Sten Helmfrid Profile picture
Ph.D. in physics, also interested in mathematics and science theory. Loves to apply general knowledge of science to other fields, for example ME/CFS.
Ben D Nevis 🥀🕊️ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Is the absence of evidence also evidence of absence? Proponents of a biopsychosocial view of #MECFS often appeal to such a principle rather than present evidence for a psychopathology. -> Absence of evidence is not sufficient to prove a negative proposition. It depends on whether proper research has been carried out and whether the effect could be established with available tools. If not, to argue using absence of evidence is an argument of ignorance—a fallacy. ->
Apr 22, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
The controversy about #MECFS is just an echo of the general reproducibility crisis in medicine and psychology.… We cannot agree on the nature of an illness, if we don’t agree on how to make science.