises.
Aug 12, 2021 27 tweets 7 min read
On Ethereum monetary policy in 2025 and beyond

A counterintuitive take on why long term $ETH investors will hope for inflation, settle for deflation, and accrue value as this revolutionary technology continues to grow.

Part 1 of 4 🧵 This is NOT a thread about ETH between now and 2025.

It really doesn’t attempt explanation until 2025.

This is a theory for when the change in ETH staked is approaching 0, the supply squeeze is over, and we are turning our eyes to where $ETH is headed next as an asset.
Aug 5, 2021 22 tweets 9 min read
Reflections on EIP1559, $ETH, and the future 🧵

A stream of consciousness thread on...

- ETH prices today
- Media coverage of $ETH and $BTC
- The meaning of UltraSound Money
- PoS execution risk & timeline
- How $ETH will break @RaoulGMI's metcalfe's law thesis.

Enjoy! 1. Where are we now?

ETH/BTC is breaking out - uptrending above the 30d and 5d MA's and making higher highs.

ETH is back above its price when I first released my triple halving report.
Aug 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
EIP1559: The Squish Chaos Edition

squish.substack.com/p/eip1559-the-… In this article, I discuss
- The economic beauty of EIP1559
- How EIP1559 ties Ether to Ethereum
- How ETH's value accrues differently under EIP1559
- How EIP1559 will break @RaoulGMI's Metcalfe's model (in a good way)
Jul 9, 2021 27 tweets 7 min read
My attempt at a novel thought re: how EIP-1559 and Proof of Stake change the way $ETH accrues value.

After months of EIP1559 coverage, just 1 month till 1559 is released, I *still* don't think people understand how $ETH will be priced moving forwards.


🧵 x/25 2 key ideas

1. EIP1559 ties theoretical value of Ether to value of Ethereum network bc unstaked $ETH must be paid as gas

This is neglected by most casual observers, but seems well known as perhaps the most important feature of 1559 to serious $ETH investors.
Jun 30, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Lots of new followers so...

🧵On Misunderstood Supply Dynamics

I'm seeing a lot of $ETH commentary that doesn't account for key differences between staked and unstaked Ether w/ EIP1559.

This is a crucial mistake.

As I've said before... All of the $ETH will be staked. 👇 Simple Model: Assume 40% ETH is staked, 10% staking yield, and net 0 issuance (neither deflationary nor inflationary)

In this model, I'll pretend there are 100,000 total ETH in supply for easier numbers.
May 28, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I like learning, and for me life has always been more than markets. Here are some things I'm thinking about today 🙂

👇 In math, I'm reading Mandelbrot. Finished my first pass of finance book - definitely gets a reread.

No illusions here. Everyone in vol been there done that. I'm new tho, and Mandelbrot applies to more than finance. Very trippy.

May 27, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
For the #DeFi project to succeed, it must become an existential threat to traditional finance.

This is capitalism at its finest, and the war will be fought on many fronts.

I can't stop thinking that the @Visa - USDC announcement represents the first major battleground. 👇 Why would visa do this? Why now? The is not casual intrigue. For visa to settle with stable-coins they have to significantly invest in the crypto space.

Disclaimer on quality: this is stream of consciousness. I'm just riffing here haha
