How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App many think of Florida as an outlier, with a lax COVID-19 response. They are not aware that Florida's response resembled Europe's, and from a global perspective, the rest of the US was the outlier, with year-long school closures, vaccination and masking of young children. er ikke mindst behov for @SSTSundhed melder klart ud til regioner og læger. Der hersker en forståelse derude af, at @SSTSundhed har forbudt, at vaccinepatienterne henvises til senfølgeklinikkerne. Henvisninger afvises igen og igen med den begrundelse.… har gentagne gange forsøgt at kontakte SST, for jeg har det som en, der ser en togkatastrofe komme med 2 km i timen, med muligheder for at bremse op og hindre katastrofen. Jeg ville gerne forklare SST, hvilke rystelser, aflysningen sender igennem gruppen af patienter. What could have been done to better protect older high-risk citizens, so that fewer of them died or were hospitalized due to COVID-19? is a favorite topic of mine. During the pandemic, I suggested numerous cluster-randomized trials that could have been done while we rolled out (or rolled back) some of the population-targeted health interventions @DanishIAS #becurious few people are completely against all vaccine – so-called ”antivax”. A larger but still small group are “vaccine hesitants” – they usually vaccinate but they ask questions about vaccines, not least they are focused on the need for better data on vaccine safety. 2/n