Christine Stabell Benn Profile picture
Professor, Global Health @SyddanskUni Studying the overall health effects of vaccines, discovering that they have important non-specific effects #NSEvac
Apr 22, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I @P1radio morgen for at fortælle om min reaktion på den amerikanske præsidentkandidat @RobertKennedyJr's omtale af vores studie af DTP vaccinen i Afrika. Lyt med fra 6:32:49 (ca. 10 min).… I denne artikel kan man læse mere om, hvorfor Kennedy desværre har ret i, at der er et alvorligt faresignal ift. DTP vaccinen blandt piger - selvom han har galt fat i visse detaljer (vi er fx ikke udsendt af den danske regering for at tjekke Gates):…
Mar 27, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
In the US for the first time after the pandemic. Great to meet prolific @TracyBethHoeg, get updated on her important COVID-19 research, and discuss new podcast episodes.
Surprised to discover how little people know about what happened outside the US. Here many think of Florida as an outlier, with a lax COVID-19 response. They are not aware that Florida's response resembled Europe's, and from a global perspective, the rest of the US was the outlier, with year-long school closures, vaccination and masking of young children.
Mar 4, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Det fylder mig med undren, at @SSTSundhed gang på gang indikerer, at deres udgangspunkt er, at nyopstået sygdom efter vaccination formentlig ikke skyldes vaccination. Hvis de tror, at det øger vaccinetilliden, så tror jeg at de tager fejl.… Forskning af @M_B_Petersen viser, at klar og transparent information er essentiel for vaccinetillid. "vague, reassuring communication does not increase vaccine acceptance either and leads to both lower trust and higher endorsement of conspiracy theories"…
Dec 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
We conducted a systematic review and meta analysis of the phase 3 trials to investigate the overall health effects of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in children. The resulting article is now available as a preprint. 1/4… The mRNA vaccines were not associated with increased risk of serious adverse events, but with a 3.5-fold higher risk of severe adverse events in children >5 years. In younger children, they were associated with a 3-fold higher risk of lower respiratory tract infections. 2/4
Dec 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Der er ualmindelig mange infektionssygdomme pt. Det kan skyldes lockdowns (og kalder på spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt vi skød over målet med dem). Desværre kan vi heller ikke udelukke, at det kan skyldes COVID-19 vaccinerne. 1/n… Immunologiske data tyder på, at COVID-19 vaccinerne i hvert fald i en periode kan øge modtageligheden for andre infektioner (de har såkaldt negative uspecifikke effekter). 2/n……
Nov 2, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Jeg var stolt over at ledsage Foreningen af bivirkningsramte til mødet i @SSTSundhed. Foreningens faktuelle gennemgang af de hurdler, de har mødt i sundhedssystemet, talte for sig selv. De blev mødt med lydhørhed - nu venter vi på det følges op af hurtig handling. Der er ikke mindst behov for @SSTSundhed melder klart ud til regioner og læger. Der hersker en forståelse derude af, at @SSTSundhed har forbudt, at vaccinepatienterne henvises til senfølgeklinikkerne. Henvisninger afvises igen og igen med den begrundelse.…
Oct 7, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
The International Precision Vaccines Conference in Rome was a great experience. On request, a thread with some of my highlights, in the sense that they were closest to my area of interest: Non-specific and sex-differential effects of vaccines #NSEvac @PrecVaccines. 1/n Conference co-organizer (with Dr. Paolo Palma from @bambinogesu) @levy_o gave a great overview and stated what we were all gathered to understand better: The fact that one size does not fit all when it comes to vaccines. 2/n Image
Aug 21, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Jeg var inviteret med til et møde i @SSTSundhed den 22/8, hvor de vaccineskadede langt om længe havde fået mulighed for at fortælle om den manglende anerkendelse og de manglende behandlingstilbud. SST har nu aflyst mødet. Jeg har gentagne gange forsøgt at kontakte SST, for jeg har det som en, der ser en togkatastrofe komme med 2 km i timen, med muligheder for at bremse op og hindre katastrofen. Jeg ville gerne forklare SST, hvilke rystelser, aflysningen sender igennem gruppen af patienter.
Jun 23, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Her følger mine "take-home messages" fra Folkemødets diskussion om Danmarks COVID-19 håndtering - med stort tak til de engagerede og ærlige politikere @pederhvelplund og @RasmusJarlov. 1) Danmark klarede globalt set pandemien godt: Politikernes holdning var, at det overordnet var gået godt i Danmark – med det argument, at langt de fleste lande havde flere restriktioner end Danmark. Vi havde fx aldrig vaccinetvang. Vi var nogle af de første til at lukke op.
May 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Many people have commented on our recently published analysis of the overall mortality effect of the mRNA and adenovirus-vector vaccines. We addressed the comments in this article when the preprint was published:… 1/5 Some argue that the RCTs were not designed to test mortality. The counterfactual seems to be that we should not investigate the mortality effect, given that no trial was designed for this. In contrast, we believe that we should get the most out of the best data we have.2/5
Feb 22, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
With funding from @NordForsk, we established "Nordic network On Non-Specific Effects of vaccines and childhood morbidity" (NONSEnse) to examine if vaccines can affect the health of children, besides the protection offered against the targeted diseases.… One key publication has now been published: The "Cohort Profile" describing the data collection and harmonisation, and the resulting cohort that covers 9072420 children aged 0–17 years, born 1990–2017/2018 and living in Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden.…
Feb 10, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
A group of scientists have raised 10 relevant questions regarding the COVID-19 response in the US.
The questions are also relevant in Denmark and many other countries. 1. What could have been done to better protect older high-risk citizens, so that fewer of them died or were hospitalized due to COVID-19?
2. Why was there widespread questioning of infection-acquired immunity by government officials and some prominent scientists?
Jul 31, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Good piece on "The Pandemic Evidence Failure":
"we cannot just demonstrate medical drugs or devices have a mechanism which should cause the effect that we want - because when we apply them to complex systems, unexpected things happen". It is a favorite topic of mine. During the pandemic, I suggested numerous cluster-randomized trials that could have been done while we rolled out (or rolled back) some of the population-targeted health interventions @DanishIAS #becurious
Jul 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Some thoughts on censoring of the vaccine debate.
In 2019 WHO declared vaccine hesitance one of the 10 biggest health threats – along with climate changes. I was against that. The main reason for low vaccination rates are broken health systems.… Very few people are completely against all vaccine – so-called ”antivax”. A larger but still small group are “vaccine hesitants” – they usually vaccinate but they ask questions about vaccines, not least they are focused on the need for better data on vaccine safety. 2/n
Jan 16, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has analysed the need for COVID-19 vaccination of children. The report (written in Norwegian) is data-driven and balanced and well worth a read. 1/13… I have translated some quotes for the non-Norwegian speakers. I have focused on the information that I think has been a bit “forgotten” in the public messaging, Translations are my own and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health is obviously not responsible. 2/13
Jan 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
New study from Vietnam confirms Peter Aaby's observations on measles:
Compared with unvaccinated uninfected children, measles infected children had higher risk of hospitalisation in the first month, but thereafter their risk was substantially lower.… Measles infection seems to train the immune system so it becomes better at defending itself against other unrelated disease organisms in the future.
But of course, this training comes with the risk of becoming severely ill from the infection itself.…
Aug 25, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Twitter-rens: Jeg holder af at høre andre synspunkter og har kun sjældent blokeret. Men når jeg læser kommentarerne til mine tweets idag, så indser jeg, at der er visse emner, jeg har hørt rigeligt om nu. Jeg vil fremadrettet tillade mig at blokere de, der ikke er ude på at diskutere og blive klogere, men som benytter mine tweets som afsæt for at forkynde, at SARS-CoV2 ikke findes og/eller at pandemien er the grand reset, skabt af folk, der ønske at begrænse jordens befolkning.
Jul 15, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Skal Corona være en vaccinesygdom eller en børnesygdom?
Jeg afbrød min sommerferie for at give mit bud i @Orientering (efter 1 t 06 min). 1/n… Lige nu er valget taget politisk: Corona er udset til at være en vaccinesygdom. Men der er et alternativ, der på en gang ville kunne sikre mere stabil pandemikontrol og spare ressourcer, der kunne bruges på at bedre folkesundheden. Det er at gøre Corona til en børnesygdom. 2/n
Jun 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I support US colleagues in the request to FDA to refrain from fully approving any covid-19 vaccine, until the evidence base is mature enough to judge whether clinical benefits outweigh the risks in all populations.… "Our petition doesn’t argue that risks outweigh benefits—or that benefits outweigh risks. Rather, we focus on methods and processes, outlining the many remaining unknowns about safety and effectiveness—and suggest the kinds of studies needed to address the open questions".
May 11, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Back in Denmark after >6 weeks in Africa. Time was spent on two trials close to my heart. Here a brief introduction. First, the @EDCTP funded randomised trial of BCG vaccine to health care workers, as a potential bolster against COVID and other infections.… It is a two-center trial at #BandimHealthProject in Guinea-Bissau and at @Manhica_CISM in Mozambique. In March, we from Bandim visited the Manhica team, led by Dr. Pedro Aide and Lidia Nhamussua, to align study procedures before the launch of the trial in Mozambique. Great days with the Manica team - Dr. Pedro Aide on my left,
Apr 9, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
NEW PAPER OUT. We investigated the effect of rabies vaccine on the mortality of Danish pigs. Why did we do that - Danish pigs do not get rabies?
Here follows an explanation and the results of the study. #NSEvac… Our group has found that many child vaccines have important non-specific effects #NSEvac, affecting the risk of other infections. Live vaccines have beneficial #NSEvac. Non-live vaccines, in contrast, have been observed to have harmful #NSEvac in females.…